MCQ of All English Pages of HS ABTA 2024 ,Answer of All English Pages, HIGHER SECONDARY ABTA 2024

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MCQ of All English Pages of HS ABTA 2024 ,

Answer of All English Pages, HIGHER SECONDARY ABTA 2024

All MCQ Question And answers ABTA 2023-24

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CLASS-XII এর সমস্ত প্রশ্ন,উত্তর এবং সাজেশন পেতে এখানে ক্লিক করো

ABTA TEST পেপারের সমস্ত বড়ো প্রশ্নের উত্তর পেতে এখানে ক্লিক করো 👉➡️Answers 

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👉 MCQ of ALL English Pages 2024  

PAGE [26]

1. (a) Complete each of the sentences, choosing the correct option from the alternatives provided :



(i) The girl could not bear to sit in a train for more than 

(a) two or three hours 

(b) three or four hours 

© four or five hours 

(d) five or six hours. 

Ans: (a) two or three hours 

(ii) The number of people who ate everyday at Dr. Kalam’s house were – 

(a) very few outsiders 

(b) only the members of the family 

© more outsiders than all the members of the family put together. 

(d) no outsiders but the villagers. 

Ans:c)more outsiders than all the members of the family put together. 

(iii) The woman shook the boy until his teeth – 

(a) fell 

(b) ached 

© rattled 

(d) broke. 

Ans: (c)rattled

(iv) Seeing the Tsar, the hermit – 

(a) greeted him with a smile 

(b) offered him water 

© offered him food and shelter 

(d) greeted him and went on digging.

Ans: (d) greeted him and went on digging.


(v) “And then it is done.” – The word ‘it’ refers to –

(a) hacking 

(b) chopping 

© twisting 

(d) killing. 

Ans:(d) killing

(vi) In the expression “they fill the hollow full of light,” ‘hollow’ suggests – 

(a) the stream 

(b) the glade 

© the valley 

(d) the hills. 

Ans: © the valley 

(vii) The rhyme scheme of the first quatrain of ‘Shall I compare thee’ is – 

(a) abab 

(b) abba 

© aabb 

(d) abcd. 

Ans: a) abab 

(viii) The birds faint because of – 

(a) summer luxury 

(b) the hot sun 

© the warmth of the stove 

(d) the frost.

Ans: (b) the hot sun 


(ix) “I don’t want the Meadows, but I am acting on principle” – The speaker is – 

(a) Lomov 

(b) Chubukov 

© Natalya 

(d) Mironov. 

Ans:(a) Lomov

(x) “She’s willing!” According to Chubukov, Natalya is willing to – 

(a) give away the Oxen Meadows 

(b) accept that Guess is better 

© end the argument 

(d) get married to Lomov. 

Ans: (d) get married to Lomov. 

(xi) Natalya, claims that Chubukov had paid roubles for Squeezer – 

(a) 85

 (b) 25 

© 125 

(d) 185. 

Ans: (a) 85

(xii) Natalya says that she will prove her right over the Meadows by – 

(a) going to court 

(b) Showing the documents 

© sending her mowers out to the Meadows that very day. 

(d) making Lomov a present of the Meadows.

Ans :C)sending her mowers out to the Meadows that very day. 

PAGE [47]



(i) The train drew to the station – 

(a) slowly 

(b) rhythmically 

© silently 

(d) quietly. 

Ans: (a) slowly

(ii) APJ Abdul Kalam was by birth a – 

(a) Telugu 

(b) Tamil 

© Kannad 

(d) Malayali. 

Ans: (b) Tamil

(iii) The Word ‘proclaimed’ means – 

(a) decided 

(b) evaded 

© thought 

(d) announced. 

Ans: (d) announced

(iv) The woman shook the boy until his teeth – 

(a) fell 

(b) ached 

© rattled 

(d) broke.

Ans: © rattled


(v) ‘Leprous hide’ is the tree’s – 

(a) root 

(b) bark

 © leaves

 (d) flowers. 

Ans :(b) bark

(vi) In the expression “they fill the hollow….”, ‘hollow’ means the: 

(a) hills 

(b) glade 

© stream

 (d) valley. 

Ans: d) valley

(vii) “But thy eternal summer….” The word opposite in meaning to ‘eternal’ is – 

(a) universal 

(b) momentary 

© temporal 

(d) decayed. 

Ans : © temporal

(viii) According to Keats, the music of earth ceases –

(a) in summer 

(b) in winter

 © at no point of time 

(d) in autumn.

Ans: © at no point of time 


(ix) “Why talk rot?” – The speaker is

 (a) Lomov 

(b) Natalya 

© Chubukov 

(d) Mironov. 

Ans: (b) Natalya

(x) Chubukov had the bad habit of adding to every word, the phrase – 

(a) etcetra 

(b) that is 

© so glad 

(d) so on. 

Ans: (d) so on.

(xi) The word ‘pettifogger’ is used for –

 (a) Mironov 


© Lomov 

(d) Guess 

Ans: © Lomov

(xi) Chubukov comments that Lomov’s family has had a history of – 

(a) autocracy 

(b) hypocrisy 

© democracy 

(d) lunacy.

Ans:(d) lunacy

PAGE [58]


(i) The narrator could not touch the girl’s hair because – 

(a) he was blind

(b) he was afraid 

© the girl moved away 

(d) the third passenger came in. 

Ans: © the girl moved away 

(ii) Kalam’s father followed his daily routine till –

 (a) his death 

(b)late sixties

 © early sixties 

(d) late fifties.

Ans:(b)late sixties

 (iii) When the wounded man revived, he asked for- 

(a) forgiveness 

(b) a handkerchief 

© something to eat 

(d) something to drink. 

Ans:(d) something to drink. 

(iv) At the time of departure, the boy  wanted to say something else other than – 

(a) ‘Thank you, ma’am’ 

(b) Thank you’ 

© ‘Good night’ 

(d) ‘Thanks ma’am’.

Ans:(a) ‘Thank you, ma’am


(v) The soldier sleeps in – 

(a) moonlight 

(b) rain 

© sunlight 

(d) twilight. 

Ans:© sunlight

(vi) The uprooted root of a tree is scorched in – 

(a) the fire 

(b) sun and air 

© the sun 

(d) the air. 

Ans:© the sun

(vii) ‘And often is his gold complexion dimmed’-the word ‘His’ refers to – 

(a) the poet’s friend 

(b) a summer’s day 

© summer season 

(d) sun. 

Ans: (d) sun

(viii) the warmth of the wintry frost is increased by – 

(a) the cricket 

(b) the grasshopper 

© the stove 

(d) the drowsy man.

Ans: (a) the cricket


(ix) When Lomov meets Natalya, according to Natalya the weather of the previous day was 

(a) splendid 

(b) too cold 

© wet 

(d) dry. 

Ans: © wet

(x) Chubukov advises Lomov that he should not forget all about his 

(a) relatives

(b) neighbours 

© friends 

(d) family members.

 Ans:(b) neighbours

(xi) Immediately after their engagement Natalya and Lomov – 

(a) drinks champagne( x)

(b) go out 

© hold hands 

(d) start argument again. 

