Class-10 ABTA Test Paper 2024 Page 175 ,ABTA Madhyamik Test Paper 2024 English Page175 ,Class-10 ABTA Test Paper 2024 Page 175


Seen, Unseen,Grammar,Vocabulary And Writing 

ABTA Madhyamik Test Paper 2024 English Page175 ,

Madhyamik ABTA  Test Paper 2023- 2024 Page 175,

Class-X ABTA  Test Paper 2024 Page 175 ,

Class-10 ABTA  Test Paper 2024 Page 175 ,

ENGLISH (Second Language)



1. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow :

 Swami went to school feeling that he was the worst boy on earth. His conscience bothered him. He wasn't at all sure if his description of Samuel had been accurate. He felt he had mixed up the real and the imagined.
Swami stopped on the roadside to make up his mind about Samuel. Samuel was not such a bad man after all. Personally he was much more friendly than the other teachers. Swami also felt Samuel had a special regard for him.
Swami's head was dizzy with confusion. He could not decide if Samuel really deserved the allegations made against him in the letter. The more he thought of Samuel, the more Swami grieved for him. To reccll Samuel's dark face, his thin moustache, unshaven cheek and yellow coat filled Swaminathan with sorrow.

A. Write the correct alternative in the given space to complete the following sentences:1×5=5

(a) Swami stopped on his way to school to decide whether Samuel was a/an - (i) bad person (ii) good and friendly person (iii) honest person (iv) dishonest person.

Ans:  (ii) good and friendly person

(b) Swami felt dizzy because he was - (i) excited (ii) indifferent (iii) afraid (iv) puzzled.

Ans: - (iv) puzzled

(c) Swami felt Samuel had a special regard for - (i) all his students (ii) Swami's father (iii) himself (iv) Swami.

Ans: (iv) Swami

(d) The more Swami thought of Samuel the more - (i) aggrieved he felt (ii) intense sorrow he felt (iii) disappointed he felt (iv) angry he felt.

Ans: (ii) intense sorrow he felt

(e) Samuel's appearance filled Swami with - (i) charm (ii) sorrow (iii) enmity (iv) wonder.

Ans:(ii) sorrow

B. Complete the following sentence with information from the text: 1x3=3

(i) Swami was unable to decide whether _____Samuel really deserved the allegations made against him in the letter. 

(ii) While going to school, Swami felt _____that he was the worst boy on earth.

(iii) Other teachers were not as_______friendly as Samuel.

C. Answer the following questions : 2x2=4

(1) Why did Swami's conscience bother him?

Ans :Swami's conscience bothered him because he wasn't sure if his description of Samuel had been accurate.

(ii) How did Swami recall Samuel's appearance? 

Ans:Swami recalled Samuel's appearance with a feeling of sorrow.
Swami recalled Samuel's dark face, his thin moustache, unshaven cheek and yellow coat with a feeling of sorrow.

2. Read the following lines and answer the questions that follow :

Once I crept in an oak wood - I was looking for a stag. 
I met an old woman there - all knobbly stick and rag 
She said: 'I have your secret here inside my little bag.
Then she began to cackle and I began to quake.
She opened up her little bag and I came twice awake 
Surrounded by a staring tribe and me tied to a stake.

They said: 'We are the oak-trees and your own true family. 
We are chopped down, we are torn up, you do not blink an eye
 Unless you make a promise now - now you are going to die.'

A. Tick the right answer:1×4=4 

(a) The poet was in search of a (i) mare (ii) male deer (iii) dog (iv) female deer.
Ans: (ii) male deer
(b) "All knobbly stick rag". there 'knobbly' means - (i) torn (ii) destroyed (iii) unsteady (iv) lively.
Ans:iii) unsteady

(c) "I have your secret here inside my little bag"..Who is 'I'?
(i) the old man (ii) a bachelor (iii) a kid (iv) the old woman.

Ans: (iv) the old woman

(d) The phrase 'you do not blink an eye' refers to the poet's - (i) arrogance (ii) indifference (iii) jeolousy (iv) smallness.

Ans: (ii) indifference

 B. State whether the following statements are 'True' or 'False'. Write 'T' for 'True' and 'F' for 'False in the boxes given on the right-hand side. Provide sentence/phrases/words in support of your answer:

(i) The poet was surrounded by oak trees and was tied to a strong wooden post. ____

Supporting Statement : Surrounded by a staring tribe and me tied to a stake.

(ii) The poet, if agreed to make a promise, will live his life. ____


Supporting Statement: Unless you make a promise now - now you are going to die.'


 3. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:

New Delhi: India has formally updated its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) to fight climate change, confirming to the United Nations apex body that it will reduce the emissions intensity of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by 45% from 2005 levels by the year 2030, and to have installed capacity for non-fossil fuel-based power sources equivalent to the country's 50% requirement by 2030.

The update was marked via a two-page document uploaded on the United Nations Frame Work Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) website, and represents India's formal commitments to the Paris Agreement, a legally binding international treaty on climate change.

