"Bring him back! Back! Ah! Bring him here."-Who says this and to whom? When is this said? What impression of the speaker can be formed from this remark? **

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Q."Bring him back! Back! Ah! Bring him here."-Who says this and to whom? When is this said? What impression of the speaker can be formed from this remark? **

Ans : In Anton Chekhov's one-act play “The Proposal”  Natalya Stepanovna  says this to his father, Chubukov.

When Lomov was expelled from the house after the argument.Chubukov made Natalya aware that Lomov had come to propose her. On this occasion, Natalya says these words.

Natalya is desperate to accept the marriage proposal of Lomov. She is twenty five and still unmarried now. She was very much disappointed with the missing chance of marriage. This disappointment also shows her passion for Lomov.