Ans: (d) start argument again. 

(xii) During the second argument, Lomov recollects that Chubukov used to be beaten by his

(a) wife 

(b) daughter 

© grandfather 

(d) father.

Ans: a) wife

                         PAGE [74] 



(i) According to the girl, Mussoorie is very beautiful specially in the month of 

(a) July 

(b) August 

© September 

(d) October. 

Ans:(d) October

(ii) According to Kalam’s father, when we pray we transcend our body and become a part of the – 

(a) earth 

(b) world 

© cosmos 

(d) galaxy. 

Ans:© cosmos

(iii) Roger wore – 

(a) red jeans 

(b) blue jeans 

© black jeans 

(d) white jeans. 

Ans: (b) blue jeans 

(iv) The hermit in Leo Tolstoy’s ‘Three Questions’ was – 

(a) tall and weak 

(b) short and weak 

© frail and strong 

(d) frail and weak.

Ans: d) frail and weak.


(v) The tree while growing had fed upon – 

(a) the earth 

(b) the earth’s crust 

© the earth’s exterior 

(d) the earth’s interior. 

Ans: b)the earth’s crust 

(vi) The soldier’s pillow is made of – 

(a) cloth 

(b) ice 

© fern 

(d) cotton. 

Ans: © fern

(vii) Death has no control over – 

(a) the young man 

(b) the poet 

© beauty 

(d) poetry.

Ans: (d) poetry

(viii) When tired out with fun, the grasshopper rests beneath – 

(a) the cooling trees 

(b) some pleasant weed 

© the hot sun 

(d) the hedges.

Ans:b) some pleasant weed 


(ix) Before meeting Lomov, Natalya had been – 

(a) clearing the rooms 

(b) washing clothes 

© cooking food 

(d) shelling peas. 

Ans: (d) shelling peas. 

(x) Lomov wants to get married because he wants to live a- 

(a) happy and contented life 

(b) quiet and regular life 

© exciting and attractive life 

(d) anxious and tiring life. 

Ans: b) quiet and regular life 

(xi) Natalya met Lomov in her – 

(a) Gown 

(b) Lace dress

 © Tunic

(d) Negligee.

Ans: (d) Negligee

(Xii)Lomov inherited his property from his-

(a) parents

(b) grandparents

© late aunt and her brother

(d) late aunt and her husband

Ans: d) late aunt and her husband

PAGE [85]


(i) The high pitched voice must have belonged to the girls – 

(a) father 

(b) aunt 

© mother 

(d) the first passenger. 

Ans: (b) aunt

(ii) This water was carried home for the invalids. ‘this water’ means – 

(a) sanctified water 

(b) distilled water 

© polluted water 

(d) purified water. 

Ans:(a) sanctified water 

(iii) The price of the cake offered by Mrs. Jones to Roger was – 

(a) five cent 

(b)eight cent 

© nine cent 

(d) ten cent. 

Ans: (d) ten cent

(iv) The Tsar decided to consult hermit, widely renowned for his – 

(a) knowledge 

(b) intuition 

© wisdom 

(d) instinct.

Ans: © wisdom


(v) The tree has grown slowly consuming the – 

(a) air

 (b) water 

© earth

(d) rock.

Ans: © earth

 (vi) The humming insects don’t disturb the soldier’s – 

(a) rest 

(b) leisure 

© happiness 

(d) delight. 

Ans: (a) rest

(vii) On a winter evening the frost has made or created. – 

(a) a qurrel 

(b) a silence 

© a noise 

(d) a storm.

Ans:(b) a silence


(ix) Which age according to Lomov is critical? –

(a) 25 

(b) 35 

© 45 


Ans:(b) 35

(x) According to Natalya Stepanovna they had to put off their own threshing till. – 

(a) September 

(b) October 

© November 

(d) December. 

Ans:© November

(xi) “Bring him back! Back! …..” This was said by –

(a) Natalya 

(b) Nastasya 

© Chubukov 

(d) Lomov. 

Ans:(a) Natalya

(xii) The son of Harness and Chisels is – 

(a) Guess 

(b) Sheep 

© Fox 

(d) Squeezer.

Ans: (d) Squeezer

PAGE [99]


(i) The narrator in 'The Eyes Have It' wanted to hide - 

(a) that he was deaf

 (b) that he was dumb 

(c) that he was blind 

(d) that he was shy.

Ans:(c) that he was blind 

(ii) Adversity always presents opportunities for -

(a) retrospection 

(b) inspection

 (c) suspicion 

(d) introspection. 

Ans:(d) introspection

(iii) In Mrs. Jones's house, the boarders were -

(a) many in number 

(b) one in number 

(c) ten in number 

(d) two in number. 

Ans: a)many in number 

(iv) The hermit was known all over the kingdom for his -

 (a) wit 

(b) wealth

 (c) strength 

(d) wisdom.

Ans:(d) wisdom


(v) "And then it is done" - the line refers to 

(a) killing a tree 

(b) planting of a tree

 (c) healing touch 

(d) nice party. 

Ans:(a) killing a tree

(vi) The soldier sleeps in the - 

(a) night 

(b) twilight 

(c) dusk 

(d) sunlight. 

Ans:(d) sunlight

(vii) According to Shakespeare, death has no control over -

 (a) the young person 

(b) the poet 

(c) beauty 

(d) poetry. 

Ans:(d) poetry

(viii) Who enjoys 'Summer's Luxury in the poem "The Poetry of Earth"? - 

(a) a song bird 

(b) the cricket 

(c) the  grasshopper 

(d) the poet.

Ans:(c) the grasshopper


(ix) 'The Proposal' was originally written in -

 (a) English 

(b) German

(c) French 

(d) Russian.

Ans:(d) Russian

 (x) Lomov jumps in his sleep like a - 

(a) dog

(b) lunatic

 (c) rabbit 

(d) fox. 

Ans:(b) lunatic

(xi) Lomov suffers from - 

(a) palpitation 

(b) fever 

(c) cough 

(d) cold. 

Ans:(a) palpitation

(xii) Natalya was wearing a -

(a) frock 

(b) negligee 

(c) robe 

(d) shirt.

Ans: (b) negligee

PAGE [112]

(i) The perfume of the girl's hair was

 (a) Pungent 

(b) Soothing 

(c) Tantalizing 

(d) Horrible. 

Ans: (c) Tantalizing

(ii) In his childhood Kalam usually ate with his- 

(a) father 

(b) brothers 

(c) Parents 

(d) mother. 

Ans: (d) mother

(iii) "Half Nelson' was applied on Roger's - 

(a) legs 

(b) head 

(c) shoulders 

(d) hands.

Ans: (c) shoulders

 (iv)The Tsar stopped after digging - 

(a) One bed 

(b) three beds 

(c) Six beds 

(d) two beds. 

Ans:d) two beds

(v) 'Earth's cave' is created when the tree is - 


 (b) planted 

(c) chopped 

(d) tied. 


