Write a paragraph on ' Duties and Responsibilities of Students.

Students & Social Service/

Duties and Responsibilities of Students.

The first duty of the students is to mind their lessons and take part in games and sports for recreation and for the improvement of health. But some people think otherwise. They are energetic and enthusiastic. They can work selflessly.  Besides pursuing their studies, students should respond to the call of the society. Social service is one of the noble duties of a man. In fact, service to humanity is service to God.We all know, character is our greatest strength and health is our best asset. So a student must learn to be disciplined, punctual, honest and diligent. He has to build his body and mind. He must be obedient to his  parents, teachers and elders. ‘Charity begins at home’. So a student must make their parents happy at home. Students are the future of the country.There is a large scope for social service in India. The students can take active part in it. Even after seventy five years of Independence, India is plagued by disintegration, poverty, untouchability and illiteracy. These social evils hamper the development of the country. The students should come forward to eradicate these evils. The drive against illiteracy has not yet been totally successful. It can fully succeed when students take up the work whole heartedly. They can spread the light of learning among the ignorant masses. 

They may start night schools and cooperate with government organisation to drive out illiteracy. They can also impart education on health, hygiene and sanitation. During epidemic they can attend the sick and help them to adopt preventive measures. In a big city, students may teach the people traffic rules. During natural calamity students can join the relief and rescue operations. They may also make people aware of their rights and duties.A student's education will remain incomplete without social service. The bookish education is to be completed by the lessons we learn from life. Proper education is only by coming into contact with men, a student can know what the world is. Social service widens a student's outlook, promotes his sympathy and fellow feeling and increases his love for his country. It also develops his organizing power. The experience of social service enables a student to face the ordeals of life with courage and confidence. Thus social service makes a students ready to become a responsible citizen in future. Hence a course of social service should be made compulsory in the schools and the colleges.
