She would forget our brief encounter"-Who said this and about whom? What is the 'brief encounter' referred to here? Why did the speaker think so?


Q."She would forget our brief encounter"-Who said this and about whom? What is the 'brief encounter' referred to here? Why did the speaker think so?

Ans. In Ruskin Bond's short story "The Eyes Have It" the blind narrator said this about the girl.

The narrator  was going to Mussoorie by train .He met a girl who entered in the compartment at Rohana.  He began his conversation with the girl and talked with her about various matters for sometime. He tried every means to prevent his blindness from the girl. While conversing with the girl, he was getting curious about her looks, especially her hair. This brief meeting with the girl who got down at Saharanpur station is referred to here as 'brief encounter'.

The narrator enjoyed the brief encounter with the girl so much that he wished to sit there for almost any length of time, just to listen to her talking. But he thought that the impact of such a brief and casual meeting probably would not last long. The girl was a stranger and there was every chance that  she might forget the brief encounter in future as meetings with strangers during travelling did not leave deep rooted stamp on the mind of travellers.


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