Imagine that you and your friend are sailors of two ships that have recently returned from their voyages. Write a dialogue within 100 words on the different experiences of your voyages.

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Imagine that you and your friend are sailors of two ships that have recently returned from their voyages. Write a dialogue within 100 words on the different experiences of your voyages.

                     Sea Tales: Voyages Unveiled


Ram : Hello, Rahim! How are you?

Rahim : Hi, I am fine. You?

Ram : I am also fine.When did you return with you ship from Srilanka ?

Rahim :I came back yesterday.How was your voyage?

Ram : Good,our journey had its share of storms and surprises. Yours?

Rahim :Storm, it is really frightening.I had to face rough weather on my return.The ship rolled and pitched sickeningly dear, and crockery crashed to the floor. However, the situation turned normal gradually. But how about yours?


((A storm is really scary. I faced rough weather on my way back. The ship rocked a lot, things fell, but it got better over time. How was about your journey?)

Ram: My Journey was safe, to say. The weather was also not so rough. The sea was calm and glassy.        Or

((My trip was safe. The weather wasn't too bad. The sea was calm and smooth)

Rahim :That's great friend. Ok.We'll meet later.

Ram: Ok, dear. Bye for now.

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