(vi) The young soldier looks - 

(a) bright 

(b) Pink 

(c) Pale 

(d) weary.

Ans: c) Pale 

(vii) According to the poet, the summer's lease is - (a) long lasting

 (b) eternal

 (c) brief 

(d) perennial.

Ans:  (c) brief

(viii) The grasshopper is associated with -

 (a) winter

 (b) summer 

(c) autumn

 (d) spring. 

Ans: (b) summer

(ix) Natalya was shelling...... .for drying-

(a) beans

(b) peas 

(c) barley 

(d) gram. 

Ans: (b) peas

(x) Chubukov is in his - 

(a) fifties 

(b) sixties 

(c) eighties 

(d) seventies. 

Ans: (d) seventies

(xi) The name of Natalya's dog is-


(b) Squeezer

 (c) Mironov 

(d) Ivan. 

Ans: (a)Guess

(xii) The colour of Lomov's gloves is - 

(a) grey

 (b) red 

(c) blue

(d) white. 

Ans: (d) white



(i) The narrator in 'The Eyes Have it' pretended to study - 

(a) the girl's face 

(b) the animals

(c) the landscape 

(d) the wild dahlias. 

Ans: (c) the landscape

(ii) According to Kalam's father, prayer made possible a communion -

 (a) between man and god

 (b) between god and children

 (c) of the spirit between people 

(d) between man and children.

Ans:  (c) of the spirit between people 

 (iii) the lady left the door open because she wanted to - 

(a) test the boy 

(b) tempt the boy

 (c) mislead the boy

 (d) show him the outdoor. 

Ans: (a) test the boy

(iv) The Tsar bandaged the wound of the man with his -

 (a) shirt

 (b) scarf 

(c) handkerchief

 (d) turban.

Ans: c) handkerchief


(v) The most sensitive part of a tree lies -

 (a) underground 

(b) above the ground

 (c) exposed

 (d) on the twigs. 

Ans:  (a) underground

(vi) The soldier has red holes in his side

 (a) four

 (b) three

 (c) two 

(d) one. 

Ans:  (c) two

(vii) Eternal summer of the ____shall not fade - 

(a) poet 

(b) friend 

(c) sun 

(d) poem.

Ans: (b) friend

 (viii) A grasshopper sings the song of life during the - 

(a) winter

 (b) spring 

(c) autumn

 (d) summer.

Ans:  (d) summer


(ix) What is the name of Natalya's hunting dog? - 

(a) Z:on 

(b) Tralalgar

 (c) Squeezer

 (d) Guess.

Ans:  (c) Squeezer

 (x) Chubukov used the word drunkard' to

describe -

 (a) Lomov's grandfather

(b) Lomov's father

 (c) Lomov 

(d) Lomov's uncle. 

Ans: b) Lomov's father

(xi) Oxen meadows were - 

(a) green

 (b) yellow

 (c) pale

(d) brown. 

Ans: (a) green

(xii) What type of play is 'The Proposal'? -

 (a) Tragedy 

(b) One-Act play 

(c) Dark comedy 

(d) Historical play.

Ans: (b) One-Act play

PAGE [134]


(i)  The blind girl said that she loved the -

 (a) Tree 

(b) Animals 

(c) Hills

(d) Forest. 

Ans: (c) Hills

(ii) APJ Abdul Kalam was by birth a -

 (a) Telugu

 (b) Tamil

 (c) Kannad

 (d) Malayali. 

Ans:  (b) Tamil

(iii) Mrs. Jones gave the boy - 

(a) Five cents

(b) Five dollars 

(c) Ten cents 

(d) Ten dollars. 

Ans:(d) Ten dollars

(iv) The third question of the Tsar was what was the most important - 

(a) Occupation 

(b) place 

(c) Time

(d) Thing.

Ans:(d) Thing


(v) The source of the tree was hidden inside the earth for -

 (a) years 

(b) months 

(c) days 

(d) weeks. 

Ans: (a) years

(iv) "....his gold complexion dimmed." Here 'his' refers to -

 (a) The sun

 (b) The sky

 (c) Poet's friend 

(d) Poet himself. 

Ans:  (a) The sun's

(vii) The cricket's song coming out from the stove is - 

(a) Shrill 

(b) Dull 

(c) Sweet 

(d) Silent. 

Ans: (a) Shrill

(viii) The valley is filled with - 

(a) Fog 

(b) Sunlight 

(c) Moonlight 

(d) Insects.

Ans: (b) Sunlight


(ix) Chubukov ordered Lomov to shut up or he would shoot him like a - 

(a) Partridge 

(b) Fox 

(c) Dog 

(d) Wolf. 

Ans: (a) Partridge

(x) Natalya appears before Lomov in -

 (a) Skirt 

(b) Evening grown 

(c) Apron and negligee 


Ans: (c) Apron and negligee 

(xi) Natalya is in her - 

(a) Mid twenties 

(b) Mid forties

 (c) Early forties 

(d) Mid thirties. 

Ans:(d) Mid thirties

(xii) The cost of oxen Meadows was -

(a) 500 roubles

 (b) 300 roubles 

(c) 200 roubles 

(d) 100 roubles.

Ans:  (b) 300 roubles

PAGE [144]


(i) According to Ruskin Bond, the best time to visit hills is 

(a) September 

(b) October 

(c) November

 (d) December. 

Ans:(b) October

(ii) Kalam's father followed his routine till his -

 (a) Early sixties 

(b) Late Sixties

 (c) Death

 (d) Late fifties.

Ans:(b) Late Sixties

 (iii) The bearded man was wounded by -

 (a) The Tsar's Son

 (b) The Tsar

 (c) the Tsar's body guard 

(d) the Tsar's servant.

Ans:  (c) the Tsar's body guard

 (iv) Mrs. Jones offered the boy - 

(a) Breakfast 

(b) Lunch 

(c) Supper

 (d) Dinner

Ans: (b) Lunch


(v) The Soldier was lying - 

(a) On his back 

(b) On his chest 

(c) With open eyes 

(d) Open Mouthed. 

Ans: (d) Open Mouthed

(vi) The root needs to be pulled out of the -

 (a) Firm soil 

(b) Anchoring earth 

(c) Underground 

(d) Firm earth. 

Ans:b) Anchoring earth

(vii) "His gold complexion dimmed" - 'His' refers to -

 (a) The sun 

(b) The sky

 (c) Poet's friend

 (d) Poet himself. 

Ans: (a) The sun

(viii) During hot summer birds hide in - 

(a) Bushes

 (b) Shade 

(c) Caves

 (d) Cooling trees.

Ans: (d) Cooling trees


(ix) Chubukov addresses Lomov as - 

(a) A devil 

(b) a Peasant 

(c) an angel

 (d) an angle. 

Ans:(c) an angel(page-1)

(x) The name of Natalya's dog is - 

(a) Squeezer 

(b) Mironov 

(c) Guess

 (d) Ivan.

Ans:(a) Squeezer

(xi) Lomov wants to get married because he wants to live - 

(a) A happy and contented life 

(b) Quiet and regular life

 (c) Exciting and attractive life 

(d) Anxious and tiring life. 

