Short Questions and Answers of The Wind Cap
The Wind Cap
The Wind Cap :Jane Yolen
1.Who wrote "The Wind Cap"?
Answer: Jane Yolen wrote "The Wind Cap".
2.Who wanted to be a sailor?
Answer :Jon wanted to be a sailor.👤
3.Who is a farmer's son?
Answer: Jon is a farmer's son.
4.What, according to Jon's mother, did Jon know?
Answer: According to Jon's mother, Jon knew the turn of the season and the smell of the soil.
5.What, according to Jon's mother, did not Jon know?
Answer: According to Jon's mother, Jon did not know the sea.
6.Who had always obeyed his mother?
Answer: Jon had always obeyed his mother.
7.What did Jon pick up?
Answer: Jon picked up a turtle.
8.Where did Jon keep the turtle?
Answer :Jon kept the turtle on his head.
9.Why did Jon keep the turtle on his head?
Answer : Jon kept the turtle on his head to keep it safe./Jon kept the turtle on his head because he thought it would be safe.
10.What did the fairy man want to know?
Answer: The fairy man wanted to know Jon's heart desire.
11.What could the fairy man read easily?
Ans: The fairy man could read a heart easily.
12.Where did the fairy stand upon?
Answer: The fairy stood upon Jon's palm
13.What did Jon see when he plucked the turtle from his head?
Ans:When Jon plucked the turtle from his head, he saw that it had turned into a tiny green fairy man that stood upon his palm and bowed.
14."I thank you for your kindness"-Who said this and to whom?
Ans: The fairy man said this to Jon.
15.What did the fairy man want to know from Jon?
Ans :The fairy man wanted to know Jon's heart's desire.
13.Where did Jon keep the turtle?
Answer :Jon kept the turtle on his head.
14.What did the fairy want to give Jon?
Ans: The fairy wanted to give Jon a different kind of cap.
15.How is the cap?🎩
Ans: The cap is a stripped one which is full of wind.
16.Who disappeared leaving a striped cap?
Ans:The fairy man disappeared leaving a striped cap.🧚
17.What did Jon do seeing the cap?
Ans:Seeing the cap, Jon put it on his head and ran home to tell his mother about it.💁
18.What did Jon do seeing the ship?
Ans:Seeing the ship, Jon requested the captain to take him along.🚢🛳
19. Why was the condition bad ?
Ans : The condition was bad because Jon could neither take his cap off before his captain nor at bed time.
20.Why was the condition good ?
Ans :The condition was good because neither could he lose the cap nor could it be stolen from him.
21.How long did not Jon set foot on land ?
Ans : Jon did not set foot on land for a year and a day.
22.Why did Jon twist the cap ?
Ans : Jon twisted the cap to call wind.
i) The lad had wanted to be - c)sailor
(ii) Mother told that he knew the smell of the.
iii) Jon put the turtle on his ---(b)head
iv) The fairy man wanted to know Jon's--(c) Jon's heart desire.
1.Why do you think Jon thought that the turtle would be safe on his head ?
Ans : While ploughing ,Jon saw a turtle. He thought that the turtle would be safe on his head because of that turtle might have been run over if he put it on some other places .
2.Why the fairy man offer Jon the wind cap ?
Ans : The fairy man offered Jon the wind cap because Jon saved his life.
Jon saved the life of the fairy by keeping him on his head. So the fairy offered Jon the cap to fulfill his dream.
3.What was the condition that was associated the wind cap ?
Ans : No human hand would ever be able to take the wind cap off Jon's head. This was the condition associated with the wind cap .
4.Why did Jon become popular with the sailors ?
Ans :Jon could supply the wind that sailors called for .Thus, he became very popular.
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