How to write a character?

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 How to write a character?

How to write any character?

For all classes.

1._(Name of the Character )___is/was one of the (major/most important /principal /most famous ) characters in __(Name of the author)__'s (short story /poem/play)____(Name of the topic)____.

Example :

 Leela was one of the principal characters in R. K Narayan's short story "Leela's Friend ".

 Leela is one of the principal characters in R. K Narayan's short story "Leela's Friend ".

2.He/She plays an important role in this (short story /poem/play).

Example :

She plays an important role in this short story.

He plays an important role in this short story.

3.______is/was the (mother/father/sister/son /daughter /brother) of ______.


Leela was the daughter of Mr. Sivasanker.

Leela is the daughter of Mr. Sivasanker.

4.___(Name)___is /was ____(age)____years old.

Example :

Leela is five years old.

Leela was five years old.

5.He /She belongs to ________class of society.

Example :

He belongs to the upper class of  society.

She belongs to the upper class of  society.

6.All the characters revolve round him/her.

(You have to write few words about this character )


Sometimes his activities impress the audience.

Sometimes her activities impress the audience.


However ,she is an interesting character.

However , he is an interesting character.
