Class 10 ABTA Test Paper 2024 English Page -72,Madhyamik ABTA Test Paper 2024 English Page 72 ,Madhyamik ABTA page 72 English


Class 10 ABTA Test Paper 2024 English

Page :72

Madhyamik ABTA Test Paper 2024 English

 Page :72


A. Tick (✔️) the correct alternative:

i) On his way to school Swaminathan was bothered by – 

(a) headache (b) his conscience (c) his father (d) his friends. 

Ans:b) his conscience 

(ii) Swami's head was dizzy with –

(a) hesitation (b) allegation (c) confusion (iv) sorrow.

Ans :c) confusion

(iii) Personally Samuel was more (a) friendly (b) hostile (c) cruel (d) unfriendly than the other teachers. 

Ans: (a) friendly 

(iv) Samuel had a special regard for- (a) Swami (b) Headmaster (c) Swami's father (d) every student. 

Ans : a) Swami 

(v) About the description of Samuel Swami was (a) sure (b) certain (c)convinced (d) unsure. 

Ans: (d) unsure. 

B. Complete the following incomplete sentences with information from the text: 1x3=3

(i) Swami felt he had mixed up the real and the imagined.

(ii) Swami's conscience bothered him because he wasn't sure if his description of Samuel had been accurate.

(iii) Swami could not decide if Samuel really deserved the allegations made against him in the letter.

C. Fill in the chart: 2x2=4

(i)Statement :Swami stopped on the roadside.

Reason: Swami wanted to make up his mind about Samuel. 

 Or Swami stopped on the roadside to make up his mind about Samuel. 

(ii)  Reason:Swami’s mind filled with sorrow.

Statement :Swami recalled Samuel’s dark faces, thin mustache, unshaven cheek, and yellow coat.


A . Tick (✔) the correct alternative:

(i)The snail shrinks into its house when it is - (a) captured (b) slightly touched (c) lifted (d) dropped.

Ans: (b) slightly touched 

(ii) The snail is satisfied with its own-(a) house (b) shell(c) treasure (d) appearance. 

Ans: c)treasure

(iii) The snail does not fear to - (a) come down (b) go up (c) fall (d) fail. 

Ans c) fall 

(iv) The snail lives in his house with - (a) his family (b) insects (c) storm (d) none.

Ans :(d) none.

B . Answer the following questions:

(i)Where does the snail stick to?

Ans: The snail sticks close to grass, leaf, fruit, or wall.

(ii)When does the snail hide into its house?

Ans : When danger imminent betides of storm, or other harm beside  of weather, the snail hides into its house.


When danger imminent betides, such as a storm or other harm related to weather, the snail hides into its house.


The snail hides into its house when there is danger imminent, such as a storm or other harm related to weather.



A. Choose the correct alternative to complete the following sentences.

i)World Environment Day is celebrated on - (c) 5th June 

(ii) The World Environment Day is an initiative of the - (b) United Nations Environment Programme 

(iii) For the first time in the world a conference on the environment - (b) 1972

(iv) This conference was held in the city named - (d) Stockholm.

(v) United Nations Conference on the Human Environment gave birth to the - (c) World Environment Day.

(vi) The theme of Beat Plastic Pollution was observed by India in - (a) 2018.

B. Each of the following statements is either 'True' or 'False". Write 'T' for 'true' and 'F' for 'false' in the boxes on the right hand side. Also pick out suitable line(s) or phrase(s) from the passage in support of your answer. 

(i) T - The World Environment Day was observed after the Stockholm Conference.

(Support:  In 1972 ............This gave birth to the  World Environment Day )

ii) F - The Stockholm Conference has completed 25th year in 2022.

(Support: The year 2022 marks the 50-year anniversary of the 1972 Stockholm Conference.)

(iii) F - The theme of the World Environment Day for 2022 was Air Pollution.

(Support: "The theme for 2022, 'Only One Earth' focuses on our role as the citizens of the Earth, to protect the environment and to encourage sustainable living everywhere and every day

C. Answer the following questions :

i ) What is the purpose of observing the World Environment Day all across the globe?

Ans: The purpose of observing the World Environment Day all across the globe is to spread the importance of conserving planet Earth and encourage sustainable living.

(ii) What is theme for World Environment Day, 2022?
Ans:The theme for World Environment Day in 2022 is 'Only One Earth,' focusing on the role of citizens in protecting the environment and promoting sustainable living.

(iii).Write some of the important themes of World Environment Day from the recent years?
Ans: Some important themes of World Environment Day from recent years include Beat Plastic Pollution (2018), Air Pollution (2019), Celebrate Biodiversity (2020), and Ecosystem Restoration (2021).

iv) What has become imperative to talk about the environment?

