Class-Xi English Suggestion 2023 || Class-11English Suggestion 2023 || Class-xi English Suggestion with answers 2023 || WBCHSE || Class-11 English



Class-XI English Suggestion 2023


For Class-XI English 2023,

WBCHSE-2023 ,

Leela's Friend



(1) How did Leela try to make Sidda write? What was the result?

(2) ''Don't send him away. Let us keep him in our house?''-Who was the speaker and to whom was it About whom was it said ? How did the person or persons spoken to react? 

(3) "He looked at her mutely, like an animal."- Who looked at whom? What was the situation when this occurred?

(4) "in any case, we couldn't have kept a criminal like him in the house"-Who is the speaker ? Who is the 'criminal' referred to here? What led the speaker to such a comment ?

(5) "Sidda, come and play!"-Who is the speaker? What would Sidda do when he heard this call? What kind of games did the speaker play?

6.Sketch the character of Leela .

7.Sketch the character of Sidda.

8.Does the moon know you?-Who is the speaker? Who is referred to here? How does the person prove it? 100%


 YouTube Channel -PG RESEARCH CENTRE    


Jimmy Valentine

1. "Ralph D. Spencer,the phoenix that arose from Jimmy Valentine's ashes..."- Who is Ralph D Spencer?What is Phoenix? Why has the comparison been made?

2. What did Jimmy write to his old friend in St Louis? Why did he write so?***

3.What new name did Jimmy Valentine assume at Elmore? What business did he open there ? How did Jimmy fare at Elmore?

4.What did Jimmy Valentine do from the time he got out of jail till he met Mike Dolan?

5. "The frightened child, unharmed, fell into her mother's arms- Who was the child referred Why was the child frightened ? How did the child fall into her mother's arms unharmed?

6. Ben Price Investigated the scene of the robberies and was heard to remark... Who was Ben Price? What did he say? What did he know of Jimmy's habits ? 

7.That child she can't stand it long in there- Who is referred to here? Why was she in danger? How was she saved?(2022)

8. "I was never in Springfield" - Who said this and to whom?............



1."Preposterous, Preposterous!"-Who shouted and why ? What was the result? 

2. How did Sir Mohan feel when he saw two Englishmen coming towards his coupe'?

3.Bring out the significance of the title "Karma"

4. "You are a bit of all right, old chap." Who is the speaker? Who has been referred to as 'old chap? What picture of the person's character here, spoken to, is revealed in this line?

5. He was dismayed" - Who was he? When was he dismayed and why? What did he do then?

6.Sketch the character of Sir Mohan Lal.(100%)

7.Give a brief description of the appearance of Lady Lal.



Nobel Lecture

(1) Narrate in your own words the experience of Mother Teresa in an old age home.

(2) I had the most extraordinary experience with the Hindu family that had eight children-Which experience is Mother Teresa speaking of?

(3).In what ways does Mother Teresa appeal to the emotions of her audience? What stories does she share of her encounters with the poor in Kolkata ?

(4).Narrate the experience Mother Teresa had when there was great difficulty in getting sugar.

(5). "And she died with a smile on her face" How did she die with a smile on her face ?

(6). What is Mother's  opinion  about abortion ?


The Place of Art in Education

1. What is the difference between all the fine art and all the functional art?

2. How does a poor Santhal express his sense of beauty and order in his daily life?

3.According to Nandalal Bose how does the absence of a sense of beauty affect the society?

4.What example did Nandalal Bose give to support his view that "The vitality of a work of art lies in its sense of beauty and order" ?

5.According to Nandalal Bose, how are beauty and aesthetics connected to a person's physical and mental well-being  Explain with an example from the text.

6. Why is encounter with Nature' Important for the learners ? How can they be introduced to Nature? 


Meeting at Night

1.Justify the title of the poem 'Meeting at Night'.

2.Evaluate Meeting at Night' as a love poem.

3.Give an account of the lover's journey to his beloved in 'Meeting at Night'.

4. "As I gain the cove with...... the slushy sand"- Bring out the significance of these two lines.

5.Discuss the symbols and images of Meeting at Night.100% chance

The Sick Rose

1.Justify the title of the poem 'The Sick Rose'.

2.Bring out the central idea of the poem 'The Sick Rose'.

3. Comment on the implications of the worm's love destroying the rose's life.

4. "Has found out thy bed / of crimson joy" - Whom does the word 'thy refer to ? What did he find and when? What does the expression 'crimson joy' suggest?

5. What does the worm in the poem "The Sick Rose' symbolise? Why is it invisible? 

6. What is the allegorical significance of the poem The Sick Rose' ?


1. Justify the title of the poem 'Daybreak'./

2.What role does the wind play in announcing the beginning of the day?/Narrate the wind's activities as presented in the poem 'Daybreak'.100%/What role does the wind play in 'Daybreak' ?/Give a picture of the morning as mentioned in the poem 'Daybreak'.

