Write a letter to your friend advising him/her to practise physical exercise regularly.


Write a letter to your friend advising him/her to practise physical exercise regularly.

Points: Introduction -value of good health -when to get up from sleep - physical exercises - benefits of regular exercise.

(Your address)

Dear Ram,

At the beginning of the letter you take my cordial love. For a long time we are away from each other. I hope you all are well by the grace of God. I am also fine by grace of God. I have come to know that you are not doing physical exercise everyday . I want to share some thoughts with you about the importance of incorporating regular physical exercise into our routines .Health is the source of happiness and early morning exercise is the key of it .Healthy body can only support a healthy mind .So to maintain that very health one of us must do something. Morning walk is such a good habit .Morning air is fresh and free from pollution .Therefore it is the suitable time for exercise .In order to have good health we require pure air ,light and exercise with good food and water. It helps to live an active long life and to improve our mental health .Blood pressure will be under control ,the problem of cholesterol and blood sugar may also be solved .With morning walk we can start for a day's work positively .A man who does early morning exercise can work with fresh energy .He can give a good start of any work which is half done . Our bodies are designed to move .I am advising you to take the first step towards a healthier lifestyle by incorporating regular exercise into your routine. Your future self  will undoubtedly thank you for it.

No more today. I shall tell you in detail when we meet.

My respect to your parents .

Lots of Love to you.

Your loving friend 

(Your Name)

Friend's Address