Ans:(b) Quiet and regular life

(xii) According to Natalya they had lent Lomov their. -

 (a) Hunting dog 

(b) Lands 

(c) Peasants

 (d) Threshing Machine.

Ans:  (d) Threshing Machine

PAGE [154]


(i) Accoding to Ruskin Bond, the best time for visiting the hills is - 

(a) September 

(b) October 

(c) November 

(d) December. 

Ans:(b) October

(ii) According to Kalam, severing emotional and physical bond leads one to -

 (a) Death

(b) Eternity 

(c) Freedom 

(d) Divinity. 

Ans: (c) Freedom

(iii) The real intention of Mrs. Jones in "Thank your Ma'am" was to - 

(a) Punish Rodger

 (b) To clean his dirty face

 (c) To teach him right from wrong.

 (d) To hand him over to the police. 

Ans:) To teach him right from wrong.

(iv) The hermit in "Three Questions" was well known for his -

 (a) Wit

 (b) Charity 

(c) Austerity 

(d) Wisdom.

Ans:(d) Wisdom


(v) The most sensitive part of a tree is it's - 

(a) Root

 (b) stem 

(c) Boughs

 (d) bark. 

Ans:(a) Root

(vi) The 'two red holes' in 'Asleep in the Valley' depict -

 (a)Stab mark

 (b) Bullet injury

 (c) Arrow piercing 

(d) Stone injury. 

Ans: (b) Bullet injury

(vii) The cricket is associated with the season - 

(a) Spring 

(b) Summer 


(d) Winter.

Ans:(d) Winter.

 (viii) The 'eye of heaven' is - 

(a) God 

(b) The moon 

(c) The Sun 

(d) The star.

Ans:(c) The Sun 


(ix) Lomov is_ years old - 

(a) 25 years

 (b) 30 years

 (c) 35 years 

(d) Less than 35 years. 

Ans : (c) 35 years 

(x) Guess was bought from -

 (a) Mironov

 (b) Miranov 

(c) Chubukov 

(d) Volchansky. 

Ans : (a) Mironov

(xi) Chubukov is a - 

(a) Businessman 

(b)Land owner

 (c) Merchant 

(d) Shopkeeper.

Ans:(b)Land owner

 (xii) Natalya is drying - 

(a) Selling

(b) Spreading 

(c) Harvesting

 (d) Shelling.



(i) The new passenger who boarded the train at Saharanpur - 

(a) Apologised

 (b) Screamed

 (c) Shouted

 (d) Criticised. 

(ii) After the eating having finished Mrs. Jones offered Roger -

 (a) Five dollars 

(b) Seven Cent

 (c) Ten pounds

 (d) Ten dollars.

(iii) Kalam's father would start his day reading - 

(a) Religious scriptures

 (b) The morning newspaper

 (c) The Namaz 

(d) Some story books.

 (iv) The hermit whom the Tsar met was -

 (a) Strong and stout 

(b) Frail and weak 

(c) Fat and flabby

 (d) all skin and bone.


(v) The expression 'Eye of Heaven' means -

 (a) The Sun

 (b) The Moon

 (c) The Poet

 (d) The Poet's friend. 

(iv) __ will rise from close to the ground.

 (a) curled green twigs

 (b) Yellow shoots

 (c) New roots 

(d) Lovely boughs

(vii) Keats finds inspiration in - 

(a) Nature 

(b) Song

(c) Poetry 

(d) Music. 

(viii) The humming insects don't disturb the soldier's - 

(a) Concentration

 (b) Meditation

 (c) Sleep 

(d) Marching ahead.


(ix) The action of the play "The Proposal" took place in Chubukov's - 

(a) Garden

 (b) Bedroom 

(c) Drawing room

 (d) Dining room. 

(x) Lomov is in his mid- 

(a) Twenties 

(b) Thirties

 (c) Forties 

(d) Fifties. 

(xi) 'Oxen Meadows' measured -

 (a) 15.5 acres 

(b) 14.5 acres

 (c) 12.5 acres 

(d) 13.5 acres. 

(xii) According to Natalya the cost of Squeezer remained - 

(a) 85 roubles 

(b) 65 roubles

 (c) 125 roubles 

(d) 75 roubles.



(i) The boy could not run with the purse he snatched because -

 (a) He felt guilty

 (b) The purse was too heavy

(c) The strap of the purse snapped 

(d) The purse was large and the boy lost his balance and fell down when the strap broke.

 (ii) The game that the narrator played with his fellow travellers was to -

 (a) Pretend that he could see

 (b) pretend that he could not hear 

(c) Make conversation about things around him. 

(d) Make sure that they did not realise that he could not see. 

(iii) Abdul Kalam's parents were - 

(a) Short, thin, and handsome

 (b) Tall, handsome and distinguished 

(c) Wealthy and educated

 (d) Illiterate and unkind.

 (iv) When the Tsar woke up, the wounded man asked from him - 

(a) His property 

(b) His purse

 (c) His forgivness

 (d) A glass of water.


(v) The root is wet because -

 (a) It is a aquatic root 

(b) It is steeped in stream water

 (c) It remains in water 

(d) it absorbs water and other nutrients.

Note : It has been hidden inside the earth for years.

 (vi) The humming insects - 

(a) Disturb the soldier

 (b) Leave the soldier undisturbed 

(c) Entertain the soldier 

(d) Bite the soldier. 

(vii) The beauty of the poet's friend - 

(a) Is gone 

(b) Can be entrapped by age or death

 (c) Cannot be entrapped by age or death

 (d) Has been destroyed. 

(viii) The birds stop singing because - 

(a) The summer exhausts them 

(b) It is the grasshopper's and cricket's time to sing. 

(c) They fall ill. 

(d) Singing tires them.


(ix) Natalya thinks that Lomov is well-dressed because he is going to a- 

(a) Wedding party

 (b) Ball

 (c) A volley ball match

 (d) Birthday party. 

(x) Oxen Meadows are wedged between -

 (a) Bamboo forest and birchwoods

 (b) Mango grove and pine forest

 (c) Birchwoods and the Burnt Marsh

 (d) None of the above.

 (xi) Natalya claims that they had the land for- 

(a) Nearly 200 years 

(b) Nearly 300 Years 

(c) Nearly 400 years

 (d) More than 200 years.

 (xii) Natalya lent Lomov their -

 (a) Ladder

 (b) Ropes 

(c) Tractor

 (d) Threshing Machine.

PAGE [193]


(i) The girl in the story "The Eyes Have It" wished to visit - 

(a) Tourist spots of Mussoorie 

(b) Hills of Mussoorie 

(c) Hills in Dehra. 

(d) Hills of Saharanpur. 

(ii) Kalam's father and Pakshi Lakshmana Sastry used to discuss -

 (a) Political matters 

(b) Social matters 

(c) Economical matters 

(d) Spiritual matters. 

(iii) The boy in the story, 'Thank your Ma'am' tried to snatch the pocket book to buy - 

(a) A pair of blue suede shoes 

(b) A pair of red suede shoes 

(c) A wristwatch 

(d) Some food to eat. 

