What did Jimmy write to his old friend in St. Louis? Why did he write so?


Q.What did Jimmy write to his old friend in St. Louis? Why did he write so?

Ans. Staying at Elmore for a year , Jimmy became a successful businessman. When his marriage was settled with Annable Adams, he wrote a letter to his old friend Billy in St. Louis. He told Billy that he wanted to meet him on the next Wednesday night at Sullivan's place, in Little Rock.He told him that he wanted him to wind up some little matter for him.He said that he wanted to make him a present of his burglary tools. Jimmy informed him that he had quitted the old business for the sake of the finest girl on earth whom he was going to marry two weeks from then. After his marriage he would sell out everything and settle in the West.

Jimmy was in love with Annabel Adams whom he described as an angel. He had the desire to live by honest means as he would not like to break Annabel's heart and deceive her by doing another crooked thing. He was then a totally reformed person and realized that the honest and straight life was the only life to be happy. That is why Jimmy wrote so.
