Write a report on a Magic Show.||Magic Show report


Recently your school organized a Magic Show. Write a report on it for the local periodical magazine.


Magic Show in ABC High School

Reported by (নিজের নাম )

Bankura,5th March,2023: ABC High School organized a grand magic show in the school ground on 4th March. Mr. P. C Sarkar, a magician of international repute came with his troupe to our school to display his feats and exploits in presence of students, teachers and local people. The show started right at 11 a.m.. But long before its opening the entire ground was fully packed. The show opened with a variety of card magics. As the show progressed, spectators became deeply engrossed in the brilliant performances. The cutting of a girl with some knives was simply awesome. A student of class IX wanted to relish palm, an off-season fruit. To the great astonishment of all the magician satisfied his wish then and there. The endless water of the Ganges in a small jar was another wonder to us. But the wonder of the wonders was the vanishing of a girl from the stage before thousands and thousands of eyes. Equally unbelievable was the transformation of a handkerchief into a cat. The spectators were highly delighted and kept spellbound till the show ended. The show was partially funded by the school. The viewers had to bear the rest expenses. Anyway the magic show was a fascinating experience most particularly to the students of our institution.

