Short questions and answers of Twelfth Night ,MCQ & Answers


 Short Questions and Answers of Twelfth Night ,MCQ & Answers

A.Complete the sentences which follow, choosing the correct answer from the alternatives given: [1 mark each] ** 

1. Viola was the twin sister of- (a) Orsino, (b) Sebastian, (c) Cesario, (d) Olivia. XI-'14

2. Viola mourned the loss of her- (a) ship, (b) brother, (c) valuables, (d) relatives. XI-'18, '15'

 3. The place of the shipwreck was the coast of -(a) English Channel, (b) Illyria, (c) Pacific Ocean, (d) Atlantic Ocean. XI-18, '15

4. Viola, in the disguise of a boy, took the name (a) Antonio, (b) Oberon, (c) Cesario, (d) Sebastian.  XI-17

5. The duke, Orsino, confined to Cesario the account of his love for -(a) Rosalind, (b) Ophelia, (c) Viola, (d) Olivia. XI-'19 

6. Olivia showed her love for her dead brother by - (a) abjuring the sight and company of men for seven years, (b) becoming a nun, (c) spending all her time crying, (d) abjuring the sight and company of men for six years.

7. In the song desired by Orsino the singer wants to be buried where — (a) the flowers grow, (b) the sad true lover may never find him, (c) the grass is greenest, (d) the birds sing. XI-'16

 8. The offence committed by Antonio for which he was arrested was (a) he had killed the Duke's nephew,(b) he had injured the Duke's nephew, (c) he had killed the Duke, (d) he had injured the Duke. XI-19

9. Olivia mistook Sebastian to be - (a) Orsino, (b) Charles, (c) Cesario, (d) Antonio. XI-'16

10. Olivia invited Sebastian because - (a) she mistook Sebastian to be Cesario, (b) Sebastian was a rich man, (c) she was in love with Sebastian, (d) Sebastian was allowed to use Antonio's purse. XI-'14

11. Olivia married- (a) Orsino, (b) Sebastian, (c) Cesario, (d) Antonio. XI-'18

12. Sebastian and Viola were twins of - (a) odd looking, (b) ugly looking, (c) similar looking, (d) different looking.

13. Viola and Sebastian were making --(a) a journey to Elysium, (b) a journey to Illyria, (c) a sea-voyage together, (d) journey to Egypt.

14. In Illyria Viola's good friend was (a) the Captain, (b) Olivia, (c) Orsino, (d) Antonio.

15. Sebastian and Viola fell into a - (a) danger in a forest, (b) well, (c) earthquake, (d) violent storm.

16. Viola was saved by - (a) a fisherman, (b) the Captain of the ship, (c) Antonio, (d) Olivia. 

17. Orsino was- (a) Viola's brother, (b) Viola's friend, (c) the Duke of Elysium, (d) the Duke of Illyria.

18. Olivia's father died -

(a) twelve days ago, (b) twelve weeks ago, (c) twelve months ago, (d) twelve years ago.

 19. Olivia expressed her love to (a) Cesario, (b) Viola, (c) Orsino, (d) Antonio.

20. As a sign of her love, Olivia sent (a) a gold ring, (b) a diamond ring, (c) a silver ring, (d) a gold chain.* 

21. Antonio gave a purse to - (a) Sebastian, (b) the Captain, (c) Orsino, (d) Cesario.

22. According to the Captain, Duke Orsino was- (a) cruel, (b) ambitious, (c) whimsical, (d) noble and dignified.

 23. Viola found the job of a- (a) servant, (b) supervisor, (c) page, (d) messenger.

24. Antonio was a -(a) steward, (b) sea-captain, (c) priest, (d) duke.

25. Orsino told Cesario that no woman- (a) had a heart big enough to hold his love, (b) had a mind that can be easily read, (c) could bear even a little pain, (d) could resist herself to buy a good dress.

26. The man who saved Sebastian's life was - (a) Cesario, (b) Antonio, (c) Orsino; (d) Theseus.

27. Olivia proclaimed that Cesario was her - (a) cousin, (b) husband, (c) brother, (d) friend.

28.Antonio saved the life of_______from the rejected suitor of Olivia -(a)Viola (b) the Captain, (c) Orsino, (d) Cesario.


A. 1. (b) Sebastian, 2. (b) brother, 3. (b) Illyria, 4. (c) Cesario, 5. (d) Olivia, 6. (a) abjuring the sight and company of men for seven years, 7. (b) the sad true lover may never find him, 8. (b) he had injured the Duke's nephew, 9. (c) Cesario, 10. (a) she mistook Sebastian to be Cesario, 11. (b) Sebastian, 12. (c) similar looking, 13. (c) a sea-voyage together, 14. (a) the Captain, 15. (d) violent storm, 16. (b) the Captain of the ship, 17. (d) the Duke of Illyria, 18. (c) twelve months ago, 19. (a) Cesario, 20. (b) a diamond ring, 21. (a) Sebastian, 22. (d) noble and dignified, 23. (c) page, 24. (b) sea-captain, 25. (a) had a heart big enough to hold his love, 26. (b) Antonio, 27. (b) husband. 28. Viola


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