HS ABTA PAGE 85 2024



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CLASS-XII এর সমস্ত প্রশ্ন,উত্তর এবং সাজেশন পেতে এখানে ক্লিক করো
ABTA TEST পেপারের সমস্ত পেজের  বড়ো প্রশ্নের উত্তর
 পেতে এখানে ক্লিক করো 👉➡️Answers 
ABTA TEST পেপারের সমস্ত পেজের  উত্তর পেতে 
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ABTA TEST পেপারের সমস্ত পেজের MCQ 👉 MCQ of ALL English Pages 2024  


(i) Why was the narrator prepared to sit in the train for any length of time?

Ans: The narrator was prepared to sit in the train for any length of time, just to listen to the girl's talking.

(ii) Whom did the narrator think to be formidable creatures? 

Ans: The narrator thought aunts to be formidable creatures.

(iii) What according to Kalam's father does adversity present before us?

Ans:According to Kalam's father, adversity always presents opportunities for introspection (before us.)

(iv) Who would wait for Kalam's father to come out of the mosque?

Ans: People of different religion would wait for Kalam's father to come out of the mosque.

(v) Why did Mrs. Jones tell Roger to comb his hair?

Ans: Mrs. Jones told Roger to comb through his hair so that he would look presentable.

 (vi) At what time did the boy try to steal the purse of Mrs. Jones? 

Ans: The boy tried to steal the purse of Mrs. Jones at 11 P. M(/at 11 O'clock at night)when Mrs Jones was walking alone.

(vii) Who first came to the Tsar to give answers to his three questions?

Ans: Learned men first came to the Tsar to give answers to his three questions.

(viii) Where did the Tsar fall asleep during his night stay in the hermit's hut?

Ans: The Tsar fell asleep on the threshold  during his night stay in the hermit's hut.


(ix) Who cannot brag the poet's friend towards his shade?

Ans: Death cannot brag the poet's friend towards his shade.

(x) Where is the head of the soldier in "Asleep in the Valley?" 

Ans: The head of the soldier in "Asleep in the Valley " is on the pillow made of fern.

(xi) Which season does the cricket represent in "The Poetry of Earth?" 

Ans: The cricket represents the season of winter in "The Poetry of Earth".

(xii) Which part of the tree is the most sensitive one? 

Ans: The root of tree is the most sensitive one.

(xiii) How does the grasshopper enliven the music of summer? 

Ans: The grasshopper enlivens the music of summer by contributing its voice from hedge to hedge.Sometimes he takes rest beneath some pleasant weed when he is tired out with fun.

(xv) What is the theme of the poem "Asleep in the valley?" 

Ans: The theme of the poem "Asleep in the valley" is futility of war.

(xvi) From where would the curled green twigs rise?

Ans: The curled green twigs would rise from bleeding bark close to the ground.

4. (a) Do as directed:1×6=6

(i) I do not want anything of yours. (Change the voice)

Ans:Anything of yours is not wanted by me.


Nothing is wanted from you by me.

(ii) The humming insects don't disturb his rest. (Make it complex)

Ans:The  insects which are humming don't disturb his rest.

(iii) Only the scent of perfume still lingered. (Make it negative) 

Ans: Nothing but the scent of perfume still lingered.

(iv) She laughed pleasantly. (Rewrite the underlined word as adjective but without changing the pronoun 'she'.)

Ans: She laughed in a pleasant manner.

(v) One of the most vivid memories of my early childhood is of the two men. (Turn into positive degree). 

Ans: Very few memories of my early childhood are as vivid as the memory of two men.

(vi) The woman said, "What did you want to do it for, boy?" (Change into indirect speech)

Ans: The woman asked the boy what he had wanted to do it for.

(b) Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and/or prepositions :1/×6=3

Having taken leave of. .....the.....wounded man the Tsar went out........into...... the porch and looked .....around.... for the hermit ........... .Before going .....away......he wished once more.......to..beg an answer.......to...... the questions he had put. 

(c) Correct the error in the following sentence by replacing the underlined word with the right one from the options below:

"I'm not nearly as attracted a travelling companion as the one who just left "

Ans: I'm not nearly as attractive a travelling companion as the one who just left "

[Options: atraction/attractive/attractively] 

6. (a) Suppose an ex-student of your school has cracked All India Medical Entrance Exam this year by securing top position from the state of West Bengal. A felicitation programme has been arranged by your school to honour the student. Write a report on it. (Word limit: 150). 2+8=10

Or, (b) Write a letter to the BDO to sink a deep tubewell in your locality(Word limit: 150).          10

Or, (c) Write a precis of the following passage. Add a suitable title.

From the moment we are born, we cannot live alone. We stand in continual need of assistance of all around us, for body, soul and spirit. We need clothes which other men make; houses which other men build; food which other men produce; we have to get our livelihood by working for others, while others get their livelihood by working for us in return. As children we need our parents to be our comforters. To take care of others we cannot spend a day without our fellow men. We require teachers to educate us; books and masters to teach our trade; and when we have learned it and settled ourselves in life, we require laws made by other men who died hundreds of years before we were born, to secure for us rights and properties, to secure for our comforts in our station and we need friends to comfort us in sorrow and to share our joy.


Interdependence in Human Life

From birth, humans rely on others for basic needs. This dependence spans clothing, shelter, and food. Reciprocal contributions in work and care define our livelihood. Parental support, education, societal laws, and friendships form an intricate web of essential interdependence in our lives.
