Why does it take much time to kill a tree? - How is the tree finally killed?


Why does it take much time to kill a tree? - How is the tree finally killed?    3+3(2015)

Ans:Killing a tree is not an easy task. It takes much time to completely fell a tree. For, it has grown slowly consuming the earth. It rises out of it. It is being fed upon the earth's crust. It has absorbed years of sunlight, air and water. It has grown tall and thus been firmly fixed on the earth. Hence a simple jab of the knife can't destroy a tree.

The tree is finally killed when the root is pulled out. The root is the main strength of the tree. It lies hidden under the earth. It is to be pulled out entirely from there. To do this the tree is to be roped, tied and then snapped out. Then the uprooted tree is scorched or choked in sun and air. Finally it is browned and hardened, twisted and withered. In this way the tree is completely killed.
