Important Grammars of Strong Roots :Do as directed.

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Q.Do as directed 

1.Despite these disadvantage, he possessed great innate wisdom and a true generosity of spirit.[Turn into a complex]

Ans. Although he had these disadvantages, he possessed great innate wisdom and a true generosity of spirit.

2. He had an ideal helpmate in my mother,Ashiamma.[Tum into a complex sentence]

Ans. He had an ideal helpmate in my mother whose name was Ashiamma.

3. We lived in our ancestral house.[Turn into a complex sentence] )

Ans. We lived in the house which belonged to our ancestors.

4. We lived in our ancestral house, which was built in the middle of the 19th Century. [Turn into a simple sentence]

Ans. We lived in our ancestral house built in the middle of the 19th century.

5. It was a fairly large pucca house.[Turn into a complex sentence]

Ans. It was a pucca house which was fairly large.

6. My austere father used to avoid all inessential comforts and luxuries.[Turn into a complex sentence]

Ans. My austere father used to avoid all comforts and luxuries that were inessential.

7. Mine was a very secure childhood, materially and emotionally. [Turn into a complex sentence]

Ans. Mine was a childhood that was very secure, both materially and emotionally.

8. Our locality was predominantly Muslim but there were quite a lot of Hindu families too.[Turn into a complex sentence]

Ans. Though our locality was predominantly Muslim, there were quite a lot of Hindu families too.

9. There was a very old mosque in our locality where my father would take me for evening prayers.[Turn into a simple sentence]

Ans. My father would take me for evening prayers to a very old mosque in our locality.

10. I had not the faintest idea of the meaning of the Arabic prayers chanted, but I was totally convinced that they reached God.[Turn into a complex sentence)

Ans. Although I had not the faintest idea of the meaning of the Arabic prayers chanted, I was totally convinced that they reached God,

11. I was totally convinced that they reached God. [Turn into a simple sentence]

Ans. I was totally convinced of them reaching God.

12. When my father came out of the mosque after  the prayers, people of different religions would be sitting outside.[Turn into a simple sentence

Ans. My father having come out of the mosque after the prayers, people of different religions would be sitting outside.

13. There were quite a lot of Hindu families too, living amicably with their Muslim neighbours. [Turn into a complex sentence]

Ans. There were quite a lot of Hindu families who lived amicably with their Muslim neighbours too.

14. This water was then carried home for invalids. [Turn into a complex sentence]

Ans. This water was then carried home for those who were invalids.

15. I also remember people visiting our home to offer thanks after being cured. [Turn into a complex sentence]

Ans. I also remember people who would visit our home to offer thanks after being cured.

16. Many of them offered bowls of water to my father who would dip his fingertips in them.[Turn into a simple sentence]

Ans. Many of them offered bowls of water to my father for dipping his fingertips in them.

18. The high priest of Rameswaram temple, Pakshi Lakshmana Sastry, was a very close friend of my father's [Turn into a complex sentence].

Ans. Pakshi Lakshman Sastry, who was the high priest of Rameswaram temple was a very close friend of my father's.

19. When I was old enough to ask questions, I asked my father about the relevance of prayer, [Turn into a simple sentence]

Ans. On being old enough to ask questions, I asked my father about the relevance of prayer.

20. When you pray, you transcend your body and become a part of the cosmos.

[Turn into a simple sentence]

Ans. At the time of your prayer you become a part of the cosmos, transcending your body.

21. Adversity always presents opportunities for introspection [Turn into a complex sentence]

Ans. Adversity always presents opportunities that are meant for introspection.

22. He put his hands on my shoulders and looked straight into my eyes.

Ans. Putting his hands on my shoulders, he looked straight into my eyes.

23. Then he answered in a low, deep voice.

[Turn into a complex sentence]

Ans. Then he answered in a voice that was low and deep.

24. Whenever they are in trouble, they look for someone to help them.

[Turn into a simple sentence]

Ans. During their trouble, they look for someone to help them.

25. Whenever they reach an impasse, they look to someone to show them way out.

[Turn into a simple sentence]

Ans. Reaching an impasse, they look to someone to show them way out.

26. This is not a correct approach at all and should never be followed. [Turn into a complex sentence]

Ans. As this is not a correct approach at all, it should never be followed.

27. I remember my father starting his day at 4 a.m by reading the namaz before dawn.

[Turn into a complex sentence]

Ans. I remember that my father would start his day at 4 a.m by reading the namaz before dawn.

28. This remained his routine even when he was in his late sixties. [Turn into a simple sentence]

Ans. This remained his routine even in his late sixties,

29. I have endeavoured to understand the fundamental truths revealed to me.

[Turn into a complex sentence]

Ans. I have endeavoured to understand the fundamental truths which were revealed to me.

30. I feel convinced that there exists a divine power.

[Turn into a compound sentence]

 Ans. There exists a divine power and I feel convinced of it.
