ABTA PAGE 496 2024

ENGLISH (Second Language)
দশম শ্রেণির ইংরেজি বিষয়ের সমস্ত প্রশ্ন ,
উত্তর  ,Paragraph ,Writing ,Notice ,
Report ,Suggestion 2024 পাবার জন্য এখানে ক্লিক করো 
সমস্ত ABTA পেজের উত্তর -👉 ABTA TEST PAPER ALL PAGES 2024
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1. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow :

As he entered the school gate, an idea occurred to him. He would deliver the letter to the headmaster at the end of the day. There was a chance Samuel might do something during the course of the day to justify the letter.
Swami stood at the entrance to his class. Samuel was teaching arithmetic. He looked at Swami, Swami hoped Samuel would scold him severely.

"You are half an hour late," Samuel said.
"I have a headache, Sir." Swami said.
"Then why did you come at all?"
This was an unexpected question from Samuel.
Swami said, "My father said I shouldn't miss school, sir."
Samuel looked impressed. "Your father is quite right. We want more parents like him."
"Oh, you poor man!" Swami thought, "You don't know what my father has done to you."
"All right, go to your seat."
Swami sat down, feeling sad. He had never met anyone as good as Samuel. The teacher was inspecting the home lessons. To Swami's thinking, this was the time when Samuel got most angry. But today Samuel appeared very gentle.
"Swaminathan, where is your home work?"
"I have not done my homework, sir," Swami said.
"Why-headache?" asked Samuel.
"Yes, Sir."
"All right, sit down," Samuel said.

A.Write the correct alternative in the given space to complete the following sentences:1×5=5

(a) Swaminathan decided to deliver the letter
(i) immediately after entering the school
 (ii) after the tiffin break
 (iii) at the end of the day
(iv) in between the classes
Ans:  (iii) at the end of the day
(b) Samuel was-
(i) very rude
(ii) compassionate
(iii) angry
 (iv) indifferent
Ans: (iii) angry
(c) Swaminathan was-
 (i) an hour late
(ii) in time
 (iii) half an hour late
(iv) absent
Ans: (iii) half an hour late
(d) Samuel was impressed by -
(i) Swaminathan
(ii) student's performance
(iii) Swami's father
(iv)The guardians in general
Ans (iii) Swami's father
(e) As Samuel instructed Swaminathan to take his seat, he became -
 (i) glad
 (ii) sad
(iii) confused
 (iv) shocked.
Ans: (ii) sad

B.Complete the following statements with information from the text:1×3=3

(i) Swami decided to delay in delivering the letter to the Headmaster because he hoped Samuel might do something during the course of the day to justify the letter.
ii) Swami expected to be scolded by Samuel as he stood at the entrance to his class,but Samuel surprised him with unexpected questions and a compassionate attitude.
iii)When Samuel appreciated Swami's father, Swami thought - he did not know what his father had done to him.

Answer the following questions:2×2=4

(i) What excuse did Swaminathan give to Samuel for his late arrival at school?
Ans: Swaminathan gave the excuse of having a headache to Samuel for his late arrival at school.
(ii) Give a brief description of Samuel.
Ans:Samuel is depicted as a teacher who appears unexpectedly gentle during the inspection of home lessons. According to Swami,he had never met anyone as good as Samuel. 

2. Read the following lines and answer the questions that follow:
They said: "We are the oak trees and your own true family.
We are chopped down, we are torn up, you do not blink an eye
Unless you make a promise now - now you are going to die.
Whenever you see an oak-tree felled, swear now, you will plant two
Unless you swear the black oak bark will wrinkle over you
And root you among the oaks where you were born but never grew."

This was my dream beneath the bough, the dream that altered me.
When I came out of the oakwood, back to human company,
My walk was the walk of a human child, but my heart was a tree.

A. Tick the right answer:1 × 4=4
(a) The 'tribe' told the poet that they were _____trees.
 (i) Neem  (ii) Pine (iii) Oak (iv) Cherry
Ans: (iii)Oak
(b) 'You do not blink an eye' means
(i) you do not care (ii) you are blind (iii) you are an inanimate object (iv) you do not get angry
Ans: (i) you do not care

(c) Whenever an oak tree is felled, the number of trees to be planted are
 (i) one
(ii) two
(iii) tree
(iv) four
Ans: (ii) two
 (d) The poet walked out of the oak wood as a
(i) human child
(ii) tree
(iii) number
(iv) tiger
Ans: (i) human child
B. Fill in the boxes given below with information from the passage given:
Statement(i) The oak bark will wrinkle over the poet.
Reason:  If the poet doesn't swear to plant two trees when an oak tree is felled,( the oak bark will wrinkle over him, and he will be rooted among the oaks where he was born but never grew.)

Statement (ii) When the poet came back to the human company again, he was a changed personality.
Reason:The dream beneath the oakwood altered the poet. Although his walk remained that of a human child, his heart became like a tree, (symbolizing a transformation in his perspective or character.)


Choose the correct verb forms to fill in the blanks:1×3=3

Although children__love__ (love/has loved/are loving) outdoor games, their parents__ consider___ (in considering/consider/has considered) their interest as harmful and meaningless. A child who spends time and energy in outdoor activities_grows____ (grows/had grown/in growing) up to be healthy and strong.
5. Do as directed:
A. Fill in the blanks with appropriate article or preposition:1x3=3
Many people of Dooars have died_from_/of_Malaria. According to _the___reports received, they are deprived _of___ proper treatment.

(i) This is one of the funniest stories of Sukumar Roy. [Turn into positive degree]
Ans :Very few stories of Sukumar Roy are as funny as this.

(ii) The old man was very weak. He cannot carry the load. [Join into single sentence]
Ans: Being very weak, he cannot carry the load.

(iii) We pasted gold tinsel stars all over the kite and had written our names on it. [Change the voice].
Ans: Gold tinsel stars were pasted all over the kite and our names had been written on it.

C. Choose the correct phrasal verbs from the list given below to replace the words underlined. Write the correct phrasal verbs in the boxes on the right hand side changing the forms where necessary.
There is one extra phrasal verb in the list.1×3=3

(i) The magazine of our school will be published shortly.
brought out
(ii) Jatin Das did never surrender to the pressure of the British Government.
give in
(iii) The fire brigade has reached to extinguish the blaze.
put out

[List: Put out, bring out, came round, give in]

6. Find out four words from the passage in Questions-3 which are synonymous with the following words:2×4=8

(i) a child whose parents are dead : Orphan 
(ii)a person's first appearance  in a particular role - Debute
(iii) native: Indigenous 
(iv) a mutually beneficial relationship: Symbiotic/ Symbiosis 