(iv) The first question of the Tsar was about - 

(a) Right place to go 

(b) Right people to talk 

(c) Right time for every action 

(d) Right thing to do.


(v) 'And the strength of the tree exposed,.........According to the poet the strength of a tree lies in its 

(a) Stem 

(b) Leaves 

(c) Roots 

(d) Flowers. 

(vi) 'Asleep in the valley' is written by - 

(a) Owen 

(b) David Jones 

(c) Rupert Brooke 

(d) Rimband

(vii) In the third quatrain of the Sonnet No. 18, the poet - 

(a) Establishes the simile

(b) Immortalizes his friends beauty 

(c) Describes the face of summer 

(d) Describes his friend's beauty.

(viii) John Keats uses music as a symbol of -

(a) Poetry

 (b) Happiness 

(c) Beauty 

(d) Life.


(ix) 'Oh' unhappy man that I am!' - The unhappy man refers to - 

(a) Lomov

 (b) Lomov's father

 (c) Natalya's father

 (d) The doctor. 

(x) Chubukov mentions that Lomov's grandfather was a/an- 

(a) Pettifogger 

(b) Drunkard 

(c) Intriguer 

 (d) Gambler. 

(xi) The area of Oxen Meadows is-

(a) 12.5 Acres

 (b) 13.5 Acres 

(c) 18.5 Acres 

(d) 11.5 Acres. 

(xii) The weather of the day when Lomov meets Natalya is -

 (a) Wet 

(b) Damp 

(c) Splendid

 (d) Dull.

 PAGE [204]


(i) The thought of laughter only made the narrator of the story, 'The Eyes Have It',- 

(a) Feel serious 

(b) Feel troubled 

(c) Feel lonely

 (d) Feel troubled and lonely. 

(ii) According to Kalam's father, when people reach an impasse, they - 

(a) Try to slove the Problem 

(b) Feel dejected 

(c) Look for someone to help them 

(d) Remain silent. 

Note :👉 look to someone to show them the wayout.

(iii) On waking the wounded man asked for -

(a) Something to drink

(b) Forgiveness 

(c) Revenge

(d) Shelter. 


(iv) Mrs. Jones advised Roger to - 

(a) Behave properly 

(b) Enroll himself in a school 

(c) Seek a job 

(d) Come to her again.


(v) A single line of the word "No" convey the meaning of - 

(a) Tragedy

(b) Delight

 (c) Suspicion 

(d) Determination

(vi) The phrase 'long strands of silver' actually refers to the - 

(a) Sun

 (b) Stream 

(c) Grass 

(d) Clouds.

(vii) The poet states that 'fair' - 

(a) Is subject to change 

(b) Is the opposite of unfair 

(c) Can only diminish marginally

 (d) Is never subject to change.

(viii) ".... a voice will run ." - Here 'a voice' refers to the voice of - 

(a) A song bird 

(b) The poet

 (c) The Grasshopper 

(d) The Cricket.


(ix) Lomov describes Chubukov's mother as -

 (a) An intriguer 

(b) Hump- backed 

(c) A pettifogger 

(d) A backbiter. 

(x) Chubukov suspects that Lomov has come to him to - 

(a) Quarrel with him 

(b) Grab Oxen Meadows 

(c) Marry his daughter 

(d) Borrow money. 

(xi) Lomov said that Guess ran neck-and-neck with -

 (a) The count's dog

 (b) The Duke's dog

 (c) Squeezer

 (d) A fox.

(xii) Natalya wants to bring Lomov back because -

 a) She wants to take revenge 

(b) She wants Lomov as her suitor

 (c) She has made out her faults 

(d) She wants to present Oxen Meadows to Lomov.

PAGE [215]

(i) The blind co-passenger of the narrator in "The Eyes Have It" considered Mussoorie to be the most beautiful is - 

(a) December

 (b) April 

(c) October 

(d) September. 

(ii) One of the forebears of Kalam's mother was bestowed the title of - 

(a) Bahadur 

(b) Rani Saheb 

(c) Rai Bahadur

 (d) Raja. 

(iii) Mrs Jones asked the boy to comb his hair so that the boy would look- 

(a) Tidy 

(b) Presentable 

(c) Handsome 

(d) shabby. 

(iv) The Tsar fell asleep - 

(a) On the threshold 

(b) On the bed 

(c) On the porch 

(d) In the wood.

 (v) "Not so much pain will do it" - The pain is caused due to - 

(a) Withering

 (b) Scorching 

(c) Browning 

(d) Hacking and Chopping. 

(vi) The soldier's pillow is made of - 

(a) Flowers

 (b) Fern 

(c) Grass

 (d) leaves.

(vii) The eternal summer of the poet's friend can be made permanent through - 

(a) Verse

(b) New creations 

(c) Preservation

(d) Wonderful thoughts.

 (viii) The structure of 'The Poetry of Earth' is that of a - 

(a) Petrarchan Sonnet 

(b) Shakespearean Sonnet 

(c) Spenserian Sonnet 

(d) Lyric. 

(ix) Chubukov addresses Lomov as - 

(a) A devil

 (b) A peasant 

(c) An angel 

(d) A trouble maker. 

(x) When Lomov came to meet Natalya she was

(a) Shelling peas for drying,

(b) Reading a book

(c) Waiting in the drawing room

(d) Resting. 

(xi) Chubukov ordered Lomov to shut up or he would shoot him like a - 

(a) Patridge

(b) Fox 

(c) Dog 

(d) Wolf. 

(xii) According to Natalya, the Oxen Meadows belonged to the Chubukovs for - 

(a) Long 

(b) about fifty years 

(c) Nearly three hundred years 

(d) Ever.

[PAGE 226]


(i) "The train drew slowly into the station" - The name of the station was- 

(a) Rohana 

(b) Saharanpur 

(c) Dehra 

(d) Delhi. 

(ii) Kalam's childhood was a secure childhood -

(a) Naturally and spiritually 

(c) Materially and emotionally 

(d) Emotionally and financially. 

(iii) the first question Mrs. Jones asked Roger was - 

(a) "What is your name?" 

(b) "Now ain't your ashamed of yourself?" 

(c) "What did you want to do it for?"

 (d)"If I turn you loose, will you run?"

(iv) When the Tsar went to the hermit to take leave the hermit was - 

(a) Digging the ground 

(b) watering the land 

(c) Taking rest 

(d) Sowing seed in the beds dug the day before.


(v) The most sensitive part of a tree as mentioned in the poem "On Killing a Tree" is/are - 

(a) Curled green twigs 

(b) Sprouting leaves 

(c) Root 

(d) bleeding bark. 

(vi) In the poem "Shall I compare thee to a Summer - Day's" the poet uses a legal term. The term is - 

(a) Temperate 

(b) Lease 

(c) Brag 

(d) Untrimmed. 

(vii) The stream flowing through the valley looks like a - 

(a) Silver belt 

(b) Silver ribbon 

(c) Strand of silver 

(d) Strands of silk. 

