Important Textual Grammar of the poem Upon Westminster Bridge

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Important Textual Grammar of the poem "Upon Westminster Bridge"

👉Do as directed.

A.Change the voice.

1.Earth has not anything to show more fair.

Ans:Nothing on Earth has anything more fair to be shown.


Nothing has been shown more fair by earth.


Nothing more fair has been shown by earth.

2.This City now doth, like a garment wear the beauty of the morning.

Ans: Now the beauty of the morning is worn like a garment by this city.

3.Never saw, I never felt, a calm so deep.

Ans:A calm so deep was never seen and felt by me.

👉B.Narration Change

1.The poet said, "Earth has not anything to show more fair."

Ans:The poet said that Earth had not anything to show more fair."

2.The poet says, "Earth has not anything to show more fair."

Ans: The poet says that Earth has not anything to show more fair.

 đŸ‘‰C.Do as directed.

1. The City now doth, like a garment, wear the beauty of the morning; silent, bare. (Rewrite using the noun forms of 'silent' and 'bare')

Ans: The City now doth, like a garment, wear the beauty of the morning which is full of silence and bareness.

2.Dull would he be of soul who could pass by a sight so touching in its majesty. (Rewrite using the adjective form of 'majesty' and the adverb form of 'touching')

Ans :He who could pass by such a touchingly majestic sight would be dull of soul.

3. The river glideth at his own sweet will. (Rewrite using the noun form of 'sweet')

Ans: The river glideth at his own will full of sweetness.

4. Ne'er saw I, never felt a calm so deep. (Rewrite using the noun form of 'deep')

Ans. Ne'er saw I, never felt a calm in depth.

5. The very houses seem asleep. (Rewrite using the verb form of 'asleep')

Ans.It seems that the very houses are sleeping.

6. Earth has not anything to show more fair. (Rewrite using the noun form of 'fair')

Ans: Earth has not anything to show its fairness more.

7. The very houses seem asleep.

(Rewrite the sentence using the  adverb form of 'seem')

Ans:Seemingly,the houses appear to be asleep.

8. All that mighty heart is lying still. (Rewrite using the noun form of 'mighty' )

Ans: All that heart full of might is lying still.

9. Earth has not anything to show more fair. (Turn into an interrogative sentence [Annual Exam-2015, 2018]

Ans.Has Earth anything to show more fair? 

10. Earth has not anything to show more fair.(Turn into positive degree)

Ans. Earth has not anything to show as fair as it.

11.This city now doth, like a garment, wear the beauty of the morning. (Turn into a complex sentence)

Ans: This city now doth wear the beauty of the morning which is like a garment.

12.The river glideth at his own sweet will.

(Turn into complex  sentence)

Ans: It is the river that glideth at his own sweet will. (Complex)

13.Ne'er saw I, never felt, a calm so deep.

(Turn into an affirmative sentence)

Ans: I saw and felt a calm so deep for the first time.

14.All that mighty heart is lying still.(Turn into a negative sentence)

Ans: All that mighty heart is not in motion.

15.The river glideth at his own sweet will.(Turn into negative sentence)

Ans:The river does not glide against his own sweet will.

16.All that mighty heart is lying still. (Rewrite using the noun form of  'still')

Ans:All that mighty heart is lying in stillness