3. Who takes the responsibility of announcing the breaking of day? How is this feat achieved?


Rapid Reader


1.Why did Macbeth want to murder Banquo and his son? How was Banquo murdered?*****100%

2.Sketch the character of Lady Macbeth.***

3.Bring out the significance of the opening scene of Macbeth.***

4.Give a brief account of the Banquet Scene in Macbeth.***

5.What was the mystery behind the moving of Birnum wood.

6.What did each of three witches predict to Macbeth when he first met them? What did they tell Banquo?*****

7.Describe the hallucinations seen and heard by Macbeth when he went to kill King Duncan?

8.What role do the witches play?

9.Describe the first meeting of Olivia and Cesario.

10.Why did Macbeth want to murder Banquo and his sons? How was Banquo murdered?

11. Discuss how Othello's love for Desdemona changed into mistrust in the story.

12.Who was Aegeon? How did he arrive at Ephesus? What made the duke pity on Aegeon.

13.Sketch how lago has been characterized in 'Othello'.

14. How did Aegeon find out all his family members ?

15. Who was Olivia ? What saddened her? Why did she not allow any visitor?

16.What led Desdemona to marry Othello?

17.How did Rosalind win Orlando's heart?

18.Why did Othello decide to kill Desdemona and himself?

19. Why did Lady Macbeth plot to kill the king? What did Macbeth say to oppose her?

20..What information given by the Captain consoled Viola ? What plan did Viola think of to reach the Duke ? How did the Captain help her ?

Newspaper Advertisement Writing

[5 marks each]

1. You want to provide accommodation to paying guests in your house. Draft an advertisement for the classified columns of an English daily in not more than 50 words giving details of the accommodation.

2. You want to provide accommodation to Student Paying Guest in your house. Draft an advertisement for the classified of an English daily in not more than 50 words giving details of the accommodation. 

3.Draft an advertisement for the classified of an English daily in not more than 50 words for an essay competition on 125th Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda's Chicago speech, organized by a social activist club of your locality. 

4. You want to conduct cookery classes. Draft an advertisement for the classified columns of an English daily in not more than 50 words announcing the same with necessary details.

5. A college student seeks PG accommodation near Jadavpur University. Draft a newspaper advertisement in not more than 50 words on his/her behalf.

6. You have an old car which you want to sell. Draft an advertisement for the classified columns of an English daily in not more than 50 words announcing the same with necessary details of the car. 

7. An insurance company requires some agents. Insert an advertisement in the newspaper mentioning required qualifications in not more than 50 words. 

8. A reputed language training centre begins its 6 months Spanish course. Insert an advertisement in the newspaper mentioning the necessary details in not more than 50 words.

9. You have a flat in Kolkata which you want to sell. Draft an advertisement in a newspaper in not more than 50 words announcing the same with the details of the flat.

10. You want to buy a house in Santiniketan. Draft an advertisement for the classified columns of the English daily in not more than 50 words announcing the same with necessary details.

11. You have lost a very important file containing some very important documents including your passport. Write an insertion for the Classified Columns giving details about the contents of the file. [Do not exceed 50 words.] 

12.A reputed theatre group wants to conduct a short term theatre workshop for beginners. Insert an advertisement in the newspaper mentioning the required information in not more than 50 words.


            Commercial Leaflet writing: [5 marks each]

1. Design a commercial leaflet in not more than 50 words for an upcoming tour programme of a Travel Agency. 

2. A bookseller of repute is going to open a bookshop in your area. Prepare a commercial leaflet in not more than 50 words announcing the same. 

3. Prepare a commercial leaflet in not more than 50 words announcing the launch of a new food catering service. 

4. A reality show will be launched in your city. Prepare a commercial leaflet in not more than 50 words for the event mentioning the names of singers, dates, time, venue and rates of tickets.

5. Prepare a commercial leaflet in not more than 50 words for a car showroom opening shortly in your area.

6. Design a commercial leaflet in not more than 50 words for a shop advertising discount sale of electrical and electronic products. 

7. Prepare in not more than 50 words a commercial leaflet for a health and fitness institute. Mention the different discounts and bonus available for quarterly, half yearly and annual membership. 

8. Prepare a commercial leaflet in not more than 50 words for a unisex multi-gym and yoga institute opening in your area. Mention the different offers available for half-yearly and annual membership schemes.

9. A shop of masks, hand-sanitizer and hand wash is going to open soon. Now draft a commercial leaflet in not more than 50 words.

10. Reduction sale of Bata is going to begin in a fair-cum-exhibition taking place at Park Circus Maidan, Kolkata. Write a leaflet for the customers. 

11. Prepare a commercial leaflet in not more than 50 words for a Mobile Phone Shop opening shortly in your area. 

12.Design a commercial leaflet in not more than 50 words for a newly opened multicuisine restaurant in Park Circus area. 

13. Prepare a commercial leaflet advertising a particular brand of detergent. 


1.Education for all (100% chance)



1.Birthday boy received prizes...100%chance

2.Three Artists 


For Class-XI English 2023,
