Madhyamik ABTA Test Paper 2024 Page 127, Page 127 ABTA Test ,ABTA ENGLISH PAGE 127 , Solved

Madhyamik ABTA Test Paper Page 127, Page 127 ABTA Test Paper
Page 127 ABTA Test ,ABTA ENGLISH PAGE 127 , Solved 

A. Write the correct alternative in the given space to complete the following sentences:1×5=5
(a) True life begins for the cat after he - 
(i) goes out of the room 
(ii) comes back to the room 
(iii) meets the family in the room 
(iv) moves to a new place for living.
Ans: (i)goes out of the room.
(b) The movement of the cat is - 
(i) slow and noiseless 
(ii) slow but noisy 
(iii) quick but noiseless 
(iv) quick and noisy. 
Ans:(iii)quick but noiseless.

(c) Exiled in a new land, the cat would have to learn a new - 
(i) history 
(ii) geography 
(iii) culture 
(iv) manners.

(d) The night adventure of the cat is compared to be - 
(i) as chivalrous as 
(ii) less chivalrous than 
(iii) far less chivalrous than 
(iv) more chivalrous than - the king Arthur's knights ever had.
Ans: (iv)more chivalrous than - the king Arthur's knights ever had.

(e) The sporting ground of the cat is - 
(i) the empty shed
ii) the inside portion of a house 
(iii) the new home 
(iv) the suburban backyards.
Ans:( iv)the suburban backyards.

B. Complete the following sentences with information from the text:  1 * 3 = 3

(i). Dogs and small boys with stone-are thought to be the enemies of the cat.
(ii) Leaving his friends the cat is unwilling to go with the family to a new place because he doesn't want to leave his country, where all his friends are, and where he knows every landmark.
iii) In order to test the working ability of his muscles the cat stretches himself a few times.

C. Fill in the chart with information from the text: 2 X2 = 4

 What (i) The shadows of the cats appear.         

When : (i)When the family has finished tea, and the cat goes out for true life.

When  (ii) The family moves to a new place.

What   ii)The cat, if allowed, will stay at the old house and attach himself to the new tenants.

2. Read the following lines and answer the questions that follow

They said: 'We are the oak-trees and your own true family.
We are chopped down, we are torn up, you do not blink an eye.
 Unless you make a promise now - now you are going to die.'

'Whenever you see an oak-tree felled, swear now you will plant two.
Unless you swear the black oak bark will wirnkle over you
And root you among the oaks where you were born but never grew.'

This was my dream beneath the boughs, the dream that altered me.
When I came out of the oakwood, back to human company,
My walk was the walk of a human child, but my heart was a tree.

A. Tick the right answer: 1×4=4

A. (a) "You do not blink an eye." Here 'you' refers to -
 (i) only the poet 
(ii) Oak trees 
(iii) the old woman 
(iv) all human beings. 
Ans:(iv)all human beings. 

(b) Inevitable death will come to the poet unless 

(i) he finishes his dream 
(ii) he goes back to human company 
(iii) he promises to plant trees 
(iv) he cuts tress.
Ans:(iii) he promises to plant trees 

(c) "You do not blink an eye" means -

(i) you do not bother 
(ii) you do not sleep 
(iii) you do not open your eyes 
(iv) you do not close your eyes.

Ans:(i) you do not bother

(d) When the poet came out of the oakwood, his heart was that of a - 
(i) stag 
(ii) tree 
(iii) human child 
(iv) old woman

Ans:(ii) tree

B. Answer the following questions:                2×2=4

i) How were the oak- trees tortured in human hands?

Ans: The oak-trees were tortured in human hands by the act of chopping and tearing.

ii) What was the noble realisation of the poet after his visit to the oakwoods ?

Ans: The poet realized that his heart was that of a tree after his visit to the oakwoods.


A. Tick the right answer:              1×6=6

(i) Neelsekhar Mandal was from-

(a) Kolkata 
(b) Chennai
c) Purba Medinipur 
(d) Paschim Medinipur.

Ans: (d ) Paschim Medinipur

(ii) Who is the Chairman of Bengal Organ Donation Society? - 

(a) Deb Prasad Mondal
(b) Tarak Nath 
(c) Indrajeet Tiwary 
(d) Prasenjit Bera. 

Ans: (c) Indrajeet Tiwary 

(iii) Number of patients received Neelsekhar's organs in Kolkata were - 

(a) four 
(b) six 
(c) seven 
(d) two. 

Ans: (a) four
(iv) In education Mandal was a-

(a) meritorious student
(b) dull student
(c) mediocre student
(d) inattentive student. 
Ans: (a) meritorious student

(v) Before Neelsekhar's case the events of organ donation happened in this year were – 
(a) five times 
(b) six times
(c) four times 
(d) three times. 
Ans: (c) four times 

(vi) MGM Hospital is situated in - 
(a) Paschim Medinipur
(b) Chennai
(c) Kolkata
(d) Purba Medinipur.

