Publication of School Magazine

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Use the following flow-chart to describe how the School Magazine is published.Make use of linkers to tie up your sentences:

[Points: Introduction - students selected for editorial board- manuscripts collected-writings sorted- proof checking done--manuscripts printed-distributed to all.]


Publication of School Magazine 

(A school magazine is an essential part of a  school).A school magazine is an important literal journal of school. It contains writings of teachers and students of a school.It is a very interesting matter to know how a school magazine is published in a school.Publication of school magazine involves a series of interconnected steps one after another.At first, a magazine  committee is formed.Then an editor is selected from the members of the committee.Next,a notice is put up on notice board for collection of essays, stories, poems and sketches from the students and teachers.Everybody submits their writings within a specific date.Then these writings are sorted.Later, they thoroughly screened and if necessary,addition,alterations and omission are done.Thereafter,the title page and content page are written.Next,the manuscripts are sent to press for printing.Then a copy of magazine is printed and sent to magazine committee for proof correction.Next, the corrected proofs are sent for final printing.Thereafter, the magazines are printed in form of books and bound.Finally the magazines are distributed among the students and teachers.
