Textual Questions and Answers of 'The Passing Away of Bapu'





Questions ,Answers, Grammar & Writings of

 Class X

Textual Questions and Answers of 'The Passing Away of Bapu'


Q. Answer the following questions.

1.Who wrote 'The Passing Away of Bapu'?

Ans: Nayantara Sehgal wrote 'The Passing Away of Bapu'.

2.Where from is 'The Passing Away of Bapu' taken?

Ans: 'The Passing Away of Bapu' is taken from Nayantara Sehgal's memoir 'Prison and Chocolate Cake'.

3.When was the author having tea at home?

Ans:The author was having tea at home on the evening of 30th January, 1948.

4.How did the author come to know of Gandhiji's death?

Ans :The author came to know of Gandhiji's death by an urgent telephone.

5.When had Gandhiji been shot?

Ans: Gandhiji had been shot on his way to a prayer  on the evening of 30th January, 1948.

6. Where had Gandhiji's followers and relatives gathered?

Ans: At Birla house, Gandhiji's relatives and followers had gathered round his body.

7. How had words of Bapuji's death spread through Delhi?

Ans: Words of Bapuji's death had spread through Delhi like a flame fanned by wind.

8. Who had collected around Birla House?

Ans: Sad groups of men and women had collected around Birla House.

9. What could one see out of every window?

Ans: Out of every window one could see a brown blur of faces.

10.How was the silence?

Ans: The silence was an unnatural one.

11. Why did the people jostle one another in a stampede?

Ans: The people jostled one another in a stampede to break into the house.

12.When did people calm a little?

Ans: people calmed a little when it was announced that they would be allowed to see Gandhiji before the funeral.

13.How did the mourning people look like?

Ans: The mourning people looked like Lost Children.

14.What did the author listen to the broadcast?

Ans: The author listened to the broadcast telling the people of India that their Bapu was no more.

15.How did the people of India come to know that their Bapu was no more?

Ans: The people of India came to know that their Bapu was no more by listening to the broadcast.

16.Where was Gandhiji's body kept ?

Ans: Gandhiji's body was kept at Birla House.

17. "I was numb with shock"-Why did the speaker feel so ?

Ans: The speaker felt so because she was overwhelmed with sudden and devastating news of Gandhiji's death .

18.When does one whimper according to author ?

Ans :According to the author ,when one is faced with the shock of loved one's death ,one whimpers.



1. When was to Gandhiji's funeral take place?/

When was Gandhiji's funeral taken place?/

Ans: Gandhiji's funeral was to take place the day after his death.

2.Why did people line the route ?

Ans :People lined the route to see the funeral procession .

3.Who was Padmasi ?

Ans : Padmasi was Mrs Naidu's daughter.

4.What did Padmasi say ?

Ans :Padmasi said that they would walk in the funeral procession .

5. "It was an agonizing walk ."-Why was it an agonizing walk?

Ans: It was an agonizing walk because it was the last time they would walk in the funeral procession of their beloved leader.

6.Why was it impossible to move ?

Ans : It was impossible to move due to the thick crowd.

7.What did the narrator understand at the time of walking ?

Ans : At the time of walking the narrator realised that she was not merely in the midst of grieving people.

8.What couldn't the narrator  accept ?

Ans :The narrator could not accept Bapu's absence in walking forever.

9.What was the only way open to average Indian ?

Ans :To walk was the only way open to average Indian .

10.What was Bapu's view about walking ?

Ans :According to Bapu , to walk is to make slow progress .It gives scope to think with clarity and look closely at everything around the person.

11.How was walking for the average Indians ?

Ans :For the average Indians ,to walk was often the only way open . It required no vehicle except his own body and cost him nothing but his energy.

12.What did the narrator realise on the day of the funeral procession ?

Ans : On the day of the funeral procession ,the narrator realised that walking with Bapu among others had a special meaning .


1. How were Gandhiji's ashes taken to Allahabad?

Ans : Gandhiji's ashes were taken to Allahabad by a special train .

2.How was the compartment decorated ?

Ans: The compartment was decorated with flowers .

3.What did people on the train sing ?

Ans : People on the train sang bhajans.

4.Why did not people weep anymore ?

Ans :People did not weep anymore because they could feel Gandhiji's presence amid the flowers and songs.

5.Where were the ashes of Gandhiji immersed ?

Ans : The ashes of Gandhiji were immersed in the Ganges.

6.How did the narrator feel when she was back in Delhi ?

Ans :Back in Delhi ,the narrator felt at sea.

7.Where did Bapu's followers go back after the immersion of his ashes ?

Ans :Bapu's followers went back to Delhi after the immersion of his ashes.

8.What does the author mean by 'magic circle'?

Ans :Here 'magic circle ' means the great living influence of Gandhiji.

9.What happened with Bapu's passing away ?

Ans :The author felt the magic circle of Bapu's influence had vanished ,leaving her unprotected .

10.How did the magic circle vanish ?

Ans :The magic circle vanished with the passing away of Bapu.

11.How did Bapu change the lives of millions of people ?

 Ans :Bapu changed the lives of millions of people by bringing them out of indifference and awakening them to one another's suffering.

12.How would India continue  to live after the passing away of Bapu ?

Ans :After the passing away of Bapu , India would continue to live in Bapu's children.

13.Who would bear Bapu's banner ?

Ans :The young and strong Indians who were transformed by Bapu's teachings would bear his banner.

14.What had Gandhiji left behind ?

Ans: Gandhiji had left behind his teachings and values that would continue to live in his followers.

Examination Question Paper 

Question Paper -1

Question Paper -2





Questions ,Answers, Grammar & Writings of

 Class X


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(iii)Short Questions & Answers of Father's Help Unit- 3.



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