Class -11 , English Question Paper 2020, || Class -11 English Examination 2022 Questions with answers WBCHSE

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 Higher Secondary Examination 2020

Class -11,Question Paper & Answer

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Complete the sentences which follow, choosing the correct answers from the alternatives given: 1

(a) When Leela's mother noticed that Leela's gold chain was missing, it was -(ii) evening, 

(b) Sir Mohan's tie was special because -  (iv) it bore the emblem of the Balliol College of Oxford University.

(c) After marriage Jimmy wanted to go -  (iv) West.

(d) Mother Teresa began her Nobel Lecture with the prayer of - (iii) St Francis of Assisi, 

e) The two sides of art are -ii) Fine art and functional art.

2. Answer any five of the following questions in a single sentence each:

(a) What was Leela's box filled with ?

Ans : Leela's box was filled with catalogues , illustrated books and stumps of pencil ✏️.

(b) Who according to Sidda was his previous master ?

Ans:According to Sidda ,  a doctor was his previous master.

 (c) What did Lachmi take out from the brass carrier?

Ans:Lachmi took out a bundle of cramped chapattis and some  mango 🥭 pickle.

(d) Who was Mike Dolan?

Ans :Mike Dolan was one of Jimmy's friends.

(e) Who cannot differentiate between a painting and a photograph?

Ans:Either the educated men or  common people cannot differentiate between a painting and a photograph .


The educated men and common people cannot differentiate between a painting and a photograph

(f) What according to Mother Teresa is the beginning of love?

Ans : According to Mother Teresa ,smile  is the beginning of love.

(g) Where did Sir Mohan have his suit from?

Ans :Sir Mohan Lal had his suit from Saville  Row.

(h) What did the clerk at the prison give Jimmy Valentine?

Ans :The clerk at the prison gave  Jimmy Valentine a railroad ticket and the five dollars bill.

(i) Who should accompany students in museums and picture galleries?

Ans: Qualified teachers should accompany students in museums and picture galleries .

(j)"That is the blessing of God for us." What is the 'blessing' referred here ?

Ans: The  'blessing' referred here  is the tremendous demand from families who have no children.

Complete the sentences which follow, choosing the correct answers from the alternatives given: 4.

(a) Early morning the air of London is - (iv) smokeless.

 (b) To the rose the worm is -  (ii) deceitful, 

(c) In the poem Brotherhood ,the poet's fate is written -iv. Stars🌟 .

d) The wind blows in from -ii) the sea .

e)To announce his presence ,the lover -(a) taps at the pane.

5.. Answer any five of the following questions in a single sentence each:

I) What is the object of Wordsworth  's celebration in the poem 'Upon Westminster Bridge '?

Ans :The majestic beauty of the city of London is the object of Wordsworth  's celebration in the poem 'Upon Westminster Bridge '.

(ii)What do the stars write ?

Ans : The stars write destiny of human being.

iii) How long is the sea sented beach ?

Ans : The sea sented beach is one mile long .

iv)What does the word 'dark' in the expression 'dark secret love' stand for?

Ans :The word 'dark' in the expression 'dark secret love' stands for sombre or black./(invisibility and ominous)

(v) What does the word 'hail' mean in the poem "Daybreak"?

Ans:In the poem "Daybreak" ,the word 'hail' means welcome /greet.

(vi) How does Browning describe the half-moon?

Ans :Browning describes the half-moon as yellow ,large and low.

(vii) What does the expression "little do last" refer to ?

Ans: The expression "little do last" refers to short span of life .

Or Another awareness other than self awareness is referred here by the the expression "little do last".

(Viii) Why is the rose sick?

Ans :The rose is sick because the invisible worm has destroyed its life.

(ix) What did the poet never feel before he experienced that the early morning? 

Ans :Wordsworth never feels the natural beauty as calm and  so deep before he experienced that the early morning .

X).What does the wind shout to the forest?

Ans :The wind shouts to the forest to hang all its leafy banners .

6.Complete the sentences which follow, choosing the correct answer from the alternatives given (attempt any five): 

(a) Aegeon came to Ephesus because he was- (iv) searching his younger sons.

(b) Antipholus of Syracuse married - (ii) Luciana.

(c) Donalbain fled to- (ii) Ireland.

(d) The third spirit looked at Macbeth as - (ii) a crowned child.

(e) Desdemona was the daughter of - (ii) Brabantio, 

(f) After the trial, Othello readily went to- (ii) War of Cyprus.

(g) Sir Rowland De Boys was a trusted friend of-  (ii) the lawful Duke.

(h) When Duke Frederick banished Rosalind, Celia -(i) felt very grief stricken. 

(i) By nature Sebastian was-(ii) brave.

j)Viola was introduced at the Duke's court as -(i) page of the Duke.

9. Do as directed .


Their power of observation will be developed by training in drawing.


I look up at the night which /that is enormous .


The says that the river glides at its own sweet will.


Producing a two-anna bit from a knot in her sari ,she dismissed the coolie.


The fellow had the knowledge of household .He might come at night to loot.


I believe that we are unreal social workers.


Our family is not only healthy but also united.


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