Story of The Ungrateful Snake for class viii

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➡️Story of The Ungrateful Snake for class viii

A Farmer and An Ungrateful Snake

/An Ungrateful Snake

Once upon a time a farmer lived in a village with his family.One day on a winter evening he went to plow/plough his field.When he was working in the field , suddenly he found a snake which was almost dead out of cold .The farmer thought to save it though a snake could be dangerous. He brought it home and gave warmth to it. Thus he saved its life. At night he put it under a basket and went to sleep.Hearing a sound,he woke up at midnight. He found the snake managed to get out of the basket and was about to bite his son. He chased away the snake and gave a sigh of relief.

Moral: Sometimes ferocity can not be changed.
