Autumn ||Short Questions & Answers of the poem 'Autumn'



Short Questions & Answers of the poem 'Autumn'

1.Who wrote the poem, ''Autumn"?
Ans:John Clare wrote the poem, ''Autumn".
2.What shakes the casement?
Ans: The fitful gust shakes the casement.

3.How long does the fitful gust shake the casement?
Ans:The fitful gust shakes the casement all day.
4.Where from does the fitful gust take the faded leaves?
Ans: The fitful gust takes the faded leaves from the mossy elm-tree.

5.How long does the shaking  twig dance?
Ans:The shaking twig dances till the shut of eve.
6.Where did the sparrow sit?
Ans:The sparrow sat on the cottage rig.

7.Who is chirping?
Ans : The sparrow is chirping.

8.What would the sparrow's chirp make believe?
Ans:The sparrow's chirp would make believe that spring was just now flirting by in summer's lap with flowers to lie.
9.Where did the pigeons nestle round?
Ans:The pigeons nestled round cote.

10.Where was the cock crowing?
Ans:The cock was crowing upon the dunghill.

11.What happens to the leaves of the mossy elm-tree in autumn?
Ans  :  In autumn the fitful gust  drives away the faded leaves from the mossy elm tree and twirls them by the window pane and with thousand others down the lane.

12.What are the things that the poet loves to see on November days ?
Ans : On November days the poet loves to see the cottage smoke curling upwards through the naked  tree ,the pigeon nestling round the cote and the cock crowing upon dung-hill.

13.What do you mean by 'casement ' in the poem 'Autumn' ?
Ans :In the poem 'Autumn' , by 'casement ' we mean a big window that opens like a door.

14.What does the poet describe in his poem ' Autumn'?
Ans :In the poem 'Autumn' the poet describes the mellow beauty of autumn in the countryside.

15.Who grunt and where ?
Ans: The pigs grunt  under the oak trees.
16.Describe the activities of the pigs  in autumn ?
Ans :The grunting pigs wait for the acorns to fall in autumn When they fall ,the pigs scramble and hurry to collect them.
17.Where does the feather of raven fall ?
Ans : The feather of raven falls on the stubble lea.

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