Short Questions and Answers of 'His First Flight'. | 'His First Flight' by Liam O' Flaherty

Short Questions and Answers of 'His First Flight'.
'His First Flight' by Liam O' Flaherty

Q. Answer the following questions within twenty-five words:

1. Who was alone on the ledge and why?
Ans. The young seagull was alone on the ledge as his parents with his two brothers and sister had already flown away the day before. He did not join with them because he was afraid to fly.
2. When did the young seagull feel frightened?
Ans. When the young seagull ran forward to the brink of the ledge, he became afraid.
3. What were the seagull's parents doing the day before?
Ans. The day before, the seagull's parents were teaching his two brothers and sister the art of flight and how to dive for fish.

4. Why did his parents circle around his
elder brother proudly?
Ans. After being taught how to dive to catch fish, his elder brother caught his first herring. So his parents circled around his elder brother proudly.
5. Why was the young seagull trying to find some means of reaching his parents?
Ans. The young seagull was hungry enough as he had not eaten anything since the previous nightfall. He knew he would get food from his parents and so he was
trying to find some means of reaching his parents.
6.Why did the young seagull pretend to be falling asleep standing on the brink of the ledge?
Ans. The young seagull wanted to draw the
attention of his parents in this way so that they might bring some food. For this reason, the young seagull did so.

7. What were the seagull's brothers and
sister doing lying on the plateau?
Ans. Lying on the plateau his brothers and sister were dozing, with their heads sunk to their wings.
8. Who was looking at the seagull and from where?
Ans. Standing on a little high hump on the plateau, only the seagull's mother was looking at him.
9. What sight maddened the young seagull and why?
Ans. The young seagull felt very hungry and he saw his mother eating a piece of fish standing on the little high hump on the plateau. The sight of food, therefore, maddened the young seagull.

10. When did the seagull dive at the fish?

Ans. The piece of fish in his mother's beak was almost within the reach of the seagull and his mother halted without reaching him. Just then being surprised, he waited a moment and dived at the fish.

11. How did the young seagull want to reach his parents?
Ans. The young seagull wanted to reach his parents without flying.

12. What was the initial reaction of the seagull when he fell?
Ans. When the seagull fell, he screamed loudly. At that time he was seized by terror and his heart stood still.

13. When did the young seagull feel no longer afraid?
Ans. The young seagull felt no longer afraid when he realised that he was not falling headlong and he was soaring gradually downwards and outwards.
14. What did the seagull see while soaring upwards?
Ans. While soaring upwards, the seagull saw his mother flying past him and then his brother flew over him. Then he saw his brothers and sister fly around him. All of them were screaming.

15. How were the seagull's family members beckoning to him?
Ans. The seagull's parents, brothers and his sister were beckoning to him calling shrilly.

16. What did the young seagull see beneath him while flying?
Ans. While flying, the young seagull saw the vast green sea beneath him.

17. What happened when the young seagull landed on the green sea floor?
Ans. When the young seagull landed on the green sea floor, his family screamed in praise of him.

18. What was the first catch of the seagull's elder brother? 
Ans. The seagull's elder brother's first catch was a herring.

19. Why did the seagull feel the heat?
Ans. The seagull felt the heat because he had not eaten since the previous nightfall.

20. Why did the seagull dive at the fish? 
Ans. The seagull dived at the fish because he was mad with hunger. 
21. What happened when the seagull soared upwards?
Ans. The seagull uttered a joyous scream and flapped the wings again. 
22. Why was the young seagull unable to fly? 
Ans. The young seagull feared that his wings would never support him.

23. Who were beckoning to the young seagull? 
Ans. The young seagull's parents and his brothers and sister were beckoning to him. 

24. What was the false notion that seagull to fly?
Ans. The young seagull feared that his wings would not   support him flying. 
25. Where did the young seagull sleep at night? 
Ans. At night the young seagull slept in a little hole.
26. How much food was there in the young seagull's nest.
Ans. There was not even a scrap of food in it. 
27. What did the young seagull pretend? 
Ans. Closing eyes one after another the young seagull pretended to be falling asleep.