Ans: (b) Chennai

B. Each of the following statements is either 'True' or 'False'. Write 'T'for True and 'F' for 'False' in the boxes on the right-hand side. Also pick out suitable line(s) or phrase(s) from the passage in support of your answers:   (1 + 1) * 3 = 6

(i) This is the first time the small bowel of a person was donated in Kolkata>False

Supporting sentence: "This is the first time that a small bowel has been harvested in the city."

(ii)Neelsekhar Mandal was a medical student. >False

Supporting sentence: "Mandal, who just graduated in engineering, suffered brainstem death."

(iii) One kidney was donated to 59year-old female patient at Apollo Hospital. >False

Supporting sentence :one kidney to a 54 year-old male at Apollo Hospital, another kidney to a 30 year-old male at Command Hospital and the lungs to a 59 year-old male at MGM Hospital in Chennai.

C. Answer the following questions: 2 x 4 = 8

(i) Name two cousins of Neelsekhar Mandal.
Ans:The two  cousins of Neelsekhar Mandal are  Deb Prasad Mondal and Tarak Nath. 

(ii) How did Mandal suffer brain death?

Ans: Mandal sustained a grievous head injury in a road accident last Saturday.

(iii) Where was Mandal admitted for treatment?

Ans:Neelsekhar Mandal was admitted for treatment at Apollo Multispeciality Hospital 

(iv)Who was going to receive the small bowel of Neelsekhar Mandal?

Ans :  The small bowel was allocated  to MGM Hospital in Chennai to be transplanted on an 8 years-old, the heart to a 47 year old male at Apollo Hospital, one kidney to a 54 year-old male at Apollo Hospital, another kidney to a 30 year-old male at Command Hospital and the lungs to a 59 year-old male at MGM Hospital in Chennai.

 SECTION-B (Grammar and Vocabulary)

 4. Write the correct alternative to fill in the blanks : 1×3=3

When Salim Ali___ (returned/was returning/returns) home, he ____ (does/did/had done) a course in Zoology and__(appointed/had appointed/was appointed) as a guide at the museum of Bombay Natural History Society. 

5. Do as directed:

A. Fill in the blanks with appropriate article or preposition: 1×3=3 

And the engine was found in a disused well nearly with its back up. I prayed to heaven to save me from fresh complications.
But the owner of the house, when he came round and saw what had happened, laughed heartily.


(i) The man said to me, "Do you know where he lives?" (Change the mode of narration.) 

Ans :The man asked me if I knew where he lived.

(ii) She failed twice in the exam. She will try again. (Join the sentences)

Ans: Having failed twice in the exam, she will try again.

(iii) You should have sympathy for the poor. (Use the adjective form of 'sympathy'.)

Ans: You should be sympathetic towards/to the poor.

C. Choose the correct phrasal verbs from the list given below to replace the words underlined. Write the correct phrasal verbs in the boxes on the right-hand side changing the form where necessary. There is one extra phrasal verb in the list: 1×3=3

(i) We should abolish our bad habits.----do away with

(ii) He pretended an air of innocence.-put on

(iii) There was none to bid him good bye at the station--send off

[List: put on, send off, take on, do away with] 

6. Given below are the meanings of four words which you will find  in the passage in Question No.3. Find out words and write them in the appropriate boxes on the right-hand side: 

(i) distributed- allocated 

(ii) very serious-critical

(iii)extracted something--retrieved

(iv) gave permission.-consented 

                       SECTION-C (Writing)

7. As a member of 'Kanyashree Club' in your school, you have come to know one of your classmates is forcibly going to be married in her tender age. Now write a letter to the B.D.O of your area to take proper actions to prevent the marriage. Use the following points:           10
[Give your identity - name and address of the victim student - how you learnt it inform about her disagreement to this marriage - her fear to share this news - she is willing to carry on her studies - request for necessary actions.]

Click here to get answer > Answer

8. Write a paragraph using the following flow-chart on 'How Online Shopping Is Done'. 10
[Log in to a website or an app - search a product - select the product - add it to the cart - continue other shopping - go to the cart - place order and select address - check payment options - confirm - log out.]

9. Write a report on an avalanche hit in about 100 words for newspaper with the help of the following information. Give a suitable headline of the report.                   10

[Incident: Avalanche hit. Place: The 14th Mile Point on Jawaharlal Nehru Road, Sikkim. Date: 4 April, 2023. Time: Around 11:30 Α.Μ.. Casualties: 7 tourists killed, 23 rescued from under the snow, 8 critical, actual number of victims unclear. Cause: Due to heavy snowfall tourists restriction after 13th Mile Point, some tourists violated it, mass of snow fell on tourists and cars. Rescue operation: Locals started first, then army and state disaster management teams joined, injured admitted to army and state hospitals, an additional 350 stranded tourists and 80 vehicles rescued and brought to Gangtok, operation hampered for bad weather.]

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