
a ) The narrator asked the new fellow traveller if the girl had kept her hair long or short .

b)The narrator described that the voice of the girl had the sparkle of mountain stream.

c) Pakshi Lakshmana Sastry was a very close friend of Kalam's father.

d) Roger tried to snatch the purse of Mrs Jones but he said that he did not aim to do it. So Mrs Jones called the boy a liar.

e)One of Kalam's mother's forebears was bestowed the title of Bahadur  by British in 'Strong Roots' .

f)At the end of the story ,Roger learnt from Mrs. Jones that one should never try to get things by wrong means as things earned by dishonest means never bring peace to anyone.

g) The second question of the Tsar was how he could know who were the right people to listen to and whom to avoid .

h) The wounded man promised the Tsar to serve him as his most faithful slave and bid his son to do the same.


(i) The tree's strength lies in its root.

(ii) The curled green twigs would rise from bleeding bark close to the ground.

(iii) Here the word 'this' refers to sonnet or poetry of Shakespeare.

 (iv) The word 'eye of heaven' refers to the sun.

(v)The soldier's smile is described as gentle ,without guile.

(vi) The feet of the soldiers are placed on the flowers.

vii). Keats celebrates the music of  earth.

viii) On a lone, cold and silent winter evening  one might hear the song/shrill of cricket.

6. a)

No other man is as unhappy as I .

b. I told the girl that we would soon be at her station.

c. This is an incorrect approach.

d. He gave the answer in a low deep voice.

e. You would have been attacked by the man.

f. There was a very old mosque in our locality .My father would take me there for evening prayer.

b. i-along 






c. You might run that comb through your so you will look presentable.
