Write a report about a Health Check up camp at your school.


Write a report about a Health Check up camp at your school.



Reported by (your name )

Bishnupur , March 11, 2023: The school authority with the help of an NGO organised a health check up camp in our school to ensure sound health of the students.It was held on 10.03.2023 in the school auditorium. The camp was started at 10 A. M and continued till 5:30 P.M.The camp was inaugurated by Mr. Snehasis Dutta, the honourable B.D.O. of Bishnupur by lighting a candle. We noticed a lot of enthusiasm among students. Almost all the students were present on that day and they eagerly waited for their turn. About fifteen reputed doctors of Bankura Medical College were present for this purpose. Dr. Arka Mukharjee, the head of the medical team, supervised the entire process himself.Even blood was also collected for some medical tests. Eye check-up was also done in this camp. Some of the diseases were detected and such students were asked to visit the Bankura Medical College for further treatment. Dr. Arka Mukherjee promised all possible help to them at free of cost.  The headmaster of our school expressed heart-felt thanks to the doctors and medical staff. They promised to visit our school in the days to come.

