


All pages of English are solved by PKG English Study Centre.

2. (a) Answer any four of the following questions, each in a complete sentence:

(i) Who was bestowed the title of Bahadur in 'Strong Roots"?

Ans: One of Kalam's mother's forebears was bestowed the title of Bahadur by British in 'Strong Roots' 

(ii) How did the narrator in "The Eyes Have It" describe the voice of the blind girl?

Ans: In "The Eyes Have It" the narrator said that the blind girl's voice had the sparkle of mountain stream.

(iii) What were the eyes of the narrator in 'The Eyes Have It" sensitive to?

Ans:The eyes of the narrator in 'The Eyes Have It" were sensitive to light and darkness.

(iv) Where did the hermit live?

Ans: The hermit lived in a wood.

(v) What was the full name of Mrs. Jones?

Ans: The full name of Mrs. Jones was Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones.

vi) In which town was Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam born?

Ans: Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam was born in the Island town of Rameswaram.

(vii) Why did the man want to take revenge in "Three Questions"?

Ans:The man wanted to take revenge in "Three Questions" because the Tsar killed his brother and seized his property.

(viii)Why did Roger want to snatch the purse of Mrs. Jones?

Ans: Roger wanted to snatch the purse of Mrs. Jone because he wanted to buy a pair of blue suede shoes.

(b) Answer any four of the following questions each in a complete sentence.

(i) How does a tree grow?

Ans :A tree grows slowly consuming the earth.

(ii) What is described as "gentle without guile"?

Ans : The smile of the soldier is described as "gentle without guile".

(iii) From where would the green curled twig rise?

Ans :The green curled twig rise would rise from bleeding bark close to the ground.

(iv) How is the gold complexion of the sun dimmed?

Ans:the gold complexion of the sun is dimmed by clouds.

(v) What will make the beauty of the poet's friend eternal?

Ans: Sonnet of William Shakespeare will make the beauty of his friend eternal.

 (vi) Who takes the lead in 'Summer Luxury'?

Ans :The grasshopper takes the lead in 'Summer Luxury'.

 (vii) Where are the feet of the soldier?

Ans:The feet of the soldier are among some flowers.

(viii) "A voice will run"- Whose voice is referred to here?.

Ans :The voice of grasshopper is referred to here.

(a) Do as directed: 1×6=6

i)"We'll soon be at your station," I said to the girl. (Turn into indirect speech).

Ans:I told the girl that we would soon be at her station.

(ii) Mine was a very secure childhood. (Rewrite as a negative sentence)

Ans:Mine was not a very insecure childhood.

iii.) The man who entered the compartment broke into my reverie. (Split into two simple sentences).

Ans:The man  entered the compartment. He broke into my reverie

(i) This is the best time. (Use the positive degree of 'best').

Ans:No other time is as good as this.

(v) I wanted a pair of blue suede shoes. (Change the voice).

Ans:A pair of blue suede shoes was wanted by me.

(v) But thy eternal summer shall not fade. (Change to affirmative sentence).

Ans:But thy eternal summer shall remain unfade.

(b) Fill in the blanks with appropriate article or preposition:

 We lived in our ancestral house, which was built in the 19th century. It was a fairly large Pucca house, made of limestone and bricks,on the Mosque Street in Rameswaram.

C. They seemed very anxious about her comfort.
