How to write a notice ? Shortcut Method of Notice , Shortcut Rule of Notice , Important Notice for Madhyamik Examination

  How to write a notice ?  Shortcut Method of Notice , Shortcut Rule of Notice


How to write a notice ?

1.At first you have to write the name of a school.

2.Next, give a heading of the notice which reflects its subject matter.

3.Then mention the reference number and date of writing .

4.Now write the subject matter of the notice clearly and briefly .

5.After finishing the subject ,write the name and designation of the person issuing the notice in the right hand side bottom corner of the notice .

6.Finally ,when issued by a person on behalf of an authority the notice should be countersigned.


 Shortcut Method of Notice





Ref./ Memo No.

Date  :__/__/_

All the students of our school are hereby notified that our school is going to organise_____________________.It will be held on______(date) in the school auditorium. The programme will start at_____(time).   (S.D.O/ B.D.O /C.M) ___will be our chief guest. (person)________ will come to inaugurate the camp/ programme._(person)____will conduct the( camp/ programme. )

All the students are requested to maintain discipline throughout the ( camp / programme ). They are also requested to attend the( camp/ programme )
