Short Questions and Answers of "Tom Loses a Tooth"

Short Questions and Answers of "Tom Loses a Tooth"

1. Who wrote "Tom Loses a Tooth"?
Ans:Mark Twain wrote "Tom Loses a Tooth".
2.Where from is "Tom Loses a Tooth" taken ?
Ans :"Tom Loses a Tooth" is  taken from The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.
3.Which day did Tom find to be miserable ?
Ans .: Tom found Monday morning to be miserable .
4.What did Tom wish ?
Ans : Tom wished that he was sick.
5.Why did Tom investigate his body.
Ans : Tom investigated his body with the hope of finding some ailment.
6.What did Tom think ?
Ans :Tom thought that he had found symptoms of  stomach trouble.
7.What did Tom discover ?
Ans : Tom discovered that one of his upper front teeth was loose.
8. Why did Tom feel lucky ?
Ans : Tom felt lucky because he discovered that one of his upper front teeth was loose..
9.What did Tom remember ?
Ans :Tom remembered hearing a doctor that a certain ailment could lay up a patient for three days and make him lose a finger.
10.Who snored on ?
Ans : Sid snored on.
11.Where from did Tom draw his sore toe ?
Ans :Tom drew his sore toe from under the sheet.
12. Why did Tom find Monday mornings miserable?
Ans. Monday, being the first day of the week, Tom's slow suffering in school would begin and so he found Monday mornings to be miserable.
13. What kind of symptom did Tom find first?
Ans. At first Tom thought that he had found symptoms of stomach trouble.
14. What happened when Tom, began to grow hopeful?
Ans. Just when Tom began to grow hopeful, the symptoms of his stomach trouble grew feeble and went away totally.
15. What seemed to Tom a good chance?
Ans. Tom had a sore toe with which he could befool everybody with his pretence of feeling pain. This seemed to him a good chance.
16. How did Tom wake Sid up?
Ans. Tom groaned louder and started a succession of groans but that did not seem fruitful as Sid continued to snore on. Then Tom called him and shook him to wake him up.
17. Why did Tom want to wake up Sid?
Ans. Tom wanted to inform everybody about his fatal pain through Sid and so he wanted to wake up him.
18. What did Sid notice when he woke up?
Ans. When Sid woke up, he noticed that Tom was suffering from extreme pain. He thought as if Tom was dying in pain.
19. Why did Sid rush down down the stairs?
Ans. Tom's pretence was so genuine that Sid thought that Tom was really going to die as he had been suffering from severe pain. So, he rushed down the stairs to call and bring aunt Polly.
20. Why did aunt Polly laugh and cry a little?
Ans. When aunt Polly got hold of Tom's pranksome trick, she laughed a little. Again she cried a little too as she turned emotional on hearing the news that Tom was dying from Sid. Actually she had great love and care for this impish boy.
21. When did Tom stop groaning?
Ans. When Tom realised that his prankish trick of feeling pain was caught by aunt Polly again, he stopped groaning after getting rebuff from her.
22. Why did Tom want to stay at home?
Ans. Tom wanted to stay at home so that he could go out for fishing.
23. What was the instrument used by aunt Polly to pull out Tom's aching tooth.
Ans. A simple home made instrument, a silk thread was used by aunt Polly to pull the aching tooth of Tom.
24. Why did Tom ask Sid not to stir him? 
Ans. Tom asked Sid not to stir him because it might kill him. 
25. Why did Tom pretend his toe was paining? 
Ans. Tom pretended toe-pain because he wanted to avoid going to school.
26. Why did Tom wish to be sick? 
Ans. Tom wished to be sick so that he could stay home, avoiding school. 
27. Why was Monday miserable to Tom? 
Ans. It was because Monday began another week's slow suffering in school.
28. What for did Tom investigate his body? 
Ans. Tom investigated his body to find some ailment. 
29. What kind of symptoms did he find in himself first ?
Ans. At first, Tom found the symptoms of stomach trouble in himself.
30. Why did Tom hesitate to groan even when he had found symptoms of loose tooth? 
Ans. Tom hesitated to groan because Aunt Polly might pull out his loose tooth and it would hurt him. 
31. What did he hold up for inspection? 
Ans. He held up his sore toe for inspection.
32. Who slept on when Tom started groaning? 
 Ans. When Tom started groaning, Sid slept on.
33. What did Sid do when Tom started to groan? 
Ans. When Tom started to groan, Sid snored on.
34. Did the Aunt come alone upstairs? 
Ans. No, Sid and Mary also came with her. 
35. When Tom's Aunt arrived, what did Tom tell her about his trouble? [
Ans. Tom told Aunt Polly that his toe was paining. 

