Madhyamik ABTA 2024 PAGE 475
 ENGLISH (Second Language)


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দশম শ্রেণির ইংরেজি বিষয়ের সমস্ত প্রশ্ন ,
উত্তর  ,Paragraph ,Writing ,Notice ,
Report ,Suggestion 2024 পাবার জন্য এখানে ক্লিক করো 
সমস্ত ABTA পেজের উত্তর -👉 ABTA TEST PAPER ALL PAGES 2024
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1. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow : Swami hoped that with this his father would be made to see why he must avoid school for the day. But Father's behaviour took an unexpected turn. He proposed to send a letter with Swami to the headmaster. No amount of protest from Swami would make him change his mind. By the time Swami was ready to leave for school, Father had composed a long letter to the headmaster. He put it in an envelope and sealed it.

"What have you written, Father?" Swami asked apprehensively. "Nothing for you. Give it to your headmaster and go to your class."

"Have you written anything about our teacher Samuel?"

"Yes. Plenty of things."

"What has be done, Father?"

"Everything is there in the letter. Give it to your headmaster." Swami went to school feeling that he was the worst boy on earth. His conscience bothered him. He wasn't at all sure if his description of Samuel had been accurate.

Swami stopped on the roadside to make up his mind about Samuel. Samuel was not such a bad man after all. Personally he was much more friendly than the other teachers. Swami also felt Samuel had a special regard for him.

Swami's head was dizzy with confusion. He could not decide if Samuel really deserved the allegations made against him in the letter. The more he thought of Samuel, the more Swami grieved for him. To recall Samuel's dark face, his thin moustach, unshaven cheek and yellow coat filled Swaminathan with sorrow.

A. Write the correct alternative in the given space to complete the following sentences: 1×5=5
(a) While going to school Swami was bothered by -
(i) bad weather
(ii) his father
(iii) headache
 (iv) conscience
Ans:  (iv) conscience

(b) As a teacher Samuel was-
 (i) cruel
(ii) friendly
(iii) strict
(iv) quarrel some.
Ans:(ii) friendly

(c) Swami's description of Samuel was -
(i) mixed up
(ii) accurate
(iii) inaccurate
 (iv) real
Ans:(i) mixed up

(d) An envelope is a -
(i) paper cover
(ii) sack
 (iii) packet
 (iv) carry bag

Ans: (i) paper cover

(e) Swami thought his father had written a letter of -
(ii) complaint
(iii) prayer
 (iv) congratulation

Ans: (ii) complaint

 B. Complete the following sentences with information from the given text:

(i) Swami was unable to decide___ if Samuel really deserved the allegations made against him in the letter.

(ii) Swami stopped on the roadside_to make up his mind about Samuel.

(iii) All the description of Samuel made by Swami was ___mixed up and inaccurate.

C. Answer the following questions. 2×2=4

(i) Why was Swaminathan's head dizzy with confusion? 
Ans: Swaminathan's head was dizzy with confusion because he could not decide if Samuel really deserved the allegations made against him in the letter, and his conscience bothered him.

(ii) How did Samuel look?

Ans:Samuel had dark face, his thin moustache , unshaven cheek. He wore yellow coat.


Ans: Samuel was described with dark face, his thin moustache , unshaven cheek and yellow coat.

2. Read the following lines and answer the questions that follow:

Once I crept in an oakwood - I was looking for a stag.
 I met an old woman there - all knobbly stick and rag. 
She said: 'I have your secret here inside my little bag.'

Then she began to cackle and I began to quake. 
She opened up her little bag and I came twice awake - 
surrounded by a staring tribe and me tied to a stake.

They Said: 'We are the oak-trees and your own true family.
We are chopped down, we are torn up, you do not blink an eye.
Unless you make a promise now - now you are going to die.'

A. Tick the right answer:1×4=4

(a) The poet perhaps imagines himself as a/an to

(i) stag

(ii) old woman

(iii) child

(iv) magician

Ans: (iii) child

(b) The poet was looking for a/an

(i)male deer

(ii) male dog

(iii) male goat

(iv) Angry bird

Ans: i)male deer

c).When the old woman began to cackle the poet began to

 (i) tremble
(ii) cry
(iii) run
 (iv) laugh

Ans: i) tremble

(d) The thing which had inside the woman's bag was a-

(i) stag

(ii) secret

(iii) stick

(iv) gold

Ans: (ii) secret

B. Answer the following questions :2x2=4
(i) When did the speaker begin to quake?

Ans:When the old woman began to cackle, the speaker began to quake. 

(ii) What would happen to the poet if he failed to make a promise?

Ans:If the poet failed to make a promise, he would die.


4. Write the correct alternative to fill in the blank.

When I ____ (returned/was returning/had returned) from the village fair, I ___(see/saw/had seen) a little boy. He seemed to have_____(lose/lost/was losing) his way.

5. Do as directed:

A. Fill in the blanks with appropriate article or preposition : 1x3=3

The Ostrich is_the__ largest living bird species, attaining an average height of____ almost around eight feet, and is also the fastest bird___on_earth.


(i) The old man was so tired that he could not walk. (rewrite using'too')

Ans: The old woman was too tired to walk.

(ii) Tista has done her project work very carefully. (change the voice)

Ans: Her project work has been done carefully by Tista.

Or The project work has been done carefully by Tista.

(iii) As soon as the man heard the news, he fainted. (use no sooner.....than and rewrite)

Ans: No sooner had heard the news than he fainted.

C. Choose the correct phrasal verbs from the list given list below to replace the words underlined. Write the correct phrasal verbs in the boxes on the right hand side changing the form where necessary.There is one extra phrasal verb in the list:1×3=3

(i) Do not hate the poor. ---look down upon 

(ii) Tagore established Viswabharati.-- set up 

(ⅲ)Don't surrender without fight. --give up

[List: give up, give in, set up, look down upon]

6. Given below are the meanings of four words which you will find in the passage in Question No.3. Find out the words and write them in the appropriate boxes on the right-hand side:

(i) declared____announced.

(ii) increasing ____rising 

(iii) wiped out__extinct 

iv)place of shelter___shade

1.Page :22

2.Page :72

3.Page :104

4.Page :127

5.Page :154

6.Page :175

7.Page :199

8.Page :233

9.Page :256

দশম শ্রেণির ইংরেজি বিষয়ের সমস্ত প্রশ্ন ,
উত্তর  ,Paragraph ,Writing ,Notice ,
Report ,Suggestion 2024 পাবার জন্য এখানে ক্লিক করো 
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