Short Questions and Answers of The Place of Art in Education

Short Questions and Answers of The Place of Art in Education

1.Who wrote The Place of Art in Education?

Answer: Nandalal Bose wrote The Place of Art in Education.

2.What is the utility of language?

Answer :Language plays an important role as it helps people to acquire knowledge and derive inner delight and it is also regarded as the vehicle for literature, science and philosophy.

3.For which subjects does language act as a vehicle?

Answer :Language acts as a vehicle for literature, philosophy and science.

4.What does literature provide us? Or, What does literature provide to man?

Answer :Literature provides us with inner delight.

5.What does education in arts heighten?

Answer :Education in arts heightens man's knowledge and aesthetic experience and also trains him in various modes of expression.

6.How does man apprehend the world? 

Ans. Man apprehends  the world with his mind and senses.

7.What should be done to fulfil the objective of total development?

Ans. To fulfil the objective of total development, art education should have been given the same status and importance as reading and writing.

8.Do the Indian universities have any provision for art education? 

Ans. The Indian universities have some provisions for art education but these are lamentably inadequate.

9.Which field has its own limitations? 

Answer : The field of literature has its own limitations.

10.What is the general notion about art? 

Answer : The general notion about art is that it is reserved for only a few professionals and common people have nothing to do with it.

11.On grounds of utility, what do the educated use in place of elegant earthen pitchers ? (Annual Exam 2015]

Answer: Educated people use tin containers in place of earthen pitchers.

12.What, according to Nandalal Bose, is the object of education? Annual Exam 2019]

Answer :According to Nandalal Bose, the object of education is total development.

13.Who cannot differentiate between a painting and a photograph ? 

Answer : Neither the educated nor the commoner can differentiate between a painting and a photograph.

14.Who do not feel any sense of shame at not understanding art?

 Answer : The educated Indians do not feel any shame at not understanding art.

15.Why can't people differentiate between a painting and a photograph ?

Answer: People cannot differentiate between a painting and a photograph because they do not understand art.

16.What does Nandalal Bose demand in regard to art training? 

Answer: Nandalal Bose demands that art training should have the same status and importance as reading and writing.

17.Why do educated people gape in amazement at Japanese dolls?

Answer: Educated people gape in amazement at Japanese dolls because they take them as great specimens  of art.

18.How does the lack of a sense of beauty harm a man?

Answer :The lack of a sense of beauty not only cheats man of aesthetic experience but it also harms his physical and mental well-being.

19.Who banish art from their daily lives?

Answer :The people who think that art is the domain for rich and the pleasure loving, banish art from their daily lives.


Q.What notion prompts some people to banish art with contempt from their daily lives?

Answer:There are some people who have the notion that art is the domain for the rich and the pleasure loving and so they want to banish it with contempt from their daily lives.

20.Where does the vitality of a work of art lie?

Answer : The vitality of a work of art lies in its sense of beauty and order,not in its money value.

21.How does a poor Santhal show his sense of beauty?

Answer: A poor Santhal sweeps and mops his hut, stacks his earthen pots and tattered quilts in order. Thus he shows his sense of beauty.

22.How do the educated men often advertise their devotion to art?

Answer:The educated men often advertise their devotion to art by showing framed pin-ups side-by-side with good paintings.

What indicates poverty in aesthetic sensibility?

Answer: Lack of taste among the educated people regardless of whether they are materially affluent or not is a sure indication of poverty in aesthetic sensibility.

24. What are the two aspects to the practice of literature?

 Answer : The cultivation of knowledge and aesthetic pleasure and professional returns are the two aspects to the practice of literature.

25. What are the two sides of art education?

Answer:Fine art and functional art are the two sides of art education.

26. What is the impact of fine art?/What does fine art do?

Answer :Fine art liberate our minds from the constraints of sorrows and conflicts of our daily lives and leads us to the world of aesthetic delight.

27. What does functional art provide us? Answer:Functional art brings beauty to the objects of our daily use and to our lives and in this way provides us with means of livelihood.

28.What is harmful to the economic well-

being of the country?

 Answer:To exclude art from the sphere of our needs is harmful to the economic well-being of the country.

29. What does the author tell us about the harmful effects of the lack of art education?

 Answer:According to Nandalal Bose, the lack of at education has deprived the present course of our lives of beauty and it also has separated us from our past heritage.

30. What is the reason for our need of foreign connoisseurs?

Ans. As our eyes are untrained, we often remain ignorant and insensitive to the glory of our past paintings, sculpture and architecture. Hence we need foreign connoisseurs to expose and explain the worth of these.

31. When does our present-day art get recognition in our country?

Or, Even at present what is the condition for our present-day art to get recognition in our country?

Answer:According to Nandalal Bose, even at present until our present-day art finds approval in foreign markets, it does not get any recognition in our country.

Or, The condition for our present-day art to get recognition in our country is the approval of it in foreign markets.

32. What according to Nandalal Bose is the matter of shame for us?

Ans. According to Nandalal Bose, it is a matter of shame that even our present-day art does not get any recognition in our country until it finds approval in foreign markets.
