Short Questions and Answers of "All Summer in a Day".| Class-IX |

Short Questions and Answers of "All Summer in a Day".


 1.Who wrote "All Summer in a Day"?

Ans : Ray Bradbury wrote "All Summer in a Day".

2. How long had it been raining ?

Ans: It had been raining for seven years.

3.How were the days filled with ?

Ans : The days were filled with the gush of water and endless shower.

4.What caused tidal waves to come over the island ?

Ans :Heavy storms caused tidal waves to come over the island.

5.How did men and women come from the Earth to Venus ?

Ans : Men and women came from the Earth to Venus by rockets.

6.What did they set up on planet Venus ?

Ans: They set up a civilization on planet Venus.

7.Who chattered ?

Ans: The children in the school room chattered .

8.Why did the children peer out the window ?

Ans :The children peered out of the window to look at the hidden sun ?

9.How old were all children ?

Ans : All children were nine years old .

10..How old were all children when the sun came out last ?

Ans :When the sun came out last ,all children were two years old.


 Answers the following questions within fifteen words: 

(a) How did the heavy storms affect the island of Venus? 

Ans. Heavy storms caused tidal waves to come over the islands of Venus and crushed a thousand forests there. 

b)What did the children write about the sun? 

Ane. The children wrote small stories, essays and poems about the sun.

c).Where did the children play?

Ans. The children played in the echoing tunnels of the underground city.

d)How did the Jungle in Venus look?

Ans. The jungle in Versus was great. It looked like the colour of rubber, ash and ink.


Answers the following questions within twenty-five words: 

a)Why were the children eager to see the sun?

Ans. The children had been on Venus all their lives. When the sun came out last time seven years ago they had been only two years old. They had forgotten how the sun really was. So, they were eager to see the sun.

(b)What did the children do immediately after the rain stopped?

Ans: Immediately after the rain stopped, the children put their hands to their ears. They stood apart. They slid the door back and felt the smell of the silent, waiting world, 

c)Why do you think that the children were feeling unhappy when it started raining again?

Ans. With the advent of the sun, the summer came only for an hour after a long seven years of rain. They could hardly enjoy the summer. It would be seven more years before the sun came out again. This is why, they were feeling unhappy when it started raining again.

Extra Questions :

1. What does the prose piece "All Summer in a Day" tell us about?

Ans. The prose piece "All Summer in a Day". a excerpt from a science fiction, tells us about an imaginary account of life on the planet Venus.

2. What was the way of life on planet Venus?

Ans. On the planet Venus the days were filled with the gush of water and endless showers. Heavy storms caused tidal waves that came over the islands. Forests there were crushed under the rain to grow up again a thousand times to be crushed again.

3. Who set up civilization in the raining world of Venus?

Ans. Men and women who came by rockets. from Earth, set up civilization in the raining world of Venus.

4. How old were the children?

 Ans. The children were nine years old.

5. How long did the sun remain there in the sky of Venus when it last came out?

Ans. When the sun last came out it only remained in the sky of Venus for an hour.

6. Why could not the children recall the sun?

Ans. The children could not recall the sun as, when the sun came out last time seven years ago, they were too young then.

7. What did the children do before the day of appearance of the sun?

Ans. The children then read in class about the sun all day long. They learned how like 'a lemon it was and how hot. They also wrote small stories, essays or poems about the sun.

8. When did the children gather at the great thick windows?

Ans. The children gathered at the great thick windows when the rain was slackening.

9. Why did the children tumble upon each other?

Ans. The children when startled by a boom of thunder and so they tumbled upon each other.

10. What did the children hear when they closed the doors?

Ans. When the children closed the doors, they heard the gigantic sound of the rain falling everywhere.

11. Why did everyone stop? What was dis- covered then?

Ans. Everyone stopped as one of the girls wailed. A single large of water was found in the centre of her palm.

12. Why did the girl begin to cry?

Ans. When the girl found a large drop of rain in the centre of her palm, she began to cry looking at it. She sensed that their joy was over outside as rain would start quickly.

13. Where did a few cold raindrops fall?

Ans. A few cold raindrops, fell on the noses, cheeks and mouths of the children.















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