Preparation of Omlet

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Omlet is a very tasty and quick made item. It is a very interesting matter to know how omlet is prepared.The preparation of omlet involves a few steps.First of all onion, chilli and ginger are cut into small pieces. These are mixed well. Now an egg is broken and kept into a pot. Then required amount of salt is added and the small pieces of onion, chilli and ginger are put into it. Next, the mixture is stirred well with a teaspoon till all the ingredients are properly mixed.Then a frying pan is kept on to an oven. Some amount of mustard oil or ghee is poured. into it. Now the mixture is poured into the pan and spread all over the heated pan well. Later, it is fried well and when the mixture turns solid, it is rolled. A little amount of salt may be added then according to taste if required. Finally, omlet is prepared and ready to serve.
