Bengali meaning of the poem, "The North Ship". Short Questions and Answers of the poem

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Bengali meaning of the poem, "The North Ship". Short Questions and Answers of the poem, The North Ship.

Bengali meaning of the poem, "The North Ship"

I saw three ships go sailing by 

আমি দেখলাম তিনটি জাহাজ পাড়ি দিল,

Over the sea, the lifting sea,

সমুদ্রের ওপর, উত্তাল সমুদ্র,

And the wind rose in the morning

আর বাতাস উঠল সকালের আকাশে

And one was rigged for a long journey

আর একটা প্রস্তুত ছিল দীর্ঘ যাত্রার জন্য

The first ship turned towards the west,

প্রথম জাহাজটি ঘুরলো পশ্চিম দিশায়

Over the sea, the running sea,

সুমুদ্রের উপর,প্রবহমান সুমুদ্র

And by the wind was all possessed

আর বাতাসের দ্বারা অধিকৃত হয়ে পুরোপুরি

And carried to a reach country

আর বহন করে নিয়ে গেল একটা সমৃদ্ধশালী দেশে।

The second turned towards the east,

দ্বিতীয়টি ঘুরলো পূর্বপ্রান্তের দিকে

Over the sea, the quaking sea.

সুমুদ্রের উপর, আন্দোলিত সুমুদ্র,

And the wind hunted it like a beast

আর বাতাস তাকে বন্য পশুর মতো তাড়িয়ে নিয়ে যায়

To anchor in captivity

নোঙরের বন্ধনে বন্দি করার তরে।

The third ship drove toward the north,

তৃতীয় জাহাজটি প্রবাহিত হল উত্তরের দিশায়,

Over the sea, the darkening sea,

সমুদ্রের ওপর, অন্ধকারময় সমুদ্র

But no breath of wind came forth,

কিন্তু বাতাসের কোনো শ্বাস এগিয়ে এল না,

And the decks shone frostily.

জাহাজের পাটাতন চকচক করে তুষারকণায়।

The northern sky rose high and black

উত্তরের আকাশ হল আরো উঁচু আর কালো ,

Over the proud unfruitful sea,

গর্বিত নিষ্ফলা সমুদ্রের ওপর,

East and west the ships came back 

পূর্ব ও পশ্চিমে যাওয়া জাহাজগুলি এল ফিরে

Happily or unhappily.

 আনন্দের সঙ্গে অথবা দুঃখের সঙ্গে।

But the third went wide and far

কিন্তু তৃতীয়টি চলে গিয়েছিল বহুদূরে

Into an unforgiving sea 

 এক ক্ষমাহীন সমুদ্রের মধ্য

 under a fire-spilling star

,আগুন ঝরানো নক্ষত্রের তলায়,

And it was rigged for a long journey.

আর এটিকে প্রস্তুত করা হয়েছিল দীর্ঘ সফরের জন্য 

     Short Questions and Answers of the                            poem,The North Ship.

1.Who wrote the poem , "The North Ship"?

Ans:Philip Larkin wrote the poem , "The North Ship".

2.Where did the wind rise?

Ans : The wind rose in the morning sky.

3.Why was the ship rigged?

Ans: The ship was rigged for a long journey.

4.Where did the first ship turn?

Ans:The first ship turned towards the west.

5.Where  did the wind carry the first ship?

Ans :The wind carried the first ship to a rich country.

6.Where did the second ship turn?

Ans:The second turned towards the east. 

7.How did the wind hunt the ship?

Ans :The wind hunted the ship like a beast.

8.Why did the wind hunt  the ship?

Ans :The wind hunted the ship like a beast to anchor in captivity.

9.Where did the third ship turn?

Ans: The third ship turned towards the north.

10.Where did the northern sky rise?

Ans: The northern sky rose over the proud and unfruitful sea.

11.Where did the third ship go?

Ans: The third ship went wide and far into an unforgiving sea.

12.How did the east and west ships come back?

Ans : East and west ships came back happily and unhappily.

13.Why was the third ship rigged?

Ans: The ship was rigged for a long journey.

14.How many ships did the poet see?

Ans:The poet saw three ships.

15.Why was the sea referred to as 'proud' and 'unfruitful'? 

Ans : The sea was arrogant and hostile to the north ship. This is why, it was 'proud'. On the other hand, the sea had no bearing on the ship's ability to reach its objective. This is why, it was 'unfruitful'.

16.What does the phrase 'unforgiving sea' mean? 

Ans: . The 'sea' is referred to as 'unforgiving' because it is filled with innumerous perils. The phrase 'unforgiving sea' refers to the difficulties and barriers that the north ship confronts along the way.


a) What did the wind do to the second ship? 

Ans. The wind hunted the second ship like a beast. It kept the ship imprisoned after anchoring to make it standstill. 

b) Give any two points of difference between the journey of the third ship and the other two ships. 

Ans. Unlike the other two ships, the third ship did not find any breath of wind. When the other two returned and the third one continued his journey.