36. What did Aunt Polly demand from Mary hearing Tom's toothache? 
Ans. Hearing Tom's toothache, Aunt Polly demanded a silk thread from Mary.
37. What was the instrument used to heal Tom's toothache ? 
Ans. The instrument used to heal Tom's toothache was only a silk thread.
38. Why did Tom confess his actual plan to Aunt Polly?
 Ans. To escape from Aunt Polly and to save his tooth Tom confessed his actual plan to Aunt Polly.
39. What did Aunt Polly demand from Mary hearing Tom's toothache? 
Ans. Hearing Tom's toothache, Aunt Polly demanded a silk thread from Mary. 
40. What was the instrument used to heal Tom's toothache ? 
Ans. The instrument used to heal Tom's toothache was only a silk thread.
41. Why did Tom confess his actual plan to Aunt Polly ? 
Ans. To escape from Aunt Polly and to save his tooth Tom confessed his plan. 
42. How would Tom smile after losing one of his teeth? [
Ans. Tom would smile in a new and admirable way. 
43. Why did Tom's excuse of having toe pain not work?
Ans. Aunt Polly gave little importance to the toe pain. She found no reason of groaning severely just for that. So, that excuse did not serve Tom's purpose. 
44. When did Tom's groans gather a genuine tone? 
Ans. Tom wanted to draw the attention of Sid with his groaning. Waking up Sid became anxious and rushed to call help. Then Tom's groans gathered a genuine tone. 
45. How did Tom look after his tooth had been pulled out by Aunt Polly? 
Ans. Then Tom had a gap in his upper row of teeth. It gave his smile a new and admirable look.
46. How did Tom try to convince Aunt Polly with his ailments? 
Ans. At first Tom pretended that he had a severe toe pain. When it did not work, he told Aunt Polly of his toothache.
47. How was Tom caught in his own trap ? 
Ans. Tom tried to avoid school on the pretext of toothache. So, Aunt Polly initiated to remove the tooth. At this Tom confessed his plan and was caught.

Answer the following questions within fifteen words: 
1. Which one of Tom's tooth had come loose? Ans. One of Tom's upper front teeth had come loose.
2. How are Sid and Mary related to Tom? 
Ans. Sid was Tom's brother and Mary was Tom's cousin.
3. Why did Tom ask Sid not to stir him?
 Ans. Tom asked Sid not to stir him because he said that it would kill him. 
4. Why did Tom pretend his toe was paining? 
Ans. Tom pretended that his toe was paining because he wanted to stay home from school and go fishing, 
Answer the following questions within twenty-five words: 
1. What did Tom remember hearing from a doctor?
Ans. Tom remembered hearing from a doctor that a certain ailment could lay up a patient for three days and make him lose a finger. 
Ans. The news that Tom was dying seemed rubbish to Aunt Polly. She initially did not believe it. She immediately flew upstairs with Sid and Mary. Her face grew pale and her lips trembled. 
3. How was Tom's loose tooth taken out? 
Ans. Aunt Polly fastened one end of the silk thread to Tom's tooth and the other end to the bed-post. She pulled and the tooth hung dangling by the bed-post. In this way, Tom's loose tooth was taken away.
