How Online Shopping Is Done ,Process of Online Shopping ,Write a paragraph using the following flow-chart on 'How Online Shopping Is Done'. 10 [Log in to a website or an app - search a product - select the product - add it to the cart - continue other shopping - go to the cart - place order and select address - check payment options - confirm - log out.]

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Write a paragraph using the following flow-chart on 'How Online Shopping Is Done'. 10

[Log in to a website or an app - search a product - select the product - add it to the cart - continue other shopping - go to the cart - place order and select address - check payment options - confirm - log out.]

Process of Online Shopping

Online shopping has become an integral part of modern consumer. It is a very interesting matter to know how online shopping is done. The process of online shopping involves various stage .The process typically starts with users logging in to a website or mobile app.  Next, a personalized account is created. Then a product is searched for and selected. After that, the chosen item is then added to the cart, allowing further shopping activities to be continued. The cart is subsequently accessed, and the order is placed, including the selection of the delivery address. Payment options are checked before confirmation.  The entire process is concluded by logging out. These series of steps are followed by online shoppers to facilitate a seamless and convenient shopping experience. 


Process of Online Shopping

Online shopping has become an integral part of modern consumer culture, making the process of how it is done particularly interesting. This multifaceted process involves several stages. Initially, users log in to a website or mobile app and create a personalized account. Subsequently, they search for a desired product, select it, and add it to the cart, allowing for further browsing. The cart is then accessed to review selected items, and the order is placed, including the selection of a delivery address. Before confirming the order, users check available payment options. The entire seamless and convenient shopping experience is then concluded by logging out. These series of steps are followed by online shoppers, illustrating the systematic nature of this widely embraced mode of commerce.

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