(viii) "He rests at ease" - Here 'he' refers to - 

(a) The poet 

(b) The grasshopper 

(c) The cricket 

(d) The bird.


(ix) According to Natalya Stepanovna, The Oxen Meadows are worth perhaps - 

(a) 300 roubles 

(b) 400 roubles

 (c) 48 roubles 

(d) 125 roubles. 

(x) In the previous year, Natalya lent Lomov - 

(a) Harvester 

(b) mowers 

(c) threshing machine 

(d) Sickle. 

(xi) According to Lomov, the price of Squeezer should be - 

(a) 125 roubles 

(b) 85 roubles 

(c) 25 roubles 

(d) 50 roubles. 

(xii) Natalya compares Guess to a- 

(a) Fox 

(b) Sheep 

(c) Stout cab horse 

(d) Worn out cab horse.



(i) In October the hills are covered with -
 (a) Snow
 (b) Frost 
(c) Dahlias
(d) Wild animals. 

(ii) The locality of Kalam's house was predominantly - 
(a) Muslim
(b) Hindu 
(c) Christian
 (d) Jain. 

(iii) Mrs. Luella was walking along the road- 
(a) At night 
(b) In the evening 
(c) In the afternoon 
(d) At noon.

(iv) After handing over the spade to the Tsar, the hermit - 
(a) Went away
(b) Sat down 
(c) Spat on his hand 
(d) Went to the hut.


(v) The 'miniature bough' will regain its former size if it is left -
(a) Unhurt
 (b) Unnoticed 
(c) Unperturbed 
(d) Unchecked

(vi) The 'hollow' is full of - 
(a) Water
 (b) Sound 
(c) Light
 (d) Melody. 

(vii) the gold complexion of the sun is dimmed by -
 (a) Rough winds
 (b) Buds of May
 (c) Clouds 
(d) fog.

 (viii) According to Keats, the music of earth ceases -
 (a) In summer 
(b) In autumn 
(c) In winter 
(d) At no point.


(ix) The weather of the day when Lomov meets Natalya is -
 (a) Wet
 (b) Damp 
(c) Splendid 
(d) Dull. 

(x) 'The stuffed sausage' refers to - 
(b) Natalya 
(c) Natasha
 (d) Lomov

(xi) Chubukov threatens to shoot Lomov like a -
(a) Dog 
(b) Patridge
 (c) Sheep
 (d) Fox

(xii) When Lomov goes to sleep, he feels a pull in his - 
(a) Right side
(b) left side 
(c) ears
(d) Eyebrow.



(i) The narrator of the short story "The Eyes have It" said that flattery could be resisted by - 

(a) All girls 
(b) All elderly women
 (c) Most girls 
(d) Few girls. 

(ii) Adversity always presents opportunities for- 

(a) Introspection
 (b) Retrospection
 (c) Happiness
 (d) Spiritual thinking

 (iii) "The hermit was frail and weak" - the word 'frail' means 

(a) Mortal
 (b) Immortal 
(c) Robust 
(d) Feeble

(iv) "Mrs. Jones put a  'half-nelson' about his neck" - By the term 'half-nelson' we mean -
 (a) A special hold by the neck in rugby
 (b) A special pose in karate
 (c) A special pose in wrestling
 (d) A special hold by the neck in wrestling.


(v) "But this alone won't do it" - Here 'this' refers to 
(a) Killing of a tree 
(b) The planting of a tree 
(c) Nourishment of a tree
 (d) Hacking and chopping. 

(vi) The humming insects don't disturb the soldier because -
 (a) He is fast asleep
 (b) he is senseless
 (c) He is dead
(d) he is determined not to wake up. 

(vii) "Nor shall death brag" - Here 'death' is personified as - 

(a) Boastful man 
(b) A beautiful entity
 (c) Charming personality
 (d) A person with a bag of gold. 

(viii) "The Poetry of Earth" has a/an-

 (a) Pessimistic tone

 (b) Optimistic tone

 (c) Satiristic tone

(d) Melancholic tone.


(ix) According to Lomov his age is -

 (a) Ripe for marriage
 (b) Premature for marriage
 (c) Critical for marriage
 (d) Fit for marriage. 

(x) The first issue of conflict between Natalya and Lomov was regarding -

 (a) The ownership of Oxen Meadows
(b) The superiority of their respective dog (c) the lending of threshing machine 
(d) The money lent to Lomov.

 (xi) Stepan Stepanovitch Chubukov is in his -

 (a) Fifties
 (b) Sixties
 (c) Seventies
 (d) Eighties.

(xii) "Excuse me; I cannot continue this discussion .....' Here the speaker cannot continue this discussion because - 

(a) he is overjoyed 
(b) He is grief stricken
 (c) He is palpitating
 (d) He is sweating profusely.



(i) Kalam's father believed that for people in distress he was -

 (a) A mere Mediator
 (b) Greater than God
 (c) A Solver of problems
 (d) A helpless onlooker of their difficulties. 

(ii) The girl got off from the train at - 

(a) Dehra 
(b) Saharanpur
 (c) Mussoorie
 (d) Nainital. 

(iii) Mrs. Washington Jones dragged the boy to her house to -

(a) Punish him 
(b) Care for him 
(c) Turn him over to the police 
(d) Clean him up and Cook him a meal.

(iv) The Tsar wanted answers to three important questions so that he could be -

 (a) Powerful
 (b) Successful 
(c) Rich
 (d) More intelligent.


(v) In the poem killing of a trees is described as - 

(a) A healthy exercise 
(b) A deliberate act
 (d) A Woodcutter's job 
(d) An innocent act. 

(vi) The sonnet of Shakespeare is addressed to -

 (a) Queen Eliazabeth
 (b) A young Woman
 (c) A young man 
(d) Shakespeare's wife. 

(vii) The setting of the war in Rimbaud's poem goes back to -

 (a) World war-1
 (b) World war-II
 (c) the cold war
 (d) 1870's Europe.

 (viii) In octave of the poem "The Poetry of Earth" Keats depicts - 

(a) Winter
 (b) Summer
 (c) Both
 (d) None of the


(ix) The subject of dispute between the two families, according to Lomov was -

 (a) Burnt Marsh 
(b) Oxen Meadows
 (c) Birch woods
 (d) Red Meadows.

 (x) The first argument between Natalya and Lomov was over- 
(a) Land
 (b) Labour
 (c) Hunting dogs
 (d) inheritance.

(xi) Marusinsky is the name of a - 
(a) Neighbourhood 
(b) Religion
(c) Class
(d) Inheritance.

(xii) Chubukov celebrates the union between his son-in-law and his daughter with - 

(a) Blessing 
(b) Champagne 
(c) Prayer 
(d) Curse.



(i) "We will soon be at your station" - The station referred to here is - 

(a) Dehra 
(b) Mussoorie 
(c) Rohana 
(d) Saharanpur. 
Ans :

(ii) Abdul Kalam's father used to walk -miles to his coconut grove every morning -
(a) One and half
(b) Three 
(c) Four 
(d) Four and half. 

