Write a report on Independence Day.|| Write a report on the observance of Independence Day.

Write a report on the observance of Independence Day.

 Independence Day observed in ABC High School


Reported by (your name)


Bishnupur, Bankura,16th  August 2021:  The  Independence Day was observed this year in ABC high School with due solemnity and reverence yesterday. The programme started at 9  A.M .The programme started with the hoisting of national flag by the headmaster of ABC High School. Then the students of our school sang the national anthem with due respect and solemnity. The students of this school also sang patriotic songs and patriotic poems.  After that a  procession was taken out in the locality in which students and teachers took part . The second part of the programme started with a speech by the chief guest who was the local M.L.A. The chief guest and other dignitaries inspired the students to work hard .The local M.L.A delivered a long speech. In his speech he underscored the sacrifice made by the freedom fighters of our motherland .There was also an extempore speech contest for the students .The students also staged a patriotic play written by Rabindranath Tagore. The programme came to an end with a moving speech by C. Bose who is the headmaster of our school.
