Write a report on Plant Tree ,Save Life Programme .


Q.Write a report on Plant Tree ,Save Life Programme .

Suppose your school organised a seminar titled  'Plant Tree ,Save Life'  programme. Write a newspaper report for your school magazine.

Ans :

Plant Tree ,Save Life Programme in/at ABC High School

Reported by (Your Name )

Bishnupur ,Bankura ,6th June 2022: Our school authority organized a seminar titled 'Plant Tree ,Save Life' on the occasion of 'The World Environment Day' with due solemnity and reverence .The programme was held on 05/06/2022 in the school auditorium .Different programmes were undertaken to make the students aware of the significance of the day .The function was presided over by the D.M .Other dignitaries were the local M.L.A ,the principal of Ramananda College  and BDO .The president inaugurated the function with the planting of a sapling in the school premises. Then followed the afforestation programme by the students around the school. The newly planted saplings were fenced. It was followed by the stage function where all the celebrities emphasized the necessity of the pollution free atmosphere and the role of the students in this regard .Raghunath De , headmaster of school , delivered a long speech about the harmful effects of deforestation and wastage of water . To combat the menace of global warming ,the alarming rate of deforestation and the resultant impact on environment they reminded students of their duties and responsibilities. The whole function was a brilliant success.

