Q.Compare and contrast between Mohan Lal and Lachmi?
Ans: Mohan Lal and Lachmi are diametrically opposite characters. They are couple to each other. Mohan Lal is a barrister. He takes his education at oxford. He wears suit with Balliol tie. He embraces the English ways and culture .He reads The Times, the British news paper. He drinks whisky. His wife Lachmi was a native woman. She is short and fatty in appearance in her middle forties. Lachmi wears a dirty white sari with red border .She is illiterate. She speaks in Hindustani language. She stays in upstair and her husband in the downstair. Mohan Lal hates everything of India .He hates his wife too. But Lachmi has no such title of fame and glory. She is grown up with Indian customs and tradition. Mohan Lal is proud and arrogant. Lachmi is simple and unsophisticated. They make their journey in the same train but separately. Mohan Lal goes in first class but Lachmi in the zenana inter class. The rejection from two British Soldiers symbolizes that Mohan Lal has lost his identity. He is neither an Indian nor an English. Lachmi has no such crisis and happy with her Indian counterparts.
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