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CLASS-XII এর সমস্ত প্রশ্ন,উত্তর এবং সাজেশন পেতে এখানে ক্লিক করো
ABTA TEST পেপারের সমস্ত পেজের  বড়ো প্রশ্নের উত্তর
 পেতে এখানে ক্লিক করো 👉➡️Answers 
ABTA TEST পেপারের সমস্ত পেজের  উত্তর পেতে 
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ABTA TEST পেপারের সমস্ত পেজের MCQ 👉 MCQ of ALL English Pages 2024  

2. Answer any four questions from 'Prose' and four questions from 'Poetry', of the following questions, each in a complete sentence.1×8=8


(i) What was the girl tired of? 

Ans: The girl was tired of people telling her she had a pretty face.

(ii) How much did the girl like a train journey? 

Ans: As the girl could not bear to sit in a train more than two or three hours, so she did not like a train journey.

iii) What were Kalam's parents regarded as?

Ans: Kalam's parents were widely regarded as an ideal couple.

(iv) Where did Mrs.Jones have her purse? 

Ans:Mrs. Jones carried her purse slung across her shoulder.


Mrs. Jones had her purse slung across her shoulder.

(v) How did the hermit look like?

Ans: Hermit was frail and weak.He breathed heavily while he was digging ground.

(vi) What was Roger afraid of ? 

Ans: As Mrs Jones caught Roger red-handed while he was stealing her purse, he became afraid of facing punishment. He thought if Mrs. Jones was going to take him to jail.

(vii) Where did the evening prayers reach, according to Kalam? 

Ans: According to Kalam, the evening prayers reached to God.

(viii) "There is only one time that is important"- What is the time?

Ans: According to hermit, the most important time is present.


(ix) How can eternal summer be maintained? 

Ans: Eternal summer can be maintained through poetry or sonnet.

Ans: Eternal summer can be maintained through Shakespeare's eternal lines of sonnet.

(x) 'Has wrought a silence' - What has wrought a silence?

Ans : Frost has wrought a silence.

(xi) What role is played by the sun's rays in "Asleep in the Valley"? 

Ans : Streaming from the mountain top,the sun's rays fill the valley full of light and it can make the soldier warm.

(xii) What kind of a task is to kill a tree? 

Ans : According to the poet, act of killing a tree is a ceremonial task.

(xiii) What does the octave and the sestet represent in the poem 'The Poetry of Earth'? 

Ans: In the poem 'The Poetry of Earth',the octave presents the music of summer through the voice of grasshopper and the sestet presents the music of winter in the song of cricket.


"In the poem 'The Poetry of Earth,' the octave portrays the music of summer through the voice of the grasshopper, while the sestet depicts the music of winter in the song of the cricket."

(xiv) How does the 'eye of heaven' sometimes shine in summer ?

Ans:Being very hot, eye of heaven' sometimes shines in summer.


Becoming very hot, eye of heaven' sometimes shines in summer.

(xv) Where are the feet of the soldier? 

Ans : The feet of the soldier are among some flowers.

(xvi) What natural elements are absorbed by the tree for years?

Ans:Sunlight, air and water are absorbed by the tree for years.

4. (a) Do as directed:1x6=6

(i) She thought me a romantic fool (Change the Voice). 

Ans: I was thought a romantic fool by her.

(ii) He sleeps in sunlight at peace. (Rewrite using the adverb form of 'peace'). 

Ans: He sleeps peacefully in sunlight.

(iii) The woman said, "What did you want to do it for?" (Change into indirect speech). 

Ans: The woman asked (the boy )what he had wanted to do it for.

(iv) A man, getting into the compartment stammered an apology. (Split into simple sentences). 

Ans: A man got into the compartment. He stammered an apology.

(v) They are mine. I'll prove this to you. (Join to form a complex sentence). 

Ans: I'll prove to you that they are mine.

(vi) My austere father used to avoid all inessential comforts and luxuries. (Turn into a negative sentence).

Ans: My austere father did not indulge in any inessential comforts and luxuries.

(b) Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and/or prepositions :

The water dripping from his face, The boy looked at her. There was a long pause very long pause. After he had dried his face and not knowing what else to do, dried it again.

(c) Correct the error in the following sentence by replacing the underlined word with the right one from the options given below: 

Ans :

Your behaviour, Ivan Vassilevitch, is strange

[Options: strange, srangly. stramgeness]

➡️👉1.Page :26,

➡️👉2.Page :47,

➡️👉3.Page : 58,

➡️👉4.Page :74,

➡️👉5.Page :85,

➡️👉6.Page : 99,

➡️👉7.Page :112,

➡️👉8.Page :123,

➡️👉 9.Page :134,

➡️👉10.Page : 144,

➡️👉11.Page :154,

➡️👉12.Page :166,

➡️👉13.Page :179,

➡️👉14.Page :193,

➡️👉15.Page :204,

➡️👉16.Page : 215,

➡️👉17.Page :226,

➡️👉18.Page : 237,

6. (a) Recently you attended a seminar on "Plastic carry bags - A threat to Environment" in which matters related to harmful effects of plastic were discussed. Write a report in about 150 words for your school magazine on it. 2+8=10


(b) Write a letter to the officer-in-charge of the local police station reporting the theft of your mobile phone.

Or, Write a precis on the following passage. Add a suitable title:

The importance of English language knows no bounds. The role of English in the world of academy is undeniable. Many seminal books of the world written in regional language are now being translated into English so that people of different languages may come to know about those books. Thus English extends the scope of acquisition of knowledge. In business, politics, economics and in many other fields, English is inseparable. It is not only a communicative media but also a mighty weapon for its lucid syntactical properties, rhetorical enhancement, prosodic grandeur and above all for its economy of expression. Although English was first avoided in a few states due to prejudice and chauvinism, none of the Indians now negate its utilitarian qualities.
