MCQ of The Place of Art in Education

MCQ of The Place of Art in Education


A.Complete the sentences which follow, choosing the correct answers from the alternatives given:

 [1 mark each]

1. According to Nandalal Bose, the vitality of art lies in its-

(a) s value, (b) sense of beauty and order, (c) money value, (d) face value. XI-14 

Ans: (b) sense of beauty and order,

2. A student, having no sense of beauty, keeps paper flowers in-

(a) earthen pots, (b) tea cups, (c) flower vases, (d) used cocoa tins. XI-'19 

Ans: (d) used cocoa tins

3. The absence of a sense of beauty cheats a man of -

(a) wealth, (b) opportunities, (c) aesthetic experience, (d) livelihood. XI-'16

Ans:(c) aesthetic experience,

4. Fine art liberates our mind from 

(a) joy and grief, (b) professionalism, (c) materialism, (d) sorrows and conflicts. XI-'18, '15 

Ans:(d) sorrows and conflicts. 

5. According to Nandalal Bose, students should accompany qualified teachers to museums and picture galleries (a) to spend a day out, (b) to learn why good art should be a distinguished example of the art,  (c) to know the syllabus well, (d) to enjoy an excursion with class friends.

Ans:(b) to learn why good art should be a distinguished example of the art, 

6. Language is the vehicle of (a) Philosophy, (b) Literature, (c) Science, (d) all of these.

Ans:(d) all of these.

7. Education in arts enhances man's-

(a) power of speech, (b) skill in writing, (c) knowledge and aesthetic sense, (d) physical power.

Ans : (c) knowledge and aesthetic sense

8. In universities provision for art-education is

 (a) adequate, (b) inadequate, (c) sufficient, (d) none 

Ans : (b) inadequate

 9. Art is commonly believed to be the domain for -

(a) the rich, (b) the poor, (c) the intellectuals, (d) the wise.

Ans :(a) the rich

10. The art that gives us aesthetic pleasure is 

(a) Functional art, (b) Fine art, (c) Commercial art, (d) Light art. 

Ans: (b) Fine art

11. The art that provides us livelihood is called - 

(a) Functional art, (b) Fine art, (c) Graphic art, (d) Light art.

Ans:(a) Functional art

12. Art studies in school and university should be made -

(a) optional, (b) provisional, (c) compulsory, (d) periodical

Ans: (c) compulsory,

13. The lack of art education makes us ignorant of -

(a) our history, (b) present life, (c) our past heritage, (d) foreign art. 

Ans:(c) our past heritage

14. For art education students should be taken to--

 (a) Museum, (b) Temple, (c) Club, (d) Open market

Ans: (a) Museum

15. Literature provides man -

(a) lifestyle, (b) inner delight, (c) leisure, (d) none.

Ans: (b) inner delight

 16. Art education calls for close contact with -

 (a) Graphics, (b) Acrylic, (c) Artisans, (d) Nature.

Ans:(d) Nature.

 17. Students should be introduced to examples of art through-

(a) films, (b) history, (c) books, (d) exhibitions.

Ans:(a) films.

18. People with lack of proportion wear dhoti with

(a) high heeled shoes, (b) open-breasted jacket, (c) sweater, (d) open-breasted shirt.

Ans:(b) open-breasted jacket

19. The essay 'The Place of Art in Education' is taken from -

 (a) Vision and Practice, (b) Ambition and Vision, (c) Vision and Mission, (d) Vision and Creation.

Ans:(d) Vision and Creation.

20. Man apprehends the world with-

 (a) love, (b) drawing, (c) mind and senses, (d) perception.

Ans:(c) mind and senses

21. The field of expression of literature is

 (a) unlimited, (b) limited, (c) vast, (d) growing. 

Ans:(b) limited

22. Man derives from the world -

 (a) knowledge, (b) experience, (c) thinking power, (d) aesthetic delight.

Ans:(d) aesthetic delight.

23. Nature is the source of all-

(a) enjoyment, (b) aesthetic pleasure, (c) aesthetic sensibilities, (d) artistic creation

Ans:(d) artistic creation

24. A poor Santhal stacks in order his

(a) brooms, (b) clothes, (c) bedding, (d) earthen pots and tattered quilts.

Ans:(d) earthen pots and tattered quilts.