The second quantifiable goal will be implemented with the help of transfer of technology and low cost international finance, including from Green Climate Fund (GCF), the document states. In other words, it is partially conditional on climate finance from rich nations, the senior environment ministry officials said.
The Paris deal seeks to limit global warming to well below 2, preferably to 1.5 degrees Celcius, compared to pre industrial levels  but study has shown the actions planned and the pledges made by governments the world over are at present inadequate to meet the goals.(Adopted from an article published in the Hindustan Times dated August 27, 2022)

A. Tick the right answer:1×6=6

(i) India will reduce the emissions intensity of its GDP______ by% from 2005 levels by the year 2030 - (a) 50% (b 45% (c) 5%Box (d)95

Ans:( b)45%

(ii) The update represents India's ______commitment to the Paris Agreement. (a) informal (b) casual Box (c) formal(d) unusual.

Ans: c) formal

(iii) The Paris deal seeks to limit global warming to well below (a) 1 degree (b) 2 degree (c) 1.5 degree (d)2.5 degree.

Ans: (b) 2 degree 

(iv) The second quantifiable goal will be implemented with the help of - (a) transfer of technology Box (b) upgradation(c) planning (d) deal.

Ans (a) transfer of technology Box.

(v) Planning and pledges made by the governments are (a) sufficient (b) enough Box (c) inadequate (d)adequate

Ans: (c) inadequate
 (vi) The document updated on the UNFCCC was of - (a)one page (b) two pages (c) three pages (d) four pages.

Ans: (b) two pages

B.  Each of the following statements is either 'True' or 'False'. Write 'T'for 'True' and 'F' for 'False' in the boxes on the right-hand side. Also pick out suitable line(s) or phrasal (s) from the passage in support of your answer:
(1 + 1) * 3 = 6

(i) India confirmed that it will reduce the emissions intensity of its GDP - True (Supporting Statement : "India has formally updated its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) to fight climate change, confirming to the United Nations apex body that it will reduce the emissions intensity of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by 45% from 2005 levels by the year 2030.")

ii) India will install capacity for fossil/fuel-based power sources - False
(Supporting Statement: "installed capacity for non-fossil fuel-based power sources equivalent to the country's 50% requirement by 2030.")

iii) The Paris Agreement is a legally binding national treaty on climate change - False
(Supporting Statement: "represents India's formal commitments to the Paris Agreement, a legally binding international treaty on climate change.")

C. Answer the following questions :2x4=8

(i) What does India's NDC confirm?
 Ans: India's NDC confirms the reduction of emissions intensity of its GDP by 45% from 2005 levels by the year 2030.

(ii) What is the full form of UNFCCC?
Ans: UNFCCC stands for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

(iii) What has the study shown about the limiting of global warming? -
Ans: The study has shown that the actions planned and the pledges made by governments worldwide are presently inadequate to meet the goals of limiting global warming.

(iv) How will the second quantifiable goal be implemented? -
 Ans: The second quantifiable goal will be implemented with the help of transfer of technology and low-cost international finance, including from the Green Climate Fund (GCF).


4. Write the correct alternative to fill in the blanks: 1x3=3

Incidentally, this is not the first time that Hossain______(cracks/has cracked/cracked) the civil services.He______ (has achieved/achieved/had achived)that feat thrice in the past.He______(was chosen/is chosen/has chosen)for forest service,revenue and police but was not happy with them.

5. Do asdirected:

A. Fill in the blanks with appropriate article or preposition:1×3=3

Priyanka Mandal, 38,a nurse of SSKM hospital, died last night while working in Cardiology Department on the 2nd of July. She came in contact with a patient infected_with corona virus.

B. (i) Arghadeep knows the solution to this problem. (Change the voice). 

Ans: The solution to this problem is known to Arghadeep.

(ii) She said to me, "I was deeply surprised at your behaviour." (Change into indirect speech)

Ans: She told me that she had been deeply surprised at my behavior.
(iii) Mother spent nights with anxiety (Rewrite the sentence using the adjective form of the underlined word).

Ans :Mother spent anxious nights.

C. Choose the correct phrasal verbs from the list given below to replace the words underlined. Write the correct phrasal verbs in the boxes on the right hand side changing the form where necessary, There is one extra phrasal verb in the list. 1×3=3

(i) The terrorists tried to explode the railway station-
 blow up
(ii) The police investigated the case.
-looked into

(iii) They cancelled the meeting this afternoon.
Called off
(call off, give up, blow up, look into)

6. Given below are the meanings of four words which you will find in the passage in Question No.3. Find out the words and write them in the appropriate boxes on the right hand side: 

(i) not good enough__Ans:  inadequate 
(ii) able to be measured__. Ans: quantifiable 
(iii) system put into operation__. Ans: implemented/  installed 
(iv) having the same amount__Ans: equivalent 

  SECTION-C (Writing)

7. Write a report in about 100 words for an English Newspaper on the following points: 10
[Points: Fire broke out on the top floor of the Eastern Railway's New Kolaghat building - Strand Road on Monday evening - 9 people died in fire fighting - taken an elevator - encountered toxic fume - short circuit - CM and Fire Minister rushed to the spot - grant of Rs. 10 lakh to the families of the deceased - injured hospitalized]

8. Though the Government has imposed a ban on the use of plastic bags, the use of plastic neither stops nor slows down. Now write a letter to the Editor of an English Newspaper expressing your concern over the hazards of the use of plastic. (within 100 words)                                                         10

Click here to get  answer > Answer NO. 31

9.Write a story(within 100 words)using the following hints. Give a suitable title to the story. 10
[Crow sitting on the tree - piece of meat in its beak - fox passing wants the meat - asks the crow to sing - crow keeps the piece of meat under the feet sings - befooled fox about to leave - the piece of meat somehow falls sown from the feet of the excited crow]

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