Ans: It has become imperative to talk about climate change, pollution, and their effects on our fragile ecosystem to be able to live in a healthy environment, considering these issues as basic human rights.

4. Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct alternative given in the eat brackets.: 1×3=3

Every citizen has a duty to (maintain/maintained/will maintain) on cleanliness in their surroundings. Next sunday we (shall be/shall/ can be) carrying on a cleaning programme in our area. All of us (interested/are interested/interested) to join this programme. 


A. Fill in the blanks with appropriate article or preposition.: 1×3=3 

Everyone of us is  a member of an ordered and civilized society. So, we all have a duty live to other fellow citizens and the society we live in.

B. Do as directed:

(i) The teacher said to the students, 'Why is everybody late today?'(change the mode of narration)

Ans: The teacher inquired of  the students why everybody was late that day.

The teacher asked  the students why everybody was late that day.

(ii) He always speaks the truth. He is not be afraid of it. (join into a simple sentence)

Ans :He is not afraid of speaking the truth

(iii) Someone wrote this letter  in the 19th century. (change the voice).

Ans: This letter was written in the 19th century.(by someone না লিখলেও হবে )

Came - turned up

Postponed -put off

Investigating -looking into


i) Reintroduction of something--restoration

ii)Easily damaged--fragile

iii) to give hope---encourage 

iv)A solemn promise---pledge

7.Suppose you are the cultural secretary of your school. Your school will conduct an educational tour to a place of historical importance. Write a notice using the following points :

name of place, date and time of the journey (b) transport and total cost (c ) the dress and other things students should carry (d) enlisting the names (d) your suggestions. 

Ans :




For Students' Excursion

Memo No. 43B/20                                                                                                      

  Date : 25.06.2023

All the students of our school are hereby informed that an excursion to Mukutmanipur by a reserved bus has been arranged by the Students' Excursion Committee of our school. The excursion will be for four days. All the participants will have to be assembled at 6:30 a.m. on the 5th July in our school campus. It is expected that we shall return from Mukutmanipur at  7:00 p.m. on the 8th July. Don't forget that the last date for the submission of application by the intending participants is the 2nd July, Conveyance charge for each student is Rs. 400/-.All the applicants must deposit Rs. 100/- with their applications. Please take two sets of clothing, a tooth brush, a torch and a towel in your kit bag. The guardian's consent letter is also to be submitted along with the application.

For further information any one may contact the undersigned. Your active support is highly solicited


(নিজের নাম )


Students' Welfare Society


Countersigned by


8.Develop in about 100 words the points below into a story. Add a suitable title and a moral to the story.[Hints: A King and a jester - cracked jokes - jester cracked jokes on - sentenced the jester to death - allowed him to choose the - the jester choose to die of old age.]

Ans :

"The Jester's Wisdom"

Once in the kingdom of Merriland, King Ferdinand had a peculiar fondness for wit. There was a wise jester  in the court. The king who ruled the kingdom respected the jester a lot. The jester was not only good at cracking jokes but was clever enough to help the king in some official matters. His court jester, Jovial Jake, cracked jokes that tickled even the sternest hearts. Many a times the jester would make the king the butt of his joke. One day he joked about the king as usual but the king felt insulted by it and grew very angry. Enraged, King Ferdinand, in a fit of temper, sentenced the jester to death. To everyone's surprise, the king offered Jake a choice of how he wanted to meet his end. Wise beyond measure, the jester chose to die of old age. The king, amused by the jester's clever choice, realized the folly of his anger and granted him a full pardon. The kingdom learned that sometimes, wisdom can be found in unexpected places.

Moral: "Humor and wisdom can disarm even the mightiest of tempers."

9. Write a newspaper report in about 100 words with the help of the following hints.10

[Hints: A daring bank robbery - five armed men in a car at about 12 noon - guard overpowered - key of the locker from the manager on gun point - Rs. 20 lakh looted - enquiry-no arrest yet]

A Daring Bank Robbery : Looted 20 Lakh 
By a Staff Reporter

Bankura , December 2 ,2023: A daring bank robbery took place in the State Bank of India ,Bankura Branch at around 12:00 p.m. Five armed men came  by a car at about 12 p.m .They wore masks .Witnesses reported a swift operation as the armed men overpowered the security guard and stormed into the bank. They locked the main gate. At that time few customers were in  the bank. They snatched the key of the locker from the manager at gunpoint . They looted Rs 20 Lakh and some ornaments. When they left the bank ,they fired and thrown tear gas into the air .Manager promptly informed  the  police. Police came and started investigation. No one has been arrested yet. 

দশম শ্রেণির ইংরেজি বিষয়ের সমস্ত প্রশ্ন ,
উত্তর  ,Paragraph ,Writing ,Notice ,
Report ,Suggestion 2024 পাবার জন্য এখানে ক্লিক করো 
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