Transformation of Sentence :Karma || Textual Grammar

Transformation of Sentence :Karma || Textual Grammar
Transformation of Sentence :Karma || Textual Grammar
  1. He is in the waiting room.[Change into a complex sentence]
  2. Lachmi chatted away merrily.[Use the noun form of 'merrily']
  3. Sir Mohan Lal looked at himself in the mirror of a first class waiting room at the railway station [Change into a complex sentence]
  4. I can't understand English and don't know their ways.[Change into an affirmative sentence.
  5. Sir Mohan smiled at the mirror with an air of pity and patronage. [Use the adverb forms of 'pity' and 'partronage']
  6. There was still time for a quick one.[Change into a negative sentence]
  7.  A bearer in white livery appeared through a wire gauze door.[Change into a complex sentence]
  8. Sir Mohan sank into a large cane chair to drink and ruminate.[Use the noun for of 'ruminate']
  9. Sir Mohan sank into a large cane chair to drink and ruminate.[Change into a complex sentence]
  10. Lady Lal picked up her brass tiffin-carrier and ambled along behind him.[Change into a simple sentence]
  11. On the way she stopped by a hawker's stall to replenish her silver betel leaf case[Change into a complex sentence]
  12. She sat down on her steel trunk which the coolie had put down. [Change into a simple sentence]
  13. These days all trains are crowded, but you'll find room in the zenana. [Change into a complex sentence]
  14. He just ordered her about in anglicised Hindustani, and she obeyed passively.[Change into a simple sentence]
  15. While she ate, the coolie sat opposite her on his haunches.[Change into a simple sentence]
  16. He is a vizier and a barrister and meets so many officers and Englishmen in the trains. [Change into a simple sentence]
  17. He is a vizier and a barrister and meets so many officers and Englishmen in the trains. [Change into a complex sentence ]
  18. The clanging of the bell announced the approaching train. [Change into a complex sentence]
  19. She produced a two-anna bit from a knot in her sari and dismissed the coolie. [Change into a simple sentence]
  20. After washing she dried her mouth and hands with the loose end of her sari[Change into a complex sentence]
  21.  He fancied his English, finished and refined at no less a place than the University of Oxford.[Change the adjective into positive degree]
  22. He never showed any sign of eagerness to talk to the English as most Indians did. [Change into an affirmative sentence)
  23. How frequently had he heard English people say that he spoke like an English man![Change into an assertive sentence]
  24. He went about his business with an expressionless matter-of-factness.[Use the noun form of 'expressionless']
  25. 'The Times' always attracted attention. [Change into a negative sentence)
  26. Perhaps someone would recognise his Balliol tie which he always wore while travelling. [Change into a simple sentence)
  27. If both The Times' and the tie failed, Sir Mohan would 'Koi Hai his bearer to get the Scotch out. [Change into a simple sentence]
  28. Sir Mohan's thoughts were disturbed by the bearer the installation of the Sahib's luggage in a first class coupe next to the engine. [Use the verb form of installation']
  29. Sir Mohan walked to his coupe with a studied gait.[Use the adverb form of 'studied']
  30.  Sir Mohan looked out of the window down the crowded platform. [Change into a complex sentence)
  31. His face lit up as he saw two English soldiers trudging along.[Change into a simple sentence]
  32.  They had their haversacks slung behind their backs and walked unsteadily.[Change into a simple sentence]
  33. They walked unsteadily. [Change into a negative sentence]
  34. They walked unsteadily.[Use the adjective form of the adverb]
  35. Sir Mohan decided to welcome them, even though they were entitled to travel only second-class.(Change into a simple sentence]
  36. Sir Mohan decided to welcome them,[Change into a negative sentence]
  37. It did sound like English.[Use the verb form of "sound")
  38. The engine gave another short whistle and the train began to move. [Change into a simple sentence]
  39. Sir Mohan's feet were glued to the earth and he lost his speech. (Split  into  two simple sentences]
  40. The train sped past the lighted part of the platform.(Use the adverb form of the verb)
  41. I am only a native woman. (Change into negative sentence )
  42. They were entitled to travel only second-class. [Change into a negative sentence]    
 To get answer  see below 
উত্তর পেতে নীচে দেখুন

1.It is the waiting room wherein he is.
2.Lachmi chatted away with merriment.
3.Sir Mohan Lal looked at himself in the mirror which was in a first class waiting room at the railway station.
4.I fail to understand English and their ways are unknown to me.
5.Sir Mohan smiled at the mirror  pityingly and patronizingly.
6.It was not too late for a quick one.
7.A bearer who was in white livery appeared through a wire gauze door.
8.Sir Mohan sank into a large cane chair for drinking and rumination.
9.Sir Mohan sank into a large chair which was made of cane, to drink and ruminate.
10.Picking up her brass tiffin-carrier, Lady Lal ambled along behind him.
11.On the way she stopped by a hawker's stall where she replenished her silver betel leaf case.
12.She sat down on her steel trunk put down by the coolie.
13.Though these days all trains are crowded, you'll find room in the zenana. 
14.She obeyed passively his ordered  in anglicized Hindustani .
15.During her eating, the coolie sat opposite her on his haunches.
16.Being a vizier and barrister ,he meets so many officers and Englishmen in the trains.
17.As he is a vizier and a barrister ,he meets so many officers and Englishmen in the trains.
18.The clanging of the bell announced that the train was  approaching .
19.Producing a two-anna bit from a knot in her sari ,she dismissed the coolie. 
or She produced a two-anna bit from a knot in her sari to dismiss the coolie.
20.When washing was over ,she dried her mouth and hands with the loose end of her sari.
21.He fancied his English was at least as finished and refined as that of the University of Oxford.
22.Unlike the most Indians he always showed little sign of eagerness to talk to the English.
23.He had heard quite frequently English people say that he spoke like an Englishman.
24.He went about his business with a matter of factness which had no expression.
25.'The Times' never failed to attract attention.
26.Perhaps someone would recognize his Balliol tie always worn by him while travelling.
27.In case of failure of both 'The Times' and the tie , Sir Mohan would 'Koi Hai his bearer to get the Scotch out.
28.The bearer disturbed Sir Mohan's thought by announcing that he had installed  the Sahib's luggage in a first class coupe next to the engine.
29.Sir Mohan walked to his coupe studiedly.
30. Sir Mohan looked out of the window down the platform which was crowded.
31.Seeing two English soldiers trudging along ,his face lit up.
32.Having their haversacks slung behind their backs, they walked unsteadily.
33.They did not walk steadily.
34.They were unsteady while walking.
35. In spite of their entitlement of travelling only second class ,Sir Mohan decided to welcome them.
36.Sir Mohan decided not to leave them welcomed.
37.It ,of course, sounded like English.
38.The train began to move with another short  whistle of the engine.
39.Sir Mohan's feet were glued to the earth. He lost his speech.
40.The train crossed the lighted part of the platform speedily.
41.I am none but a native woman.
42.They were entitled to travel nothing but second-class.