28. Describe the sea in a sentence.
Ans. The sea was vast and green with a smooth surface.

29. Where were brothers and sister of the seagull lying? 
Ans. Brothers and sister of the young seagull were lying
on a plateau.
30. What for did the young seagull cry ge, ga ga?
Ans. Thus he requested his mother to bring some food. 
31. Who accompanied the young seagull on the ledge?
Ans. None accompanied the young seagull on the ledge.
32. What were the parents teaching the young seagull's brothers and sister?
Ans. The parents were teaching them the art of flight and how to dive for fish. 
33 Why could the young seagull not move towards his parents?
 Ans. The young seagull could not do so because it would risk his life.
35. What did the young seagull do when his parents called him? 
Ans. When his parents called him, the young seagull gave a joyful scream. 
36. Why did the young seagull trot back and forth on the ledge? 
Ans. Thus he tried to reach his parents without flying.
37. How was the first success of the young seagull's older brother appreciated? 
Ans. His parents appreciated it by circling round him proudly.
38. How were the brothers and the sister of the young seagull
Ans. The young seagull's brothers and sister sunk their
heads into their wings while dazing.

39. What was the young seagull's first reaction when he fell from the ledge? 
Ans. At first he was so terrorized that his heart stood still.
40. What did the mother seagull do when she reached just opposite to the young one?
Ans. The mother seagull halted there by keeping her wings motionless.
41. Why was the seagull afraid when he ran forward to the brink of the ledge? 
Ans. When the seagull ran forward to the brink of the ledge, he became afraid of falling into the sea below. He thought his wings would never support him.

42. What were the seagull's two brothers and sister doing on the plateau?
Ans. The seagull's two brothers and sister were lying on the plateau. They were dozing there, with their heads sunk into their wings. 
43. What happened after the seagull's feet sank into the sea ? 
Ans: When the seagull's feet sank into the sea ,his belly touched the water but he sank no further. He was then floating on the sea. 
44. Why was the young seagull alone on the ledge?
Ans. The young seagull was alone on the ledge because his parents, two brothers and a sister had flown away the day before.

45. What did the young seagull watch the day before? 
Ans. The day before the young seagull watched his parents flying about with his brothers and sister. They were teaching them the art of flight and dive.
46. How did the young seagull stand after coming out slowly at the brink of the ledge? 
Ans. Coming out slowly at the brink of the ledge the young seagull stood on one leg with the other leg hidden under his wing.
47. What did the frightened seagull do, being unable to fly ?  
 Ans. Being unable to fly, the frightened seagull bent his head and ran away back to the little hole where he slept at night. 

48. While looking at the young seagull what was his mother doing?
Ans. While looking at the young seagull, his mother was standing on a little high hump on the plateau, eating a piece of fish. 
49. How did the young seagull land on the green sea? 
 Ans. The young seagull dropped his legs to stand on the green sea. His feet sank into it. His belly touched the water surface. He sank no more but floated. 

Answer the following questions within fifteen words: 
(a) What was the first catch of the seagull's elder brother?
Ans. The first catch of the seagull's elder brother was a herring.
(b) Why did the seagull feel the heat?
Ans. The seagull felt the heat because he had not eaten since the previous nightfall. 
(c) Why did the seagull dive at the fish? 
Ans. Maddened by hunger, the seagull dived at the fish. 
(d) What happened when the seagull soared upwards? 
Ans. When the seagull soared upwards, he uttered a joyous scream and flapped his wings again. 

Answer the following questions within twenty-five words:
(a) Why was the seagull afraid when he ran forward to the brink of the ledge? 
Ans. When the seagull ran forward to the brink of the ledge, he became afraid to see the great expanse of the sea stretched down beneath. He felt certain that his wings would never support him. 
(b) What were the seagull's two brothers and sister doing on the plateau ?
Ans. The seagull's two brothers and sister were lying on the plateau. They were dozing, with their heads sunk into their wings.
(c) What happened after the seagull's feet sank into the sea?
Ans. When the seagull's feet sank into the sea, his belly touched the water and he sank no further. He was floating on water. His family was screaming, praising him. 
