Short Questions and Answers of the poem 'Hunting Snake',Bengali Meaning of the poem Hunting Snake.

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Short Questions and Answers of the poem Hunting Snake

Bengali Meaning of the poem,Hunting Snake

Sun-warmed in the late season's grace

রৌদ্রতপ্ত বিলম্বী ঋতুর(ঋতুর শেষের দিকের ) লাবণ্যে

ঋতুর শেষের দিকের প্রসাদগুণে রৌদ্রতপ্ত

বিলম্বী ঋতুর লাবণ্যে সূর্যের উত্তাপে শরতের স্নিগ্ধ

under the autumn's gentlest sky 

শরতের স্নিগ্ধতম আকাশের নীচে

শরতের স্নিগ্ধতম আকাশের তলে

we walked and froze half-through a pace.

আমরা হেঁটেছিলাম এবং থেমে গেলাম মাঝপথে।

চলতে চলতে হঠাৎ মাঝপথে থমকে দাঁড়ালাম

The great black snake went reeling by.

এঁকেবেঁকে চলে গেল বিশাল কালো সাপ।

বিরাট কালো সাপটি চলে গেল এঁকেবেঁকে।

Head down, tongue flickering on the trail

মাথা নীচু, লকলকে জিভ বেরিয়ে আসছে চলার পথে

মাথা নীচু, জিভ লকলকে পথের উপর

He quested through the parting grass.

সে খুঁজে চলেছে যাতায়াতের ফলে ঘাসের মধ্যে দিয়ে তৈরি হওয়া পথে

যাতায়াতের ফলে ঘাসের মধ্যে দিয়ে তৈরি হওয়া পথে

সে খুঁজে চলেছে

বিভাজিত ঘাসের মধ্যে সে খোঁজে।

Sun glazed his curves of diamond scale

রোদ ঝলমল করে  তার হিরের মতো উজ্জ্বল আঁশগুলির খাঁজে খাঁজে

হিরের মতো উজ্জ্বল আঁশগুলির খাঁজে খাঁজে রোদ ঝলমল করে

হীরকের ন্যায় আঁশের বাঁকে সূর্য ঝিলিক দেয়

And we lost breath to see him pass

আর আমাদের শ্বাসরোধ হয়েছিল  তাকে যেতে দেখে। 

আর তাকে যেতে দেখে আমাদের শ্বাসরোধ হয়।

আর তাকে যেতে দেখে আমরা রুদ্ধশ্বাস ।

What track he followed, what small food

কোন্ পথ যে করে অনুসরণ করেছিল,কোন্ ছোট্ট শিকার

কোন্ পথে সে চলেছে, কোন্ ছোট্ট শিকার

কোন্ পথ যে করে অনুসরণ, কোন্ ক্ষুদ্র শিকার 

Fled living from his fierce intent,

বেঁচে পালাল তার হিংস্র অভিপ্রায় থেকে 

তার ভয়ংকর ইচ্ছার ছোবল থেকে বেঁচে পালাল

পালিয়ে  যায় এড়িয়ে তার হিংস্র অভিপ্রায়,

we scarcely thought; still as we stood

আমরা কদাচিৎ তা ভেবেছিলাম, তবুও দাঁড়িয়েছিলাম 

আমরা কদাচিৎ তা ভেবেছিলাম, নিশ্চল হয়ে যখন দাঁড়িয়েছিলাম

আমরা ভাবিনি মোটেও ; তবুও দাঁড়িয়ে আমরা

our eyes went with him as he went.

আমাদের চোখও সেদিকেই গিয়েছিল সে যে দিকে চলে গেল।

সে যে দিকে চলে আমাদের চোখও সেদিকেই যায়।

যখন চোখ মোদের ধায় তার সাথে, যখন সে যায়।

Cold, dark and splendid he was gone

ঠান্ডা, কালো এবং চমৎকার সে চলে গেল

শীতল, কালো আর শোভামণ্ডিত সে গেল চলে

Into the grass that hid his prey.

ঘাসের মধ্যে, যে ঘাস লুকিয়ে রেখেছিল তার শিকার

ঘাসের মধ্যে যা লুকিয়ে রাখে তার শিকার।

We took a deeper breath of day,

আমরা দিনের গভীরতর শ্বাসটি নিলাম

দিনের গভীরতম শ্বাস মোরা নিলাম টেনে,

 Looked at each other, and went on.

একে অপরের দিকে তাকালাম এবং চলতে লাগলাম।

চেয়ে একে অপরের পানে, চলতে লাগি আবার

Q.Answer the following questions :

1.Who wrote the poem 'Hunting Snake'?

Ans:Judith Wright wrote the poem 'Hunting Snake'.

2.Who froze half-through a pace?

Ans: The poet and her companion froze half-through a pace.

3.When/ where was the poet sun-warmed?

Ans: The poet was sun-warmed under the gentlest sky of autumn.

4.What was the colour of the snake?

Ans : The colour of the snake was black.

5.How did the great black snake go?

Ans:The great black snake went reeling by.

6.Who quested through the parting grass?

Ans: The great black snake quested through the parting grass.

7.How was the shape of the snake's scale like?

Ans :The shape of the snake's scale was like diamond.

8.Who lost breath and when?

And: The poet and her companion lost breath to see the snake pass.

9. How does the poet describe the snake?

Ans. The poet describes the snake as great black snake.  It went reeling by with its flickering tongue. The intent of the snake was fierce.

10.How was the intent of the snake?

Ans :The intent of the snake was fierce.

11.What was the poet doing when she saw the snake?

Ans. The poet was out for a walk with her companion when she saw the snake.

12. How does the poet describe the scale of the snake under the light of the sun?

Ans. The poet tells us that the diamond like scales of the snake were glazing under the light of the sun.

13. How did the snake pass?

Ans. The snake passed reeling by with its head down and the tongue was flickering on the trail.

14. What did the snake search through the parting grass?

Ans. The snake searched its prey through the parting grass.

15. What did the poet scarcely think and why?

Ans. The poet was so petrified that he scarcely thought which track the snake followed or what small prey of it fled from its fierce intent.

16. Why were the poet and her companion gazing motionless at the snake?

Ans. The poet and her companion were very much afraid to see the great black snake and they were so petrified that they stood motionless gazing at it.

17. How did the poet and her companion do when the snake was gone?

Ans. When the snake was gone the poet and her companion took a deeper breath. They looked at each other and went on.

18. How did the snake appear as it was moving through the grass ? 

Ans. When the snake was moving through the grass it appeared dark, cold and splendid, It was moving keeping its head down with flickering tongue. The sunlight made its scale glazing like diamond.


Ans. As the snake was moving through the grass, its head was down and tongue flickering. With sunlight on it, the scales glazed like diamonds.

19) What did the poet and her companions do when the snake was gone? 

Ans. When the snake was gone the poet and her companions took a deeper breath. They looked at each other and went on.


Ans. When the snake was gone, the poet and her companions took a deeper breath. They looked at each other and went on their own way. 

20. “We lost breath...” – Why?

Ans. The poet and her companions lost their breath for sometime, watching the black, splendid and awe- inspiring beauty of the snake.

21. Watching the black snake, what did the poet and her companions forget to think? 

Ans. The poet and her companions forgot to think what the track of the snake was, and what small food fled living from his fierce intent.

22.Which season does the poet refer to here? How was the sky then?

Ans. The poet refers to here the winter season. The sky was gentle.

23. Why did the poet and her companion freeze?

Ans. The poet and her companion saw a snake passing by and they were so petrified that they froze half through the pace.