(iii) Roger looked like boy of

(a) Thirteen or Fourteen 
(b) Fourteen or Fifteen
(c) Fifteen or Sixteen
(d) Twelve or Thirteen. 

(iv) When the Tsar went out into the porch and looked around for the hermit, he was -

(a) Sowing seeds 
(b) Digging beds 
(c) Nursing the wound of the bearded man
(d) Speaking to the wounded man


(v) The soldier is -
 (a) Young 
(b) Very young 
(c) Old 
(d) Middle aged 

(vi) Death has no control over -
(a) The young person 
(b) The poet 
(c) Beauty
 (d) Poetry. 

(vii) The meaning of 'drowsiness' is - 

(a) Depression 
(b) Working 
(c) Tiredness
 (d) Half-asleep. 

(viii) The curled green twigs rise from-

 (a) The earth's cave 
(b) The rough bark
 (c) Close to the ground 
(d) The uprooted tree.


(ix) "Excuse me, my precious...." The word 'precious' refers to -
 (a) Lomov 
(b) Natalya 
(c) Chubukov 
(d) Nastasya. 

(x) Lomov says that an overshot dog is always -

 (a) A good hunter
 (b) A bad hunter
 (c) A thoroughbred animal 
(d) A moderate hunter.

 (xi) Natalya says that having lent Lomov their threshing machine, they had to put off their own threshing till - 

(a) September
 (b) October 
(c) November
 (d) December. 

(xii) Who is a 'guzzling gambler' according to Chubukov? - 

(a) Lomov 
(b) Lomov's aunt 
(c) Lomov's father
 (d) Lomov's grand father.




(i) The eyes of the narrator were sensitive only to
 (a) Light
 (b) Shadow
 (c) Light and shade
 (d) Light and darkness.

 (ii) One of the forebears of kalam's mother was bestowed the title of-

(a) Rai Bahadur
(b) Roy Chowdhury
(c) Bahadur 

(iii)The colour of the jeans the boy wore was - 
(a) Navy blue
 (b) Purple 
(c) Blue
 (d) Red.

(iv) The Tsar would like to know the answer in order to be
(c) Joyful 
(d) Wise.


(v) To kill a tree is - 

(a) Very easy
 (b) Almost impossible
 (c) Right thing
(d) Not easy. 

(vi) The end of the poem 'Asleep in the Valley' produces a sense of - 

(a) Shock 
(b) Delight 
(c) Satisfaction 
(d) none of these. 

(vii)Summer's lease is -

 (a) Short-lived 
(b) Long standing
 (c) For years
 (d) For a century. 

(viii) The birds hide in -

 (a) Shade of trees 
(b) Cold trees 
(c) Cooling trees
(d)Shadow of tress


(ix) After hearing Lomov's proposal, Chubukov is 'off his balance' with-

 (a) Joy 
(b) Disgust
 (c) Anger 
(d) Hatred. 

(x) The other name of  Natalya is - 

(a) Nasata 
(b) Natasha 
(c) Nastasy 
(d) Batalya.

 (xi) The Oxen Meadows measure -

 (a) 13.5 acres
 (b) 1.35 acres
 (c) 1.035 acre
(d) ).135 acres. 

(xii) I shall try to be brief. The speaker is -

 (a) Natalya
 (b) Lomov
 (c) Chubukov 
 (d) Chekhov.

[PAGE 299]


(i) The couple who bade farewell to the girl was very anxious about -
 (a) Her Journey
 (b) Her dress 
(c) Her health 
(d) Her comfort. 

(ii) Abdul Kalam's ancestral house was built in - 
(a) 16th Century 
(b) 17th Century 
(c) 18th Century 
(d) 19th Century. 

(iii) The purse of Mrs. Jones was kept - 
(a) On the day bed, 
(b) On the table 
(c) On the chair 
(d) In the almirah. 

(iv) When Tsar approached the hermit, he was -
(a) Reading a book
 (b) Cutting a tree 
(c) Sowing seeds 
(d) Digging the earth.


(v) The word 'leprous' connotes -
 (a) Soft and smooth 
(b) Wounded by the knife 
(c) Rough and marked 
(d) Glossy and shining. 

(vi) The two red holes depict - 
(a) Arrow piercings 
(b) Blood clots 
(c) Stab marks
(d) Bullet wounds.

 (vii) In May 'Rough winds' do shake - 
(a) All trees 
(b) All birds 
(c) buds 
(d) Houses.

 (viii) 'He takes the lead' - Here 'he' refers to - 
(a) Cricket
 (b) Grasshopper
 (c) Earth 
(d) Bird.


(ix) The format of the play 'The Proposal' is -
 (a) One-act play 
(b) Tragedy 
(c) Comedy 
(d) None of this. 

(x) Lomov's age is -
 (a) 35 years
 (b) 34 years
(c) 33 years 
(d) 32 years. 

(xi) At the first meeting Natalya offers Lomov - 
(a) Breakfast 
(b) Lunch 
(c) Drinking water 
(d) Dinner. 

(xii) Squeezer costs- 
(a) 80 roubles 
(b) 85 roubles
 (c) 125 roubles 
(d) 70 roubles.


PAGE [311]

(i) The blind girl said that she would get off at- 
(a) Nainital
 (b) Mussoorie 
(c) Dehra 
(d) Saharanpur.

(ii) Abdul Kalam's ancestral house was built in - 
(a) mid 19th century
 (b) late 19th century 
(c) early 20th century 
(d) early 19th century.

(iii) Mrs Jones gave the boy - 
(a) five cents 
(b) fifty cents
 (c) ten cents 
(d) ten dollars.

(iv) The hermit was - 
(a) tall and weak 
(b) short and weak 
(c) frail and strong 
(d) frail and weak.


(v) The soldier's pillow is made of -
 (a) flowers 
(b) fern 
(c) grass 
(d) leaves.

(vi) Being tired, the Grasshopper takes rest beneath-
 (a) green hedge
 (b) bushes 
(c) pleasant weed 
(d) grassy hills.

(vii) The root needs to be pulled out of the - 
(a) firm soil 
(b) anchoring earth
(c) underground
 (d) firm earth.

(viii) The winds that blow in summer in Shakespeare's Sonnet No. 18 are - 
(a) balmy 
(b) weak 
(c) hot 
(d) rough.


(ix) Lomov's aunt's name is- 
(a) Natalya Stepnova 
(b) Natasha Vassilvitch 
(c) Nastasya Mihailovna 
(d) Natalya Mihailovna.

(x) Natalya was shelling... for drying - 
(a) beans 
(b) peas 
(c) barley

(xi) Chubukov ordered Lomov to shut up or he would shoot him like
(a) partridge 
(b) fox
 (c) dog
 (d) wolf.

(xii) The worst of Lomov's physical problems is -

(a)the way he sleeps

(b)his palpitations
(c) his headache
(d) his limp

PAGE [322]

(i) The couple who saw the girl off were - 
(a) Her parents 
(b) Her aunt 
(c) Her neighbour 
(d) The blind narrator.

 (ii) The people usually carried back home the water from Kalam's father for -
 (a) God 
(b) Invalids
 (c) Beggars
 (d) For all.

