Justify the title of the poem On Killing a Tree /Bring out the appropriateness of the title of the poem 'On Killing a Tree'.

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Justify the title of the poem On Killing a Tree / Bring out the appropriateness of the title of the poem 'On Killing a Tree'.

Ans :

The title of the poem "On Killing a Tree" is highly appropriate as it precisely encapsulates the central theme and tone of the poem. The title not only indicates the subject matter but also sets the stage for the ceremonial and deliberate treatment of the act of destroying a tree.

The choice of the word "killing" in the title is significant. It suggests a purposeful, intentional, and almost ritualistic approach to the act. The poem unfolds as a meticulous description of the various steps involved in killing a tree, emphasizing that it is not a simple or haphazard process. The word "killing" adds a layer of gravity and seriousness to the poem, highlighting the severity of the action being described.

Additionally, the title establishes a sense of irony. While the act of killing is usually associated with brutality and violence, the title itself gives a ceremonial touch to the process. This irony mirrors the paradox within the poem, where the destruction of a tree, a seemingly straightforward act, is revealed to be a complex and deliberate procedure.

Moreover, the title carries an elegiac note, suggesting a mournful or lamenting tone. It hints at the profound impact of the tree's destruction and the underlying heartlessness involved in the process. The title, therefore, serves as a fitting introduction to the themes of cruelty, violence, and the complex relationship between humanity and nature that the poem explores.

In conclusion, the title "On Killing a Tree" is apt as it not only conveys the subject matter but also captures the ceremonial, intentional, and somewhat ironic nature of the act described in the poem.
