Write a report on the Teachers' Day celebration in your school.

Write a report on the Teachers' Day celebration in your school.


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Bishnupur,6th September ,2022 :Our school celebrated the Teachers' Day   this year  with  due solemnity and reverence yesterday to pay homage to the great teacher, philosopher and guide of our nation,Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan. On this occasion, the whole campus was decorated nicely. The normal classes for this day were suspended. The senior students took the junior classes. The celebrations started with a general meeting held in the auditorium. Mr. Ram , a noted scholar of the area was the chief guest. In the meeting our Headmaster, Mr. Raghunath De, highlighted the importance and the role of teachers in the society. Two respected teachers of our school were then honoured by him for their contributions in the field of teaching. Our chief guest delivered an impressive speech about the life and contribution of Dr. Radhakrishnan. We all were spellbound to hear the moving speech. In his brief speech he appreciated the dedication of teachers to the cause of education. The meeting being over the students' representatives paid their tokens of love to the teachers by presenting them mementos. We all paid floral tributes to the idol of Dr. Radhakrishnan. All the students were provided with cakes and chocolates from our beloved teachers. After that we all assembled in the school ground where a friendly football match was played between the teachers and students. Thus the grand celebration ended and we all went home happily. The day left an indelible impression in the minds of the students.


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