(iii) The word 'Kitchenette' stand for -
 (a) Decorated Kitchen
 (b) Large Kitchen
 (c) Broken Kitchen
 (d) Small Kitchen. 

(iv) 'Here comes someone running' - The someone was -
 (a) The Tsar
 (b) The bodyguards
 (c) The bearded man
 (d) The hermit.


(v) "And then it is done" - Here 'it' stand as - 
(a) Watering a tree
 (b) Planting a tree
 (c) Killing a tree 
(d) Plucking flower from a tree. 

(vi) Beneath the soldier's head lies a pillow of-
 (a) Fern 
(b) Flower
 (c) Grass 
(d) Two red holes. 

(vii) 'Every fair from fair sometime declines' - 'from fair' stand for- 
(a) The beautiful object
 (b) The source of beautiful object
 (c) The sonnet 
(d) Poet's friend.

 (viii) The winter evening was - 
(a) Lone 
(b) Busy 
(c) crowded 
(d) Gloomy.


(ix) To Chubukov, Guess is old and short in -
(a) Ears
 (b) Muzzle 
(c) Tail
(d) Jaws. 

(x) Lomov wore a - 
(a) Dress jacket 
(b) formal clothes 
(c) Negligee 
(d) Apron. 

(xi) Natalya was - 
(a) 24 years 
(b) 25 years 
(c) 26 years
(d) 27 years.

 (xii) To Natalya, Oxen Meadows worth is - 
(a) 125 roubles 
(b) 85 roubles 
(c) 430 roubles
 (d) 300 roubles

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(i) 'Aunts are usually formidable creatures'. Here 'formidable' means -
(a) Fearsome 
(b) Important
 (c) Hopeless 
(d) Arranging. 

(ii) Whenever people are in trouble, they look for someone to -
 (a) Help them
 (b) give them money
 (c) Look after them 
(d) Care for them.

 (iii) The attempt to snatch occured at - 
(a) 11 am 
(b) 11 pm 
(c) 12 noon 
(d) 8 pm. 

(iv) The first question of the Tsar was to know -
 (a) What was the most important thing to do.
 (b) Who were the most necessary people.
 (c) What was the right time for every action. 
(d) None of the above.


(v) The meaning of 'miniature' is - 

(a) Small
 (b) Very samll 
(c) Not so big 
(d) Very big.

 (vi) The smile of the soldier was - 
(a) Gentle and innocent 
(b) Gentle and guile 
(c) Sarcastic
(d) Open-mouthed. 

(vii) The 'eye of heaven' stands for - 
(a) Sky 
(b) Sun 
(c) Noon
 (d) Star. 

(viii) The Poetry of Earth is a - 
(a) Ballad 
(b) Sonnet 
(c) Play 
(d) Lullaby.


(ix) The play is set in the country house of -
 (a) Lomov
(b) Chekhov 
(c) Chubukov 
(d) The count. 

(x) According to Lomov, Natalya's housekeeping ability is -
 (a) Average
 (b) Below average 
(c) Good 
(d) excellent.

 (xi) Natalya entered the scene wearing -
 (a) An apron and negligee 
(b) A kimono
 (c) A dress jacket and white glove 
(d) A petticoat.

 (xii) The name of Lomov's younger aunt is -
 (a) Natalya Mihailosna 
(b) Nastasya Mihailovna
 (c) Minorova Mihailovne 
(d) Tsarina Mihailovna

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(i) At last the narrator came to know that his co-passenger girl was - 
(a) deaf and dumb
 (b) lame 
(c) blind in one eye
 (d) completely blind. 

(ii) The writer in the prose piece says that they lived in their ancestral home which was built in the middle of the 19th century. 
The home was built in- 

(a) around 1750 
(b) around 1850 
(c) around 1950 
(d) around 1900.

 (iii) The boy in the story "Thank you Ma'am" wanted a pair of suede shoes that was -
(a) black 
(b) blue 
(c) red 
(d) yellow.

(iv) The Tsar in the story "Three Questions" was termed as the ruler of - 
(a) Germany 
(b) England 
(c) Russia 
(d) USA.


(v) The marks of wound of the soldier are -
 (a) on his head 
(b) on his chest
 (c) in his side
 (d) in his right leg. 

(vi) The 'curled green twigs' rise from -
 (a) the earth's cave 
(b) uprooted tree 
(c) close to the ground
 (d) the rough bark. 

(vii) 'But thy eternal summer shall not fade' - 'thy' refers to-
 (a) Shakespeare 
(b) the sum 
(c) Shakespeare's friend 
(d) the season of Summer. 

(viii) Being tired, the grasshopper rests beneath - 
(a) green hedge 
(b) bushes 
(c) peasant weed
 (d) grassy hills.


(ix) Chubukov said that Lomov's younger aunt and had run away with 
(a) a human 
(b) a drunkard 
(c) a count
 (d) an architect. 

(x) The first argument between Lomov and Natalya was over- 
(a) Land 
(b) Labour
 (c) Hunting Dogs 
(d) Inheritance 

(xi) Natalya Stepanovna: Papa, please tell this gentleman: Who owns green Meadows, we or he? Here green Meadows refer to- 
(a) Birchwoods 
(b) Burnt Marsh 
(c) Oxen Meadows 
(d) Paddy field 

(xii) Chubukov lost his - 
(a) son 
(b daughter
 (c) wife 
(d) aunt.

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(i) October is the month when
(a) tourists are seen in abundance
 (b) hill stations wear a deserted look
 (c) gloom sets in
 (d) weather becomes inclement

 (ii) Every human being is part of a
 (a) dignity 
(b) diversity
(c) divinity
 (d) dogma

 (iii) Mrs. Jones was 
(a) full of vengeance 
(b) full of superstition
 (c) full of understanding
 (d) full of moral scruple. 

(iv) When the Tsar approached, the hermit was 
(a) spitting 
(b) hitting
 (c) sowing
 (d) digging.


(v) The root is the 
(a) source
 (b) offender 
(c) accused 
(d) victim 

(vi) The young soldier's smile is
(a) gloomy 
(b) meaningful 
(c) blank 
(d) without pretension

 (vii) Summer's lease is 
(a) perpetual 
(b) quick flitting
 (c) eternal 
(d) permanent

 (viii) Winter evening is replete with 

(a) chaos 
(b) disorder 
(c) silence
 (d) disappointment.


(ix) Lomov is already 
(a) thirty 
(b) thirty five
 (c) forty
 (d) forty five

 (x) Lomov went to Chubukov's house with 
(a) a marriage proposal 
(b) a business proposal 
(c) an empty promise 
(d) an job offer 

(xi) Chubukov, in reality, had

 (a) poor opinion about Lomov
 (b) high opinion about Lomov 
(c) noble opinion about Lomov 
(d) fantastic opinion about Lomov. 

(xii) The quarrel between Lomov and Natalya
 (a) continued beyond solution.
 (b) ended suddenly 
(c) ended amicably
 (d) created a dead lock in their relation.
