British Literature :Early 20th Century || Bankura University. ||Semester-4th
British Literature :Early 20th Century || Bankura University. ||Semester-5th||AH/ENG/501/C-11
Virginia Woolf Mrs. Dalloway (10+5)
Bernard Shaw Arms and the Man.
1.)Discuss Mrs. Dalloway as a stream-of-consciousness novel.
2.) Comment on the portrayal of the character of Bluntschli in Arms and the Man.
(Raina /Louka)
(3) Critically evaluate the narrative technique used in Mrs. Dalloway.
(4) Discuss Shaw’s Arms and the Man as an anti-romantic comedy.
5) Give a detailed account of the representation of the central character of the novel, Mrs Dalloway. X
6) Discuss Shaw’s attitude to love and war as reflected in Arms and the Man.x
2. W.B. Yeats ‘Leda and the Swan’, ‘The Second Troy’ (10+5)
Q.T.S. Eliot ‘The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock’
Q.What are the major themes of Yeats’s poem “Leda and the Swan”? Discuss.
Q. Justify the title of the poem, “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock”.****
Q. How does Yeats represent Maud Gonne in his poem “No Second Troy”? ****
Q. In what sense is “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” a modern poem? Discuss elaborately****
Q.Justify the title of the poem ‘No Second Troy’ by W.B. Yeats. (X)
Q.Discuss ‘The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock’ as a modern poem. (X)
3. History of English Literature: Early 20th c
Q.Critically assess the early twentieth century war poetry.
Q.Write a note on the stream of consciousness novels in the early twentieth century.
Q. Write a note on the development of British poetic drama in the early twentieth century.******
Q.Assess the contribution of either T. S. Eliot or W. B. Yeats to English poetry.*******
Q.Write a note on the Inter-War poetry of the early twentieth century. x
Q. Briefly explore the stream-of-consciousness novel of the early twentieth century with reference to any one major British novelist of your choice. X
Q.Development of British poetic drama in the early 20th century.***
Q.Achievements of G.B Shaw as a playwright with reference to Arms and the man .***
Q.Give an account of Problem plays of the early twentieth century.
Q.Characteristic of English Poetry.
Q.Achievements of W.B Yeats as a poet stressing on the variety of his themes ,poetic forms and styles.
Q.Give an account of Irish Dramatic movement in the early dramatic Movement.****
Q.Assess the contribution of T.S Eliot to English criticism and comment on his important critical theories.***
4.Answer any five of the following questions: 2×5=10
Q. Which line from Shakespeare’s play is repeated several times in Mrs Dalloway?
Q. Why was Septimus Smith traumatized?
Q. Wherefrom did Shaw take the title for his play, Arms and the Man?
Q. ‘It is not the weapon of a gentleman’. What is the weapon and why does the speaker object to it?
Q.Whom does Raina refer to as a “chocolate cream soldier” and why?
Q.What is the source of the epigraph in Eliot’s poem?
Q. How does Prufrock differentiate himself from Hamlet?
Q. “With beauty like a tightened bow”—Whose beauty is compared to a ‘tightened bow’ and why?
Q.Which political event is metaphorically represented through the story of seduction of Leda in the poem “Leda and the Swan”?
Q.Which myth is described in Yeats’s poem, “Leda and the
Q.Whom did Clarissa refuse to marry and why?
Q. Where and when is the action of the novel Mrs Dalloway set?
Q.What is the subtitle of the play Arms and the Man? What does it signify?
Q.What is Sergius’s disillusioned view about war?
Q.“What a man! Is he a man!”— Who says so and about whom?
Q. Who is Leda? What happened to her?
Q.In what respect(s) does Yeats compare Maud Gonne with Helen of Troy?
Q.When was the poem “No Second Troy” written and in which context?
Q.What is Prufrock’s main dilemma in the poem “The Love Song of J. AlfredPrufrock”?
Q.What do the mermaids symbolise in “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock”?
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