Class 10 ABTA Test Paper 2024 English Page -278,Madhyamik ABTA Test Paper 2024 English Page-278 ,Madhyamik ABTA page -278 English


Class 10 ABTA Test Paper 2024 English

Page :-278

Madhyamik ABTA Test Paper 2024 English

 Page :-278

1. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow :

Most people think that the cat is an unintelligent animal, fond of ease and caring little for anything but mice and milk. But a cat has really more character than most human beings, and gets a great deal more satisfaction out of life. He - or she - is an athlete, an acrobat and a grim fighter. All day long the cat loafs about the house, takes things easy and allows himself to be pestered by the attentions of the people in the house. To pass the time away he sometimes watches a mousehole for an hour or two - just to keep himself from dying of boredom. People get this idea that this sort of thing is all that holds life for a cat. But watch him as the shades of evening fall. You can see the cat as he really is. When the family sits down to tea, the cat puts in an appearance to get his share.

A. Choose the correct alternative to complete the following sentences:1×5=5

(i) A cat has really more than most human beings.

 (a) intellect

(b) personality

(c) satisfaction

(d) ease

(ii) He or she is a/

an –(a) acrobat (b) archer (c) footballer (d) tennis player 

 iii) To pass the time away the cat watches –

(a) a movie ( (b) a mouse hole (c) a dance show (d) a cricket match 

(iv) Most people think that the cat is - (a) clever (b) moody☐ (c) unintelligent (d) wicked

 (v) All day long the cat loafs about in the - (a) wood land (b) river bank (c) backyard (d) house.

B. Complete the following sentences with information from the passage: 1×3=3

(i) The cat cares little for anything but 

 (ii) One can see the cat as he really is in the

(iii) The cat gets a great deal


i) The cat cares little for anything but mice and milk.

(ii) One can see the cat as he really is in the shades of evening fall.

(iii) The cat gets a great deal more satisfaction out of life.

C. Fill in the chart with information from the passage:

Cause (i) The cat wants to keep himself away from dying of boredom.

Effect (i) The cat Loafs about the house and allows himself to be pestered by people. He sometimes watches a mousehole for an hour or two -

Effect (ii) The cat puts in an appearance when the family sits down to tea.

Cause: (ii) The cat wants to get his share.

2. Read the lines and answer the questions that follow:

Once I crept in an oakwood – I was looking for a stag. 
I met an old woman there – all knobbly stick and rag.
 She said: ‘I have your secret here inside my little bag.
Then she began to cackle and I began to quake. 
She opened up her little bag and I came twice awake - 
Surrounded by a staring tribe and me tied to a stake. 
They said: 'We are the oak-trees and your own true family. 
We are chopped down, we are torn up, you do not blink an eye. 
Unless you make a promise now - now you are going to die.

A. Choose the correct alternative to complete the following sentences:1x4=4

i)Once the poet crept in a/an - (a) mango grove (b) oak wood (c) evergreen forest (d) vineyard

ii)The old woman held the poet's secrets in - (a) her little bag (b) her pocket (c) her head (d) her house

 (iii) When the little bag was opened, the poet awoke – a) twice (b) thrice (c) once (d) four times

 (iv) The theme of  the poem is a) importance of family (b) importance of man(c) importance of trees (d) importance of poetry. 


B. Answer the following questions:-2×2=4

(I)What does the old woman have with her? 

(ii) What would happen to the poet if he failed to make the promise?


(i) The old woman has the poet’s secret with her.

(ii) If the poet failed to make the promise, he would die.

. Write the correct alternatives to fill in the blanks 1×3=3

 Several trees (are/were/have been) uprooted during Thursday afternoon's thunder storm and at least two (fall/fell/had fallen) on cars with people inside. The weather (force/was forced/forced) Calcutta airport to divert six flights that were to land in the city.

Ans :Several trees were uprooted during Thursday afternoon's thunderstorm, and at least two fell on cars with people inside. The weather forced Calcutta airport to divert six flights that were to land in the city.

5. Do as directed:

A. Fill in the blanks with article or preposition: 1×3=3

If you enjoy books that engage__Indian history___compelling inventive ways, Sudeshna Guha's book would make____worthy addition to your bookself.  

Ans :If you enjoy books that engage with Indian history in compelling inventive ways, Sudeshna Guha's book would make a worthy addition to your bookshelf.


(i) None but my brother can solve the problem. (change into an assertive sentence)

Ans :Only my brother can solve the problem.

(ii) The trainer said, "Why is everybody late today?" (change into indirect speech)

Ans:The trainer asked why everybody was late that day.

(iii) Tapu was preparing coffee. (change the voice). 

Ans: Coffee was being prepared by Tapu.

C. Choose the correct phrasal verbs from the list given below to replace the words underlined. Write the correct phrasal verbs in the boxes on the right hand side changing the form where necessary. There is one extra phrasal verb in the list : 1×3=3

(i)Our school closes at 4.30 p.m.__ breaks up

(ii)The dog was chasing a rabbit._running after

(iii) He wore a white shirt.__put on

[put on, come round, run after, break up]

6. Given below are the meanings of four words which you will find in the passage in Question No.3. Find out the words and write them in the appropriate boxes on the right-hand side: 2×4=8

(1) Easily scared___ skittish

ii)Dignity___ grace

iii) Harmful__ detrimental

(iv) extremely beautiful__ magnificent









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