Write a report on a farewell meeting of a retired teacher of your school.


Write a report on a farewell meeting of a retired teacher of your school.

Points: Date, time, place -the name of the teacher - his contribution - -president and chief guest - speeches - farewell address by the retired teacher.

Departing Teacher given Farewell

Reported by PKG

ABC High School, Bankura, 28th September, 2021 :A farewell meeting was conducted in the school auditorium on 27th September this year. Mr. Chandan Bose ,an assistant teacher of our school was given a farewell on the solemn occasion of his retirement yesterday, Mr. Chandan Bose, a sincere and committed teacher, had been serving the school for more than four decades. The farewell function was presided over by the D.M, Bankura . A short cultural function was arranged for this purpose .There were songs ,recitation, classical ,dance, etc. by the students and teachers. The function opened with a song sung by some students in chorus. The departing teacher was garlanded first .The H.M. of the institution also delivered an impressive speech about Mr.Chandan Bose's contributions to the all-round development of the school. All his colleagues paid heartfelt homage to the retiring teacher. They regarded his departure as an irreparable loss for the school. Then the departing teacher  was  asked to say something . Mr.  Bose gave a charming speech recollecting some of his memorable days . Mr.  Bose  promised to work for the well being of the school even in his post retirement years. Therefore when it was the turn of of the students ,they spoke highly of him. During the last session of the function ,the secretary delivered a brief speech . Finally the students and the teachers handed over him some gifts as token of their love and respect to the retiring teacher. At last the headmaster called the function a day and we all left the school building bidding our retired teacher goodbye.
