CLASS-XII এর সমস্ত প্রশ্ন,উত্তর এবং সাজেশন পেতে এখানে ক্লিক করো
ABTA TEST পেপারের সমস্ত পেজের  বড়ো প্রশ্নের উত্তর
 পেতে এখানে ক্লিক করো 👉➡️Answers 
ABTA TEST পেপারের সমস্ত পেজের  উত্তর পেতে 
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ABTA TEST পেপারের সমস্ত পেজের MCQ 👉 MCQ of ALL English Pages 2024  

2. (a) Answer any four questions from Prose and four questions from Poetry, each in a complete sentence. 1×8=8


(i) What problems did the Tsar face when he woke up in the hermit's hut? 

Ans: When the Tsar woke up in the hermit's hut ,he faced trouble because the bearded man,who was stranger to him, asked for forgiveness.

(ii) What according to Kalam's father, does adversity present? 

Ans: According to Kalam's father, adversity always presents opportunities for introspection.

(iii) What moral advice does Mrs. Jones give to the boy? 

Ans: Mrs. Jones advises the boy to behave properly. She also advises him not steal anybody's pocket book.

(iv) Where would the narrator be going from Dehra? 

Ans:  The narrator would be going from Dehra to Mussoorie.

(v) Who were the most important men for the Tsar from the time of his reaching the hermit's hut to the time of his departing from there?

Ans: The hermit and the bearded man were the most important men for the Tsar from the time of his reaching the hermit's hut to the time of his departing from there.

(vi) Why did Mrs. Jones not ask personal details about Roger while he ate? 

Ans: Mrs. Jones did not ask personal details about Roger while he ate because she did not want to  embarrass him.

(vii) What does Kalam remember as one of his most vivid memories? 

Ans: Wearing traditional attire,Jainulabdeen and Pakshi Lakshmana Sastry use to discuss spiritual matters.Kalam remembers this as one of his most vivid memories.

(viii) When the girl moved from the narrator in order to leave the train, what lingered behind?

Ans:When the girl moved from the narrator in order to leave the train, only the scent of perfume still lingered behind.


(ix) What has the tree absorbed for years?

Ans: The tree has absorbed sunlight, air and water for years?

(x) What are the two ways by which there will be inevitable decline of fairness, as stated by Shakespeare in Sonnet No- 18?

Ans: Ravage of time and power of death are the two ways by which there will be inevitable decline of fairness, as stated by Shakespeare in Sonnet No- 18.

 (xi) What is the effect of the 'hot sun'?

Ans:The hot sun makes the birds faint.

(xii) What is suggested by the word 'hollow'? 

Ans: The word 'hollow' suggests valley.

(xiii) Where are the feet of the soldier?

Ans:The feet of the soldier are among some flower.

(xiv) Who takes the lead in "Summer's luxury"?

Ans: The grasshopper takes the lead in "Summer's luxury".

(xv) What will make the beauty of the poets friend eternal? 

Ans: Shakespeare's sonnet or poetry will make the beauty of the poets friend eternal.


Shakespeare's Sonnet No. 18  will make the beauty of the poets friend eternal.

(xvi) How is the valley illuminated in "Asleep in the Valley"?

Ans:In "Asleep in the Valley" ,the valley is illuminated by bright sunrays that stream from mountain top.

4. (a) Do as directed: 

(i) "I wanted a pair of blue suede shoes". said the boy. (Turn into indirect speech).

Ans: The boy said that he had wanted a pair of blue suede shoes.

(ii) But this alone won't do it. (Change the voice). 

Ans: But it won't be done by this alone.

(iii) When I was old enough to speak questions. I asked my father about the relevance of prayer. (Change into simple sentence). 

Ans: After being old enough to speak questions, I asked my father about the relevance of prayer.

(iv) One should always attend to all that was going on. (Turn into a Negative sentence).

Ans: One should not neglect anything that was going on.

(v) Few girls can resist flattery. (Use the noun form resist). 

Ans : Few girls have resistance to flattery.

(vi) The Tsar, with the hermit's help, carried the wounded man into the hut and laid him on the bed. (Split the sentence).

Ans: With the hermit's help, the Tsar carried the wounded man into the hut. He then laid him on the bed.


Ans: The Tsar, with the hermit's help, carried the wounded man into the hut.He laid him on the bed. 

(b) Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and/or prepositions : 1/,×6=3

....In....reply........,to......the first question, some said that to know...the...right time ....for .....every action, one must draw up..... in.....advance.. a .. table of days, months and years, and must live strictly according to it. 

(c) Correct the error in the following sentence by replacing the underlined word with the right one from the options given below : 

The boy said, "I didn't aim at.

Ans: The boy said, "I didn't aim to .

[Options: for/to/of]

➡️👉1.Page :26,

➡️👉2.Page :47,

➡️👉3.Page : 58,

➡️👉4.Page :74,

➡️👉5.Page :85,

➡️👉6.Page : 99,

➡️👉7.Page :112,

➡️👉8.Page :123,

➡️👉 9.Page :134,

➡️👉10.Page : 144,

➡️👉11.Page :154,

➡️👉12.Page :166,

➡️👉13.Page :179,

➡️👉14.Page :193,

➡️👉15.Page :204,

➡️👉16.Page : 215,

➡️👉17.Page :226,

➡️👉18.Page : 237,

6. (a) A club had organized an inter-school quiz competition a week ago. Your school was one of the participants. Write a report on the event for your school magazine. (Word limit: 150).2+8=10

(b) Write a leeter to the Officer-in-Charge of your local police station to increase night patrolling to curb anti social activities.


 (c) Write a precis of the following passage. Add a suitable title.

 Parents and teachers sometimes forget that the proper function of child is to grow; that the brain cannot in early years be overworked without serious injury to the physical health; than the body, muscles, lungs and stomach must first develop completely; and that the brain is one of the last organs to come to maturity. Indeed, in early life digestion is of greater importance than thinking; exercise is necessary for mental culture; and discipline is better than knowledge. Many are the causes of children blooming early only to wither and run their little course in a few short years. The strain upon the nervous system is more than their physical condition can bear and they perish as soon as they have begun to live. Boys and girls are at present too much occupied in sitting, bearing learning, studying and reciting. Their brain is over worked and their body is underworked.
